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Everything posted by sugo

  1. Hi everyone! I've had this idea in my head for years now, about guilds having their home town (configurable in file) - Town list could be weighted based on size, NPC-s, quests, related maps. (configurable in file) ex. Aldebaran:100,Einbroch:40,Einbech:25,:Niffleheim:15,Jawaii:1 - some names with random numbers - The town would give some benefits (configurable in file) for all guild members - maybe some benefits can be paid for in zeny/xp/tasks No idea how to do this - Maps belonging to the town would give benefits (configurable in file) to guild members - maybe some benefits can be paid for in zeny/xp/tasks No idea how to do this - Regular task necessary to keep town, ex. events (configurable in file), where you need to earn your position, or to win a town from other guild (ex. mini woe style town defense, crystal hunt, town cleanup etc. from event list) No idea how to do this - Guild NPC list to the town - optional No real need for implementation, just an additional include file to NPC-s and a precheck in the included NPC scripts to see what guilds they can talk to, or who to be nice to - based on SQL data - Free or cheaper warp (home) to the town for guild members This one could be easy if the town and the guild ID are paired in an SQL table - Other guilds can pay tax or players can buy pass to get some of the benefits I imagine this could be partially handled with rental item I basically have no idea how to start with this. Have some script, source, client and database know-how, but this is too big for me. My guess would be that some of these would(will) be a lot more easy using some source edit alongside script. If someone knows of something like this, please link some information, I couldn't find any.
  2. GJ! I'll have to try this out when I can! With a small modification it could be used to instance crowded maps on overpopulated servers - like @instance to list instances of the map or open a new instance of the map you're currently on, or the same but with some trigger or with some more to create a GW style party system (I don't like that system, but there are people who do)
  3. sugo

    War Over Rune

    Seems fun, is not that complicated and more functionality can be added later to make it a bit more complex and balanced. I might start making the code for this, but you better not count on me couse I lack time. I'll post it if I have some code.
  4. If you need some more comments, I'd gladly play around a little and tell my impressions.
  5. Guess I have to check what I wrote... I wrote it between 3 and 6 AM and was half asleep Wat matters is that the modification can be don there in a manner similar to that.
  6. Hi I was looking at your profile and saw this. the basic setting would be here, but that doesn't help. ./conf/inter_athena.conf/ // Level range for sharing within a party party_share_level: 10 If you need some more modifications like the one you say, or there is a level limit on the server that produces a gap between lvl 99 who cannot lvlup anymore, and higher lvl, well that needs some source modification in int_party at ( the one mentioned is something like this in the if statement I guess: - if( p->min_lv > lv ) p->min_lv=lv; + if ( (((party.member.class_ < 4054) && (lv != 99)) || (party.member.class_ >= 4054)) && (lv < p->min_lv) ) p->min_lv = lv; but just made this up. ) //Updates party's level range and unsets even share if broken. and //Calculates the state of a party. and // Returns whether this party can keep having exp share or not. in your case only the third one. int party_check_exp_share(struct party_data *p) { if (p->min_lvl < 80) //or max_lv { return (p->party.count < 2 || p->max_lv - p->min_lv <= party_share_level*3); } else { return (p->party.count < 2 || p->max_lv - p->min_lv <= party_share_level); } } or if you want 2 party_share_levels -> create party_share_level in inter_athena.conf in src duplicate and modify lines unsigned int party_share_level = 10; extern unsigned int party_share_level; if you rly want it to be dynamic, guess put it into sql instead of text, and read from there dinamically when checking. If you want to add exceptions, you can do it at //Updates party's level range and unsets even share if broken. and //Calculates the state of a party. by adding to if statement (like the one mentioned) at the correct place. I tested none of these, I don't even have a compiler currently...
  7. Found this and I'm working on a full patch for our server, but hope there will be a 100% working one soon I'll put my hopes in this http://rathena.org/board/topic/57603-new-carts-favorite-item-tab-efst-sit/
  8. I use if (time == 0) return 0; //if (time == 0) return battle_config.min_skill_delay_limit; this removes the full delay, the second sets it to min delay U'd want to change if( (sd && pc_checkskill(sd,SA_FREECAST) > 0) || skill_num == LG_EXEEDBREAK ) status_calc_bl(&sd->bl, SCB_SPEED); else unit_stop_walking(src,1); clif_skillcasting(src, src->id, 0, skill_x, skill_y, skill_num, skill_get_ele(skill_num, skill_lv), casttime); ud->skilltimer = add_timer( tick+casttime, skill_castend_pos, src->id, 0 ); //if( (sd && pc_checkskill(sd,SA_FREECAST) > 0) || skill_num == LG_EXEEDBREAK ) // status_calc_bl(&sd->bl, SCB_SPEED); aswell
  9. find map/skill.c/ if (skill_id == SA_ABRACADABRA) - return 0; //Will use picked skill's delay. add after: //Disabling delay from NO-Delay skills if ( (skill_id == SM_PROVOKE)|| (skill_id == SM_MAGNUM)|| ... (skill_id == PR_REDEMPTIO) return battle_config.min_skill_delay_limit; or return 0; or just modify this to what you need, like to a list of skills that need to have delay, or just disable delay on all skills by setting it to a default true, and return 0 If nothing else, you can test your client, if it is the couse of your delay problem. hope this helps
  10. HI Sry to barge in, but I'm kinda in a pinch, and I saw that this client seems to work fine for you ppl. I've done exactly the same a few days ago, works like a charm, but there is one problem: merchant class cart doesn't work. Even experimented setting the @option to all kinds of carts, but it only gives the ms reduction. The cart doesn't show, and in the character indormation there is no open or cart off button. Does someone know of a packet that can affect this, or did anyone face the same problemm or just know how to solve this?
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