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Haruka Mayumi

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Posts posted by Haruka Mayumi

  1. Even on a dedicated server. Its not possible right now. I used this method when i was connecting to my pc whenever im not at home. Rofl. And i forgot that vps and dedicated servers doesnt have graphic cards capable of running games for it.

  2. 6 hours ago, desfrost said:

    Ok, i found the solution

    in the skill db file change the sphere cost to an array

            - Level: 1
              Amount: 1
            - Level: 2
              Amount: 2
            - Level: 3
              Amount: 3
            - Level: 4
              Amount: 4
            - Level: 5
              Amount: 5


    This was a clean installation with data from git repo


    Is this a bug?

    Do not change the sphere cost because a lvl 5 Finger Offensive and you only have 3 sphere. it wont cast.

  3. 			warp_get_suggestions(sd, map_name);
    		return -1;
    -	if ((x || y) && map_getcell(m, x, y, CELL_CHKNOPASS))
    -	{	//This is to prevent the pc_setpos call from printing an error.
    -		clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,2)); // Invalid coordinates, using random target cell.
    -		if (!map_search_freecell(NULL, m, &x, &y, 10, 10, 1))
    -			x = y = 0; //Invalid cell, use random spot.
    -	}
    +	if (x || y) { //This is to prevent the pc_setpos call from printing an error.
    +		if(map_getcell(m, x, y, CELL_CHKNOPASS)){
    +			clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,2)); // Invalid coordinates, using random target cell.
    +			if (!map_search_freecell(NULL, m, &x, &y, 10, 10, 1))
    +				x = y = 0; //Invalid cell, use random spot.
    +		} else {
    +			struct map_data *mapdata = map_getmapdata(m);
    +			for (int i = 0; i < mapdata->npc_num; i++)
    +				if( x == mapdata->npc[i]->bl.x && y == mapdata->npc[i]->bl.y ){
    +					if (!map_search_freecell(NULL, m, &x, &y, 1, 1, 1))
    +						x = y = 0;
    +				break;
    +				}
    +		}
    +	}


    • Upvote 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Naruto said:

    NO IDEA but maybe you can try something with this


    	amount = item.amount;
    	script = id->script;
    	//Check if the item is to be consumed immediately [Skotlex]
    	if (id->flag.delay_consume)
    		clif_useitemack(sd, n, amount, true);
    		if( item.expire_time == 0 && nameid != ITEMID_REINS_OF_MOUNT )
    			clif_useitemack(sd, n, amount - 1, true);
    			pc_delitem(sd, n, 1, 1, 0, LOG_TYPE_CONSUME); // Rental Usable Items are not deleted until expiration
    			clif_useitemack(sd, n, 0, false);


    This is what i would do 

    if you are talking about useables too. you can use type 11 so that the item wont be gone unless it has script itemskill.


    	11	Usable with delayed consumption (intended for 'itemskill')
    		Items using the 'itemskill' script command are consumed after
    		selecting a target. Any other command will NOT consume the item.


    • MVP 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Naruto said:

    what the heck are you talking about?

    i dunno how you ended up going on SOURCE MODIFICATION.. when this is Scripting Support.

    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= 
    //= Gym Pass Cash Item NPC
    //===== By: ================================================== 
    //= Kisuka
    //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
    //= 1.3
    //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
    //= rAthena Project
    //===== Description: ========================================= 
    //= [Official Conversion]
    //= Exchange Gym Passes to learn "Enlarge Weight Limit"
    //= iRO NPC situated in Payon beside Kafra Shop.
    //===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
    //= 1.0 First version [L0ne_W0lf]
    //= 1.1 Fixed the NPC saying you "00" [L0ne_W0lf]
    //= 1.2 Replaced effect numerics with constants. [Samuray22]
    //= 1.3 Updated script, and fixed potential errors. [L0ne_W0lf]
    payon,173,141,4	script	Ripped Cabus#GymPass	899,{
    	mes "[Ripped]";
    	mes "Hey, there. People aren't";
    	mes "as physically active as they";
    	mes "used to be. Even if you fight";
    	mes "for a living, your body might";
    	mes "be weak and flabby in some";
    	mes "areas. Know what I mean?";
    	mes "[Ripped]";
    	mes "Hey, train with me, and I can";
    	mes "guarantee that you'll be able";
    	mes "to lift and carry more of your";
    	mes "stuff. Just gimme your";
    	mes "^FF0000Gym Pass^000000 each time,";
    	mes "and we'll be good to go.";
    	mes "[Ripped]";
    	mes "But don't get too excited:";
    	mes "no matter how much training";
    	mes "I take you through, you can";
    	mes "overdo it. You ever hear of";
    	mes "anyone that got too buff?";
    	mes "That's cuz they're dead. See?";
    	mes "[Ripped]";
    	mes "I'd say that it'd be safe";
    	mes "for you to seriously train";
    	mes "with me and increase your";
    	mes "item carrying capacity ^FF000010 times^000000.";
    	mes "So... Are you ready to sweat?";
    	switch(select("Yes:No:Um, my workouts wore off.")) {
    	case 1:
    		if (gympassmemory < 10) {
    			set .@add_carry,gympassmemory + 1;
    			set .@remain_carry,10 - .@add_carry;
    			if (countitem(7776) > 0) {
    				mes "[Ripped]";
    				mes "Oh, awesome, I see you";
    				mes "brought your Gym Pass.";
    				mes "Alright, just do what I do,";
    				mes "and try to feel the burn.";
    				mes "Ready? Let's do this.";
    				specialeffect2 EF_EARTHSPIKE;
    				specialeffect2 EF_DEVIL;
    				specialeffect2 EF_COIN;
    				specialeffect2 EF_SIGHTRASHER;
    				mes "[Ripped]";
    				mes "There, you should be able";
    				mes "to carry more stuff with you.";
    				mes "Let's see, we can increase";
    				mes "your item carrying capacity";
    				mes "^FF00000" + .@remain_carry + "^000000 more times if we continue";
    				mes "training together like this.";
    				delitem 7776,1; //Max_Weight_Up_Scroll
    				set gympassmemory,.@add_carry;
    				skill "ALL_INCCARRY",.@add_carry,SKILL_PERM_GRANT;
    			else {
    				mes "[Ripped]";
    				mes "Dude, what'd I tell you?";
    				mes "You gotta bring me your";
    				mes "^FF0000Gym Pass^000000 if you wanna";
    				mes "work out, and build up your";
    				mes "item carrying muscles.";
    		else {
    			mes "[Ripped]";
    			mes "Dude, I don't think we can";
    			mes "build up your item carrying";
    			mes "muscles anymore than that.";
    			mes "It's too dangerous for your";
    			mes "body if we even tried! C'mon,";
    			mes "I told you about the limits.";
    	case 2:
    		mes "[Ripped]";
    		mes "Aw, that's too bad.";
    		mes "Well, come back if you";
    		mes "change your mind. Tell";
    		mes "your friends about me:";
    		mes "if they're flabby, I'll help";
    		mes "get them in shape.";
    	case 3:
    		if (gympassmemory > 0) {
    			mes "[Ripped]";
    			mes "What happened?";
    			mes "You let your item carrying";
    			mes "muscles just atrophy? Lucky";
    			mes "for you, there's such a thing";
    			mes "as muscle memory. It's won't take";
    			mes "as long to build 'em back up...";
    			specialeffect2 EF_EARTHSPIKE;
    			specialeffect2 EF_DEVIL;
    			specialeffect2 EF_COIN;
    			specialeffect2 EF_SIGHTRASHER;
    			mes "[Ripped]";
    			mes "How about that?";
    			mes "Your item carrying";
    			mes "muscles grew back,";
    			mes "just like that! Try not to";
    			mes "wimp out again, okay?";
    			skill "ALL_INCCARRY",gympassmemory,SKILL_PERM_GRANT;
    		else {
    			mes "[Ripped]";
    			mes "Uhh...";
    			mes "We didn't work out";
    			mes "together before.";
    			mes "I'm sure about that.";


