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SuPr3Me MoTF

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Everything posted by SuPr3Me MoTF

  1. I'll test with some people that have that problem. ^^ Reply later...
  2. Some users of my server are getting trouble because the Netbanking APPs or some antiviruses dont let the game start... Nothings happen, only wont run...Any ideias how to fix this? Hexed compiled with NeM0
  3. .@amount = countitem(.@itemID); but, i need this script get the amount of arrows in getequipid(.@i) instead of count all on invoque character
  4. rAthena Hash: 9827bf6 (latest) Client Date: 2015-11-04a Server Mode: Renewal Description of Issue: Cash is not reducing after purchase and is only subtracted after you relog. @cash-X is not working too. No erros show in Emulator Result: Server's Exploit or End by buying itens without decrease the value spent Expected Result: spend the value after purchase How to Reproduce: Get Cash with @cash or #cash and try to buy anything on cash shop Official Information: empty Modifications that may affect results: nothing can change this Forum's Tag:https://rathena.org/board/topic/111626-warning-cash-shop-and-cash-ultra-bug-found/
  5. My creativity is not balanced. Any can share we us a CODED like this Add(1,5140,1,0,0,10007,30,2244,1,2209,20);
  6. This will check for users on a map. So, if noones is on prontera, the prontera will not exist... Is it?
  7. How can i do it ?./configure && make clean && make server for 32 bits on Machine Running 64
  8. Guys, if you enter a map like "pay_fild04" on a SCRIPT, how can i check if the map warp exists or not?
  9. How can i fix it?I need to set the Flux to renewal to use "ADD ITEM" functions...
  10. He use any HEX or edited GRF ? My mail is not working...
  11. Guys, anyone know why the mail system is not working on clients 2015+ ?
  12. Guys, i found a important LuaFiles to our serer, but they are locked inside a secured grf. Have some way to broken this security? #shareislife
  13. Sorry, the script is not working when PRESS F6
  14. This script will create a DELAY for @go... So, i want to use this to @warp too. /*========================================================= @go command Original concept by jTynne Revised by Mumbles =========================================================== Description: Alternative @go command. Allows for unlimited aliasing, as well as level and group restrictions for each destination. Additional options to add a delay, prevent use when dead, and charge per use are available; default cost is defined with '.cost', but this parameter can be set manually with 'go()'. These extra features are disabled by default. Be mindful that the delay uses a temporary player variable, '@go_delay'; if the player logs out, this variable will be cleared. If you would like for a more secure delay, replace all instances of '@go_delay' with 'go_delay'. =========================================================== Compatibility: Optimised for Hercules emulators. =========================================================== Changelog: v1.0 - First version. [jTynne] v2.0 - Added additional parameters for locations. [jTynne] v3.0 - Optimised for Hercules emulators. [Mumbles] v3.0.1 - Introduced limitless aliasing. [Mumbles] v3.0.2 - Added go() function. [Mumbles] v3.1 - Added option to charge per use. [Mumbles] v3.1.1 - Added option to limit use when dead. [Mumbles] v3.1.2 - Added option to limit use to towns. [Mumbles] v3.1.3 - Added changelog. [Mumbles] =========================================================*/ - script at_go -1,{ /*----------------------------------------------------- Configuration -----------------------------------------------------*/ OnInit: .delay = 0; // Delay per use, in seconds (default: 0) .cost = 10000; // Default cost to use command if '.charge' is enabled .charge = 0; // Charge to use command? 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0) .deadlock = 0; // Prevent usage when dead? 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0) .town = 0; // Require 'mf_town'? 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0) bindatcmd "go", strnpcinfo(3) +"::OnAtcommand", 0, 2; end; /*----------------------------------------------------- Function: go() ------------------------------------------------------- Description: Warps player and checks prerequisites. ------------------------------------------------------- Usage: go(<"map_name">, <x>, <y>, <level>, <group>, <cost>) -----------------------------------------------------*/ function go { if (.deadlock && !Hp) { message strcharinfo(0), "You may not use @go when you are dead."; } else if (.town && !getmapflag(strcharinfo(3), mf_town)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You may only use @go in towns."; } else if (.delay && @go_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You must wait "+ (@go_delay - gettimetick(2)) +" seconds before warping again."; } else if (BaseLevel < getarg(3)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You must be at least level "+ getarg(3) +" to warp to this map."; } else if (getgroupid() < getarg(4) || getmapflag(getarg(0), mf_nowarp)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You are not authorised to warp to this map."; } else if (.charge && Zeny < getarg(5)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You must have at least "+ getarg(5) +" zeny to warp to this map."; } else { if (.delay) { @go_delay = gettimetick(2) + .delay; } if (.charge) { Zeny -= getarg(5); } warp getarg(0), getarg(1), getarg(2); end; } message strcharinfo(0), "@go failed."; end; } /*----------------------------------------------------- Function: alias() ------------------------------------------------------- Description: Determines if input matches alias. ------------------------------------------------------- Usage: alias(<"number">, <"name1">{, <"name2">, <...>}) -----------------------------------------------------*/ function alias { for (.@i = 0; .@i < getargcount(); .@i++) { if (@input$ == getarg(.@i)) { @input$ = ""; return true; } } return false; } /*----------------------------------------------------- Script -----------------------------------------------------*/ OnAtcommand: @input$ = .