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  1. can you kindly share your script? thankyou in advance
  2. //Mining Script// prontera,156,177,3 script Mining Ore 1288,{ set .@Auto,1; set .@minecast,12; if(@mining != 0) goto Dspottaken; if(.mining != 0) goto Dstillmining; if(countitem(28116) < 1) goto Dnopickaxe; if (isequipped(15179)) { set .@minecast,.@minecast - 2; } Mine: progressbar "ffffff",.@minecast; if (rand(1,1000) <= 1){ setarray .@SRare[0],985,984,7620,7619; set .@SRareCatch, .@SRare[rand(getarraysize(.@SRare))]; getitem .@SRareCatch,1; //Reward specialeffect2 EF_TEMP_OK; mapannounce strcharinfo(3),strcharinfo(0)+" has caught a "+getitemname(.@SRareCatch)+"!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; if(.@Auto==1){ goto Mine;}else{ set .mining,0; set @mining,0; end;} } Dspottaken: mes "Someone's already mining here"; close; Dstillmining: mes "Relax , You Are still mining"; close; Dnopickaxe: mes "I'll be needing a ^008800Pickaxe^000000 for this.."; close; hello i need a mining script that uses progress bar , but the problems are when you try to move while casting , the .@mining and .mining don't go 0 , it stays 1 and i cant talk to the NPC anymore
  3. oh okay.. so it's either gravity approves using thier client files or you build the whole client from scratch..
  4. Hi .. i am sorry if i am in the wrong section to ask.. But can we use rathena server on Blockchain? Is there a possibility that i can be sued by gravity or other companies assossiated with the Official Ragnarok? like using Zeny as coins , or using equipments as NFTs ..
  5. set .OverWrite,0; // Allows overwriting the already existing option enchantment ( 0 to disable ) -> It still overwrites the first RandOption set .OverWrite,1; // Allows overwriting the already existing option enchantment ( 0 to disable ) -> It Only Overwrites the first RandOption (Ex if you have 4 options) only the 1st one is being overwritten set .FailRate,0; // Sets fail chance -> Still Breaks the Equipment idk why set .MaxIndex,3; // Maximum option slots ( default is 0 to 4 ) -> Ex. if i add the 1st Option and i have 2 free slots.. there's a time that it will overwrite the 1st option Add a Continue or Save Option,, so if you didnt like the option you can discard it thanks
  6. @Mabuhay kindly add rounds .. where both guilds will restart and a 10 seconds count down for round 2 or round 3
  7. /* item_db.conf { Id: 1010 AegisName: "Phracon" Name: "Phracon" Buy: 200 Weight: 200 BuyingStore: true Type: 11 Script: <" callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",1010,1,0,10,1000 ); "> }, { Id: 1011 AegisName: "Emveretarcon" Name: "Emveretarcon" Buy: 1000 Weight: 200 BuyingStore: true Type: 11 Script: <" callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",1011,2,0,10,2500 ); "> }, { Id: 984 AegisName: "Oridecon" Name: "Oridecon" Buy: 1100 Weight: 200 BuyingStore: true Type: 11 Script: <" callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",984,3,0,10,20000 ); "> }, { Id: 985 AegisName: "Elunium" Name: "Elunium" Buy: 1100 Weight: 200 BuyingStore: true Type: 11 Script: <" callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",985,0,0,10,20000 ); "> }, */ // Usage: (ItemType, must set to 11) // callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",1010,1,0,10,1000 ); // Phracon // callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",1011,2,0,10,2500 ); // Emveretarcon // callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",984,3,0,10,20000 ); // Oridecon // callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",985,0,0,10,20000 ); // Elunium function script F_RefineSystem { .@ore_itemid = getarg( 0,0 ); .@level = getarg( 1,0 ); .@min_refine = getarg( 2,0 ); .@max_refine = getarg( 3,( MAX_REFINE-1 ) ); .@zeny = getarg( 4,0 ); if ( .@ore_itemid && .@level < 5 ) { for ( .@i = EQI_HEAD_TOP; .@i <= EQI_ACC_R; .@i++ ) { .@fail = 0; .@itemid = getequipid( .@i ); if ( .@itemid == -1 ) .@fail++; .@refine = getequiprefinerycnt( .@i ); .@slot = getitemslots( .@itemid ); .@itemid_type = getiteminfo( .@itemid,2 ); if ( .