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Haruka Mayumi

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Posts posted by Haruka Mayumi

  1. located in battle.cpp

    	uint16 anger_level;
    	if (sd != nullptr && anger_id < MAX_PC_FEELHATE && (anger_level = pc_checkskill(sd, sg_info[anger_id].anger_id))) {
    -		int skillratio = sd->status.base_level + sstatus->dex + sstatus->luk;
    +		int skillratio = (sd->status.base_level/3) + sstatus->dex + sstatus->luk;
    		if (anger_id == 2)


  2.     setarray .C_PetEggs,
        9150, 9151, 9152, 9153, 9154, 9155, 9156, 9157, 9158, 9159, 9198, 9200, 9201, 9203, 9204, 9206, 9210;
    		if(inarray(.C_PetEggs,@inventorylist_id[.@i]) < 0) continue; // If the item is not an egg from the array list. continue the loop
    		if(!@inventorylist_attribute[.@i]){ // Check if the egg is not hatched, Attribute 1 if it is hatched, 0 if not.
    			delitemidx @inventorylist_idx[.@i],1; // Delete the item via the index
    			.@delete++;	// Add a counter for deleted eggs
    		if(.@deleted >= 10) break; // if the deleted eggs is more than 10. exit the loop
    	mes "10 Unhatched eggs are deleted.";


  3. The reason that it isn't working is because of the variables on that code.
    Here's the simplified code for that.

    EDIT: This code won't work on maps without loadevent flags

    -	script	rmvbuff	-1,{
    	if(@rmvmap$ == strcharinfo(3)) end;
    	//sc_end sc_spirit;
    	sc_end sc_gospel;
    	sc_end SC_POEMBRAGI;
    	sc_end SC_APPLEIDUN;
    	sc_end SC_ASSNCROS;
    	sc_end SC_WHISTLE;
    	sc_end SC_SERVICE4U;
    	//sc_end 37; // holy weapon
    	//sc_end 38; // holy armor
    	sc_end 187; // increase all stat
    	sc_end 194; // increase hit
    	sc_end 196; // increase flee
    	sc_end 198; // max hp increase
    	sc_end 199; // max sp increase
    	sc_end 200; // attach strength
    	sc_end 202; // increase def	
    	sc_end 214; // SC_SCRESIST
    	sc_end 175; // POEMBRAGI
    	sc_end 181; // SERVICE4U
    	specialeffect2 235;
    	@rmvmap$ = strcharinfo(3);
  4. 4 hours ago, f_fman said:

    I gonna create one in the correct section, can some one delete this one,


    and sorry about that

    I moved it to the correct section. you even created another post on another WRONG SECTION.. please use report button next time.

  5. The problem is your option is skipping a space of random options.. 

    E.G: This will only show the Str + 1 because the Option 1 has no data in it.
    - Option 0: Str + 1
    - Option 1: None
    - Option 2:  Dex + 1

    Edit: You can check your inventory database to see how the random option looks when skipping.

  6. prontera,155,173,5	script	Give	94,{
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Quest already done for this mac.";
    	if(countitem(512) >= 10 && countitem(513) >= 10){
    		delitem 512,10;
    		delitem 513,10;
    		getitem 501,1;
    		setd "$Quest_"+get_unique_id(),getcharid(0);
    	} else
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Not enough items.";


    • Love 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, kalabasa said:

    still the same im talking about this MvP drops just to be clear


    You can't make those 100% because the MVP Drops is random unless it's only 1 item.. it shows how much your chance on getting each item randomly.. if you want to get all then you need to source modify it

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  8. #!/bin/bash
    if [ "$run" -eq 1 ]; then
    if [ $(ps | grep -e login-server | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
    # Login server down
    ./login-server & > /dev/null
    if [ $(ps | grep -e char-server | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
    # Char server down
    ./char-server & > /dev/null
    if [ $(ps | grep -e map-server | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
    # Map server down
    ./map-server & > /dev/null
    sleep 10
    ./auto-restarter.sh &

    you can also cut each server in run it on screen.

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