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SuPr3Me MoTF

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Everything posted by SuPr3Me MoTF

  1. After a random time or doing any action/interacation i get DC. Any ideia? NO ERROS ON SERVER LOGS, ONLY THIS session #3 timed out (LOCALHOST WINDOWS) and session #8 timed out (SERVER LINUX) [SOLVED AFTER] SERVER SIDE: Disable Packet Obfuscation On core.hDisable Client Hash Check on login_athena.confset packets and keys to default in packet_db.txtCLIENT SIDE VIA NEM0:Disable Packet Encryption Disable Force Send Client Hash With this features offline hackers and macros will exploit this vunerability
  2. - script NPC -1,{ OnPcDieEvent: mapannounce ""+strcharinfo(3)+"", ""+strcharinfo(0)+" foi morto(a) por "+rid2name(killerrid)+"", bc_map; end; }
  3. Stats_OPT_OUt is no more avaliable in CORE.H? I want to disable it to check for stabilities.
  4. Guys, can someone give me a hand? I dont understand the Walk to Delay in Hexed... Every time that i click on a SHOP NPC, the char moves to the npc as like clicked on the floor. i Set the Walk to delay to 40 (as default) but, i dont know how it work
  5. I setup our flux to enable the Map and Monster and the link of they are not correct. Look, in Pay_fild04 we have Porings... But, when we click in Poring on the Mob Database the db'S show When we click in Pay_fild04 on Map Database, the shows that have monsters with incorrect ID. Any advise for how to fix this? may i call it a bug¹²?
  6. https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/pull/110 So, i need to change the post_max_size to the size of iteminfo... Ty
  7. Guys, any advise about this ...may a call this bug!? I Define in "Application.php" to enable the Item Description and i upload the itemInfo.lua, but's nothings shows in my CP. Whats wrong?
  8. Guys, does the PACKET OBFUSCATION and the Forced Hash in the both sides (server and cliente) increase the lattency and maybe lead to DC?
  9. array( 'ServerName' => 'FluxRO', // Global database configuration (excludes logs database configuration). 'DbConfig' => array( //'Socket' => '/tmp/mysql.sock', //'Port' => 3306, //'Encoding' => 'utf8', // Connection encoding -- use whatever here your MySQL tables collation is. 'Convert' => 'utf8', // -- 'Convert' option only works when 'Encoding' option is specified and iconv (http://php.net/iconv) is available. // -- It specifies the encoding to convert your MySQL data to on the website (most likely needs to be utf8) 'Hostname' => '', 'Username' => 'ragnarok', 'Password' => 'ragnarok', 'Database' => 'ragnarok', 'Persistent' => true, 'Timezone' => null // Example: '+0:00' is UTC. // The possible values of 'Timezone' is as documented from the MySQL website: // "The value can be given as a string indicating an offset from UTC, such as '+10:00' or '-6:00'." // "The value can be given as a named time zone, such as 'Europe/Helsinki', 'US/Eastern', or 'MET'." (see below continuation!) // **"Named time zones can be used only if the time zone information tables in the mysql database have been created and populated." ), // This is kept separate because many people choose to have their logs // database accessible under different credentials, and often on a // different server entirely to ensure the reliability of the log data. 'LogsDbConfig' => array( //'Socket' => '/tmp/mysql.sock', //'Port' => 3306, //'Encoding' => null, // Connection encoding -- use whatever here your MySQL tables collation is. 'Convert' => 'utf8', // -- 'Convert' option only works when 'Encoding' option is specified and iconv (http://php.net/iconv) is available. // -- It specifies the encoding to convert your MySQL data to on the website (most likely needs to be utf8) 'Hostname' => '', 'Username' => 'ragnarok', 'Password' => 'ragnarok', 'Database' => 'ragnarok', 'Persistent' => true, 'Timezone' => null // Possible values is as described in the comment in DbConfig. ), WHERE is the DbCpConfig? I only see the main and logs dbs array( 'ServerName' => 'FluxRO', // Global database configuration (excludes logs database configuration). 'DbCpConfig' => array( //'Socket' => '/tmp/mysql.sock', //'Port' => 3306, //'Encoding' => 'utf8', // Connection encoding -- use whatever here your MySQL tables collation is. 'Convert' => 'utf8', // -- 'Convert' option only works when 'Encoding' option is specified and iconv (http://php.net/iconv) is available. // -- It specifies the encoding to convert your MySQL data to on the website (most likely needs to be utf8) 'Hostname' => '', 'Username' => 'ragnarok', 'Password' => 'ragnarok', 'Database' => 'ragnarok', 'Persistent' => true, 'Timezone' => null // Example: '+0:00' is UTC. // The possible values of 'Timezone' is as documented from the MySQL website: // "The value can be given as a string indicating an offset from UTC, such as '+10:00' or '-6:00'." // "The value can be given as a named time zone, such as 'Europe/Helsinki', 'US/Eastern', or 'MET'." (see below continuation!) // **"Named time zones can be used only if the time zone information tables in the mysql database have been created and populated." ),
  10. I cant find this conf in conf.php... I think this thing too, but, without success.
  11. Hellow, gusy! How can i change the Default place of the SQL FILES? I dont like the Flux running on the same local of my server main.. how can i change it?
  12. Does Attack Damage Rate of Guild and Misc inscrease, Limite or Decrease the Original Value? ORIGINAL pk_short_attack_damage_rate: 80 pk_long_attack_damage_rate: 70 pk_weapon_attack_damage_rate: 60 pk_magic_attack_damage_rate: 60 pk_misc_attack_damage_rate: 60 NEW CONF pk_short_attack_damage_rate: 100 pk_long_attack_damage_rate: 100 pk_weapon_attack_damage_rate: 100 pk_magic_attack_damage_rate: 100 pk_misc_attack_damage_rate: 100 To makes the attack like the Original's one, without any modification, whats the correct value ? 100 or 0?
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