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Everything posted by spangler

  1. Hi, I was wondering why the mapflag is not working properly ?
  2. Will you expand this fishing system more in the future ? I would like to see more of it such as leveling as you get more fish, fishing rank ladder, Rare fish (despite the sprite etc) in certain spot, as well as getting further prize, just like world of fishing made by scripter in the past.
  3. you may want to include "The beginning" quest with a simple ontouch script nearby the spawn point of doram. It is quest 7711.
  4. Halo semua, Saya sedang mencari dua orang GM yang profesional untuk membantu mengurus komunitas Private Server RO. Deskripsi Pekerjaan: - Membantu para pemain dalam menggunakan fitur maupun hal yang lainnya yang berhubungan dengan Informasi Permainan. - Mengadakan event-event mini-game kecil. - Mengawasi jalannya permainan agar terhindar dari kecurangan Persyaratan Wajib: - Menguasai bahasa Indonesia yang fasih - Dapat mendedikasikan waktu full terhadap server dengna harapan tentunya selalu online setiap hari dari pagi hingga malam (diluar jam tidur) - Sudah Dewasa, beretika serta bertutur kata yang sopan - Memiliki kemauan untuk mengayomi dan bersabar dengan pemain. - Profesional dalam bekejer Persyaratan Tambahan <Optional>: - Memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya dalam hal mengurus event-event - Memiliki pengetahuan lengkap mengenai Renewal System RO - Menguasai Bahasa Inggris dengan fasih Kami akan memberikan bayaran berupa gaji dalam rupiah. Info lebih lanjut hubungi saya via PM
  5. Thanks that really do answers a lot! Wow didn't expect bottlenecks on that kind of monster spawn script though, can't say true enough, now I do know where should I optimize my server script. If anyone can have different opinion or fact , you are welcome to reply.
  6. Hi guys! I had several question regarding eventqueue and its impact to server performance. 1. By default MAX_EVENTQUEUE is set on 2, I was wondering how big is the optimum value EVENTQUEUE can actually hold? 2. If you increase the value of EVENTQUEUE setting, will it impact server performance? )such as lag, memory, etc) 3. How to optimize server performance to accommodate 500+ people? In which part of sources or script can I optimized this
  7. hi guys, is this script still working with current rathena revision ?
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