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Everything posted by AllHailToTheKing

  1. but harmony is the most protected , but i think the owner is busy. he is not replying any support. i know there is written that i should contact the harmony and i already did, but they never reply four days now
  2. I know this is not the harmony support but harmony doesn't reply its been 3 days now. please delete this if its not allowed and im sorry. i would like to ask for some help. im stuck here in installing harmony. i tried the automatic installer and the manual still getting the same error. Please see the picture attach. Thanks rA.
  3. thank you miles its already fix. the data center had a power outage.
  4. hi the problem just show up now. cant run my server. m[sql] m: m[sql] m: Can't connect to MySQL server on '211.*.*.*'' (113) m[Debug] m: at loginlog_sql.c:110 Can't connect to MySQL server on '211.*.*.*'' (113) m[sql] m: Can't connect to MySQL server on '211.*.*.*' (113)
  5. how to check if your SQL is working fine and it is recording everything? my SQL seems have a problem. not recording everything. like login and login logs.
  6. yes it compile without any errors. means this is not working anymore?
  7. i put @autotrade on normal players. is that why they can use in whatever job? or should i put @at only so that only mechanic and genetic can use only autotrade command?
  8. following this. having this same problem. on my server thanatos look like its not working.. if you use thanatos on player with high vit thanatos will deal more damage on that player. i tried thanatos and without thanatos card on player with high vit. no change has been made at all. bump
  9. i wanna ask if this is normal. any job on my server can use @autotrade/@at command. if im not wrong i know that only genetic and mechanic or whoever has a cart can use @autotrade? i want to disable @autotrade to all job except for those who has a cart like genetic and mechanic. Thanks rA
  10. brian i just tried this right now. but seems not working. //If type is 2 and the ids don't match, this is a crafted hacked packet! //Disabled because clients keep self-muting when you give players public @ commands... [skotlex] if (type == 2 && (pc_get_group_level(sd) > 0 || sd->bl.id != id)) return; this is what i put and tried to spam on the server nothing happens
  11. im using 2012-10-4 client and rAthena version SvN r17105
  12. i was about to reply that 2 kiel is working even without er. will try this new script. one sec Thanks
  13. i would like to request a script for my kiel card with some modification. 4403,Kiel_Card,Kiel-D-01 Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,769,,,,,{ bonus bDelayRate,-30; },{},{} here is my currently script for my kiel card. i want to disable using 2 kiel card at the same time. if you use 2 kiel card only 1 kiel card will work. but if you have 2 expert ring you can use 2 kiel card. like a combo item. 2kiel will work only when you have 2 expert ring. 2 kiel card will not stock if you dont have 2 expert ring. Thanks rA.
  14. Brian thank you i already found some npc that put a mapflag at that map. Thank you so much guild_vs5.gat mapflag nocommand 10 guild_vs4.gat mapflag nocommand 10 guild_vs3.gat mapflag nocommand 10 guild_vs2.gat mapflag nocommand 10 guild_vs1.gat mapflag nocommand 10
  15. ^ that's why your GMs can't use commands on that map! Somewhere, you either have a script or source edit that is setting mapflag#nocommand. If you use Notepad++ on Windows, use "Find in Files" to search your whole /npc folder for nocommand. On Linux, you can search all files in a folder with grep: grep -Hr -e nocommand /path/to/trunk/npc/ i have to search all my whole npc folder and look for nocommand?
  16. thanks brian for replying appreciate it. here is the map info.
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