@atcmd_parameters$[0]; if (alias("0", "pro", "pront", "prontera")) { go("prontera",156, 184, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("1", "moc", "mor", "morocc", "morroc")) { go("morocc", 160, 100, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("2", "gef", "geffen")) { go("geffen", 120, 70, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("3", "pay", "payo", "payon")) { go("payon", 174, 98, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("4", "alb", "alberta")) { go("alberta", 192, 147, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("5", "izl", "izlude")) { go("izlude", 127, 109, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("6", "ald", "alde", "aldebaran")) { go("aldebaran", 140, 114, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("7", "xmas", "lutie")) { go("xmas", 148, 117, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("8", "com", "comodo")) { go("comodo",189, 151, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("9", "juno", "yuno")) { go("yuno", 157, 182, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("10", "ama", "amat", "amatsu")) { go("amatsu", 115, 153, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("11", "gon", "gonr", "gonryun")) { go("gonryun", 159, 116, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("12", "umb", "umbala", "umbrella")) { go("umbala", 90, 154, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("13", "nif", "niflheim")) { go("niflheim", 195, 175, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("14", "lou", "louyang")) { go("louyang", 218, 99, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("15", "nov", "ng", "novice")) { go("new_1-1", 53, 111, 0, 10, .cost); } else if (alias("16", "jail", "prison")) { go("sec_pri", 23, 61, 0, 10, .cost); } else if (alias("17", "jaw", "jawaii")) { go("jawaii", 221, 221, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("18", "ayo", "ayotaya", "ayothaya")) { go("ayothaya", 151, 165, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("19", "ein", "einbroch")) { go("einbroch", 64, 200, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("20", "lhz", "light", "lighthalzen")) { go("lighthalzen", 158, 92, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("21", "einbe", "einbech")) { go("einbech", 176, 125, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("22", "hug", "hugel")) { go("hugel", 96, 145, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("23", "rach", "rachel")) { go("rachel", 130, 110, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("24", "ve", "veins")) { go("veins", 216, 123, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("25", "mosc", "mosk", "moscovia")) { go("moscovia", 223, 184, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("26", "camp", "mid", "midgard")) { go("mid_camp", 180, 240, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("27", "man", "manuk")) { go("manuk", 282, 138, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("28", "spl", "splend", "splendide")) { go("splendide", 197, 176, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("29", "br", "bra", "brasil", "brasilis")) { go("brasilis", 182, 239, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("30", "el", "eldic", "dic", "dicastes")) { go("dicastes01", 198, 187, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("31", "mora")) { go("mora", 44, 151, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("32", "dew", "dewata")) { go("dewata", 200, 180, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("33", "mal", "malang", "malangdo")) { go("malangdo", 140, 114, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("34", "port", "malay", "malaya")) { go("malaya", 242, 211, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("35", "ecl", "ecla", "eclag", "eclage")) { go("eclage", 110, 39, 0, 0, .cost); } else { message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid location number, or name."; message strcharinfo(0), "Params: <city name|number>"; message strcharinfo(0), "Warps you to a city."; message strcharinfo(0), "0: Prontera 1: Morroc 2: Geffen 3: Payon 4: Alberta"; message strcharinfo(0), "5: Izlude 6: Al De Baran 7: Lutie 8: Comodo 9: Yuno"; message strcharinfo(0), "10: Amatsu 11: Gonryun 12: Umbala 13: Niflheim 14: Louyang"; message strcharinfo(0), "15: Novice Grounds 16: Prison 17: Jawaii 18: Ayothaya 19: Einbroch"; message strcharinfo(0), "20: Lighthalzen 21: Einbech 22: Hugel 23: Rachel 24: Veins"; message strcharinfo(0), "25: Moscovia 26: Midgard Camp 27: Manuk 28: Splendide 29: Brasilis"; message strcharinfo(0), "30: El Dicastes 31: Mora 32: Dewata 33: Malangdo 34: Malaya"; message strcharinfo(0), "35: Eclage"; message strcharinfo(0), "@go failed."; } end; }
  15. I saw some old tips but they are too old. Can anyone help me?
  16. SOLVED *delequip <equipment slot>{,<char_id>}; This command will destroy whatever is currently equipped in the invoking character's specified equipment slot. For a full list of possible equipment slots see 'getequipid'. This command will return 1 if an item was deleted and 0 otherwise.
  17. I know about the nightmare mapflag, but i need a specific script for this... Anyone know any script like this? I created one with @dropall but this doesnt worked like i wanted... Now, after analized the situation i prefeer a specific one
  18. i need to create one ^^... i"m running this server on a Web Server...paid service...
  19. Hellow guys! Any suggest to bypass the character codification error from itemInfo.Lua in NotePad++... If i try to add a new item i get a ERROR while try to enter in the Game.exe. System: Windows 10 PRO 64 Language: PT-BR Codification: UTF-8 (may i try the ISO88591???) Look, some files are like this.. .
  20. PHP Configs Value post_max_size 8M upload_max_filesize 512M This is my Default Server's host values... I want to know, how can i increase it to upload the itemInfo.Lua to the Database of fluxCP
  21. Anyone have any advice of how can i enable or show the rates of server on SERVERS INFORMATION original page? ?
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