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Everything posted by LiTo

  1. LiTo

    Card Seller

    follow sample below. .@total = query_sql( "SELECT DISTINCT LEFT( `name_japanese`, 1 ) AS alphabets FROM `"+ .@item_db$ +"` RIGHT JOIN `"+ .@mob_db$ +"` ON `"+ .@item_db$ +"`.`id` = `"+ .@mob_db$ +"`.`dropcardid` WHERE ~(`MODE`) & 32 AND `type` = 6 AND `"+ .@item_db$ +"`.`id` NOT IN (4399,4671,4672,4673,4674,4675,4676,4677,4678,4679,4680,4681,4682,4683,4684,4685,4686,4687,4688,4689,4690,4691,4692,4693,4694,4695,4696) GROUP BY `name_japanese` ORDER BY alphabets;", .alphabet$ ); .@nb = query_sql( "SELECT `"+ .@item_db$ +"`.`id` FROM `"+ .@item_db$ +"` RIGHT JOIN `"+ .@mob_db$ +"` ON `"+ .@item_db$ +"`.`id` = `"+ .@mob_db$ +"`.`dropcardid` WHERE ~(`MODE`) & 32 AND `type` = 6 AND LEFT( `name_japanese`, 1 ) = '"+ .alphabet$[.@i] +"' AND `"+ .@item_db$ +"`.`id` NOT IN (4399,4671,4672,4673,4674,4675,4676,4677,4678,4679,4680,4681,4682,4683,4684,4685,4686,4687,4688,4689,4690,4691,4692,4693,4694,4695,4696) GROUP BY `name_japanese` ORDER BY `name_japanese` LIMIT 128;", .@id );
  2. I am not seeing the news feed in my homepage. Any idea guys?
  3. Hello guys, I have problem with Sphere Mine Skill. Marine sphere is not moving after being hit. is it a bug?
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