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Everything posted by AllHailToTheKing

  1. please can someone give my a script of battle grounds full working with prize and only 5vs5 not 10 vs 10. for 99/70 server trans job only. and im still using eathena anyone people? bump anyone?
  2. its hard to use translator lol. but thanks for that guide tho This attacks cost ~50-100$ an hour. All attacks in RO comunity is HTTP FLOOD (3-5$ an hour) and can be easly detect. not all people pays for DDos there are some that knows how to use it like botnet or hostbot etc. HTTP flood is just for kids tho
  3. that is right but not for big or heavy DDos attack.
  4. this problem is coming really fast in the ragnarok community. almost every server is being attack by a ddos nowadays. ragnarok owners and ragnarok hosting company cant even handle a DDos attack. and thats why iam really sad. before there are no such thing in ragnarok community such DDos, its all about playing for fun. but now almost all hosting company and owner of a ragnarok server are posting that they have been victim of a DDos attack on the server. and not anyone can afford to buy a secure vps that provides full protection agains ddos because the price is way to high. there are people that are hosting at home and some at company, the price is 5-30$ a month. how much will the full protection agains DDOs? 200$? 300$? no way ! well sorry for posting this but this is going wild regarding DDOS. their are some that host a ragnarok for fun with his/her friends and all he get is DDOS? well that is WTF? i just hope someday there will be a software or something that can prevent DDOS attacking a ragnarok server. Thank you for reading my post. Goodbless rA !
  5. thanks for the reply guys, its already solved. the problem is my server has been under heavy ddos attack. The ddos was manageable for a while, then it became too large and the datacenter blocked my IP. and i cant access their website because the attack was taking everyone offline. Thank you
  6. My server is down for almost 2 days and no reply from the host. i dont know what happen and i cant even make a ticket because their site is down. any advice on what will i do? Thanks RA
  7. so you mean i will make a new script for this on my npc/custom?
  8. where should i put that emistry? Thanks for the reply tho
  9. topic title said already. how to disable the GM commands inside the woe maps except admin? Thanks
  10. dot.tk wont allow me because my direct url for my site needs a username and password. so u put my direct url to dot,tk. it goes directly to login page of my host.
  11. hello, my server is hosted at sip. and sip give me a directlogin account for my CP. and i put my website in it. how to link my directlogin website to dot.tk. any idea? Thanks rA
  12. wow. thanks for the reply guys. now i knw. thanks much
  13. i dont know what is the problem but on my server satan morroc doesn't appear at moc_fild22. even i use mobsearch 1916 it is not in the map. only the mobs are on the map. here is my mob_db 1916,MOROCC,Satan Morroc,Satan Morroc,99,8388607,0,6700000,4500000,2,32000,32001,29,65,140,160,30,250,180,50,10,12,2,6,87,0x37B5,100,76,540,432,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Thanks rA .
  14. hello. i just want to ask if where can i edit the chance of the success of making foods and converter? Thanks
  15. Thanks for the reply. i already did that. actually i remove those line on my CP config. the change gender and email this appear. but whenever they go to my CP and click change password the link will looks like this. http://yourserver/?module=account&action=changepass they will only change the link like this. http://yourserver/?module=account&action=changesex or changeemail. and they will directly go to changesex or change email option and that is what i want to prevent. any help? Thanks lunna btw..
  16. Good Day. i have a problem and i really need your help. its about my flux control panel. How To disable/remove Change sex and change email on my flux control panel? All help will be much appreciated. Thank you
  17. where can i change this? example trunk/db/item_db .. Thanks for the reply tho. appreciate it Solved. Thank you so much !
  18. i need help. all my gm's is level 50 and they have basic commands only. my problem is whenever they log in at my fluxCP using the Gm account they have a GM menu list there that they can see >> Accounts Characters Guilds . i need help how to delete this menu for my gm's.. Thank you so much!