@itemid_type == IT_ARMOR && .@level > 0 ) .@fail++; if ( .@itemid_type == IT_WEAPON && ( .@level == 0 || getequipweaponlv( .@i ) > .@level ) ) .@fail++; if ( !.@fail ) if ( .@refine >= .@min_refine && .@refine <= .@max_refine ) .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ( .@refine ? "+"+.@refine+" ":"" ) + getitemname( .@itemid )+" ["+.@slot+"]"; .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ":"; } .@i = select( .@menu$ ); if ( Zeny >= .@zeny ) { Zeny -= .@zeny; delitem .@ore_itemid,1; if ( rand( 100 ) < getequippercentrefinery( .@i ) ) { successrefitem .@i; specialeffect2 EF_REFINEOK; } else { failedrefitem .@i; specialeffect2 EF_REFINEFAIL; } } close; } return; } so when an equipment is already +10 and you accidentally clicked the +10 .. it will break the +10 equipment how to solve this thanks
  8. prontera,244,55,4 script Freebies 718,{ if( !#Freebies ){ set #Freebies,1; mes "Welcome to MyServerNameHere, Here are your start items!"; mes "You only get this once for each account!"; getitembound 31957,2,1; end; }else{ mes "You have claimed the Reward already."; end; OnInit: waitingroom "Freebies",0; end; } } hello kindly help me adding class check and level check on this NPC set .@maxbase, 99; set .@maxjob, 50; setarray .@rewardablejobs[0], Job_Knight, Job_Alchemist, Job_Assassin, Job_Bard, Job_Blacksmith, Job_Crusader, Job_Dancer, Job_Hunter, Job_Monk, Job_Priest, Job_Rogue, Job_Sage, Job_Wizard;
  9. When a character reached 99/50 talk to this NPC with a pub saying level 99 rewarder 1. Trans Characters can't talk to this NPC ( only 2ndJobs no extended jobs except for super novice ) 2. Per Job Class ( so that all class are usable in game , ) example if(knight = lvl 99) getitem 501,1 & 502,1.. if(monk = lvl 99 getitem 503,1 & 504,1) it will be different rewards for each class who reached 99 3. there is no limit but you can't repeat if you already claimed your rewards.. tho if you make another 99 again on your account.. you can still claim the rewards 4. Announce to the whole server if you claimed the Reward,, also announce to the Whole Server if someone reaches 99 thanks
  10. can someone upload the diffed files here? dunno how to diff. dunno how to add manualy it gives me errors.. or is this already on Rathena Offline? i wish i would just copy paste and recompile then add the NPCS and work on the CLient side
  11. example please.. try with these .. red potion,501,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ calfunc "potion" },{},{} - function potion,{
  12. i want to use potions only on a specified cell of a map.. example.. pvp_1-1,50,50 to pvp_1-1,60,60 you can only use pots on these cells any way??
  13. And.. a debuff for non guild owner during WOE .. Also this is only rental.. example.. pay a total of 1 B.. to get the buffs or,, 1000 gold coins.. Pay another 1000 gold coins for the debuffs .. Rental will 1 day up to 7 days
  14. is it possible .. for example.. you own kriemhld.. you'll get stats or skills .. setarray .guildmaps,prtg_cas01,prtg_cas02,prtg_cas03,prtg_cas04,prtg_cas05, if(strcharinfo(2) = owner of 1 of the castles on .guildmaps) bonus hprate 10% skill AL_HEAL,10 close; if the your guild was captured by another guild.. removes guild effects on you.. close; yeah something like this
  15. the problem here is when you're on the Specified Cell,, and not talking on the NPC .. other players can still talk to the NPC something like this .. if ((.@n == 1) && (strcharinfo(0) != .@n)) mes "someone is on front of me"; mes "and i am waiting for him/her to talk to me"; mes "wait till the player leave the cell"; end; also.. if i use switch(select("Let's Talk:Leave")) { case 1: mes"congrats we talked"; end; } close; } and clicked the cancel button on the window.. instead of the switch(Leave) .talk will always be 1 .. meaning it will always be .talk >1 if (.Talk >1){ end;// End if you don't want to show dialog just disable player to talk } is this impossible?? hmm.. i tried if ((.@n == strcharinfo(o)) if ((.@n == BL_PC) if ((.@n == getcharid(0)) still failed
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