  6. If you are talking about GYM PASS not getting remove on inventory then do this:
    - You just need to remove the delitem 7776,1; from the script.

    if you are talking about you want to exceed more than lvl 10 Weight then this one:
    - if (gympassmemory < 10)
    change the 10 to your desired level.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Naruto said:

    Maybe you just didnt download any of the BGM 

    it will give errors if a bgm is called and not found.. as per her explanation. even the official ones doesnt work, meaning she has the files. removing the doubt of not having the BGM.

  8. There's no Mastering Pet on your pet_db.yml


      - Mob: PORING
        TameItem: Unripe_Apple
        EggItem: Poring_Egg
        EquipItem: Backpack
        FoodItem: Apple_Juice
        Fullness: 3
        IntimacyFed: 50
        CaptureRate: 2000
        AllowAutoFeed: true
        Script: >
          .@i = getpetinfo(PETINFO_INTIMATE);
          if( .@i >= PET_INTIMATE_LOYAL ){
            bonus bLuk,2;
            bonus bCritical,1;
          - Target: MASTERING
              - Item: Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil
                Amount: 10
              - Item: Unripe_Apple
                Amount: 3
      - Mob: MASTERING
        EggItem: Mastering_Egg
        FoodItem: Pet_Food
        Fullness: 2
        HungryDelay: 120
        IntimacyFed: 15
        CaptureRate: 0
        SpecialPerformance: false
        AllowAutoFeed: true
        Script: >
          .@i = getpetinfo(PETINFO_INTIMATE);
          if (.@i >= PET_INTIMATE_LOYAL) {
            bonus bLuk,3;
            bonus bCritical,3;
          } else if (.@i >= PET_INTIMATE_CORDIAL) {
            bonus bLuk,3;
            bonus bCritical,2;
          } else if (.@i >= PET_INTIMATE_NEUTRAL) {
            bonus bLuk,3;
            bonus bCritical,1;
          } else {
            bonus bLuk,2;
            bonus bCritical,1;
          - Target: ANGELING
              - Item: Yellow_Potion
                Amount: 20
              - Item: Spirit_Chain
                Amount: 1
              - Item: White_Herb
                Amount: 50
              - Item: Jellopy
                Amount: 200
      - Mob: ANGELING
        EggItem: Angeling_Egg
        FoodItem: Pet_Food
        Fullness: 1
        HungryDelay: 120
        IntimacyFed: 15
        CaptureRate: 0
        SpecialPerformance: false
        AllowAutoFeed: true
        Script: >
          .@i = getpetinfo(PETINFO_INTIMATE);
          if (.@i >= PET_INTIMATE_LOYAL) {
            bonus bMaxHPrate,2;
            bonus bHealPower,8;
          } else if (.@i >= PET_INTIMATE_CORDIAL) {
            bonus bMaxHPrate,2;
            bonus bHealPower,6;
          } else if (.@i >= PET_INTIMATE_NEUTRAL) {
            bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
            bonus bHealPower,4;
          } else {
            bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
            bonus bHealPower,2;




    9069,Mastering_Egg,Mastering Egg,7,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    9088,Angeling_Egg,Angeling Egg,7,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}


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