  19. bump~ please see post number 1. i want to use my old pvp script and i just want to change the map. but whenever i do it. it wont work. still the old pvp map is there. anyone please help
  20. @paulinds i tried the pvp script you have but the npc is not showing on my server. prontera,209,112,4 script PvP Arena 1198,{ mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "What would you like me to do?"; if(getgmlevel() >= .gmaccess) select( ((.pvp_1 && getmapusers("deathmatch") < 129)?"Warp to Room 1 [^00FF00"+getmapusers("deathmatch")+"^000000/^FF0000128^000000]":""), ((.pvp_2 && getmapusers("pvpmap") < 129)?"Warp to Room 2 [^00FF00"+getmapusers("pvpmap")+"^000000/^FF0000128^000000]":""), ((!.pvp_1)?"^00FF00Enable Deathmatch^000000":"^FF0000Disable Deathmatch 1^000000"), ((!.pvp_2)?"^00FF00Enable Royal Rumble^000000":"^FF0000Disable guild_vs4 2^000000"), "Kick a player", ((!.gvg_1)?"^00FF00Enable GvG on Room 1^000000":"^FF0000Disable GvG on Room 1^000000"), ((!.gvg_2)?"^00FF00Enable GvG on Room 2^000000":"^FF0000Disable GvG on Room 2^000000") ); else select( ((.pvp_1 && getmapusers("deathmatch") < 129)?"Warp to Room 1 [^00FF00"+getmapusers("deathmatch")+"/128^000000]":""), ((.pvp_2 && getmapusers("pvpmap") < 129)?"Warp to Room 2 [^00FF00"+getmapusers("pvpmap")+"/128^000000]":"") ); switch(@menu){ case 1: next; warp "deathmatch",0,0; announce strcharinfo(0)+" entered the PvP Room",0; end; case 2: next; warp "pvpmap",0,0; announce strcharinfo(0)+" entered in Royal Rumble Room",0; end; case 3: next; if(.pvp_1){ mes "[PvP Warper - GM Menu]"; mes "You turned PvP Room 1 Off."; set .pvp_1,0; close; } else { mes "[PvP Warper - GM Menu]"; mes "You turned PvP Room 1 On."; set .pvp_1,1; close; } case 4: if(.pvp_2){ next; mes "[PvP Warper - GM Menu]"; mes "You turned PvP Room 2 Off."; set .pvp_2,0; close; } else { mes "[PvP Warper - GM Menu]"; mes "You turned PvP Room 2 On."; set .pvp_2,1; close; } case 5: next; mes "[PvP Warper - GM Menu]"; mes "What player would you like to kick?"; mes "Press 0 to cancel."; input .@input$; if(.@input$ == "0") close; next; mes "[PvP Warper - GM Menu]"; mes ""+.@input$+" has been warped back to his save place."; atcommand "#return "+.@input$; close; case 6: if(.gvg_1){ next; mes "[PvP Warper - GM Menu]"; mes "You turned GvG Off in Room 1."; mes "You turned PvP On in Room 1."; set .gvg_1,0; removemapflag("deathmatch",mf_gvg); setmapflag("deathmatch",mf_pvp); close; } else { mes "[PvP Warper - GM Menu]"; mes "You turned GvG On in Room 1."; mes "You turned PvP Off in Room 1."; set .gvg_1,1; removemapflag("deathmatch",mf_pvp); setmapflag("deathmatch",mf_gvg); close; } case 7: if(.gvg_2){ next; mes "[PvP Warper - GM Menu]"; mes "You turned GvG Off in Room 1."; mes "You turned PvP On in Room 2."; set .gvg_2,0; removemapflag("pvpmap",mf_gvg); setmapflag("pvpmap",mf_pvp); close; } else { mes "[PvP Warper - GM Menu]"; mes "You turned GvG On in Room 2."; mes "You turned PvP Off in Room 2."; set .gvg_2,1; removemapflag("pvpmap",mf_pvp); setmapflag("pvpmap",mf_gvg); close; } } OnInit: //On Server restart set .pvp_1,1; //0 = Off, 1 = On set .pvp_2,0; //0 = Off, 1 = On set .gvg_1,0; //0 = Off, 1 = On set .gvg_2,0; //0 = Off, 1 = On set .gmaccess,90; //Required GM level to receive menu end; } //omg it duplicates!! belagio,48,73,5 duplicate(PvP-Controller) PvP Warper#01 459 belagio,99,64,5 duplicate(PvP-Controller) PvP Warper#02 459
  21. cant. whenever the server restart or reload all the npc is going back
  22. thank you what about the map. because i have some npc inside the prt_are01 how to remove them?
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