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Everything posted by SlashGeeGee

  1. I just did the commands and here's my make.log : http://upaste.me/0d39397b681c099 this error is these in my server files or host sh script ? http://i49.tinypic.com/166emtw.jpg
  2. i added 1 "," for before 528 arch angeling . 1388,ARCHANGELING,Archangeling,18027,19056,,528 but for magmaring i don't know what to do i need help with magmaring still needed help for magmaring's pet_db.txt
  3. Testing it Now . EDIT : i renamed my map_cache.dat to map_cache.dat.bk then i added a fresh mapcache but it doesnt work
  4. Thanks Asura ill try it and see the error . i found one i screenshot here it is : http://i49.tinypic.com/166emtw.jpg i tried and this what it says : [1] 26010 [2] 26011 [1]- Exit 1 nohup ./login-server_sql > login-server.log [2]+ Exit 1 nohup ./char-server_sql > char_server.log Segmentation fault is it okay ? EDIT : the server just crashed now but it saves only this part : [info]: SVN Revision: '15120M'. [Warning]: You are running eAthena as the root superuser. [Warning]: It is unnecessary and unsafe to run eAthena with root privileges. [info]: Server supports up to '1024' concurrent connections. [info]: Char Server IP Address : [info]: Map Server IP Address : [info]: Console Silent Setting: 0 [status]: Using SQL dbs: no [info]: Logging item transactions to table 'picklog'. [info]: Logging chat to table 'chatlog'. [info]: Logging gm commands to table 'atcommandlog'. [info]: Connecting to the Map DB Server.... [status]: connect success! (Map Server Connection) [info]: [sql]: Connecting to the Log Database [status]: [sql]: Successfully 'connected' to Database [status]: Loading maps (using db/map_cache.dat as map cache)... [status]: Loading maps (767)..
  5. weird , btw im using latest eA rev r15120
  6. yeah i configured it already see this : after configure start event : then the events starts and here look it's negative : BUMP !
  7. yeah , i re configured it set the items , number of special and normal porings then start event . my players kills -1 -2 -3 then get's a null item . then that error in map-server pops
  8. Hello rA Please Fix my Script it gives me these errors when i start the event : and here's my script : PoringSummoner.txt Thanks , SlashGeeGee
  9. no not duplicate like that what it duplicates is the notice box background overlapping the background for the patcher itself how to make to notice box only .
  10. Hello rA i need help to those who are pro in coding in thor patcher . my notice box duplicates , i want it only one here's in my config : [NoticeBox:Box0] Width=347 Height=250 Left=21 Top=217 URL='notice.html' Notice.html : <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"> <body> <tr valign="top"> <td> <div style="height:250px; width:100%;"> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4"> <t <td width="100%"><span class="header"><font color="black">Welcome to Intel Ragnarok Online !</font></span> <div class="content"> <font color="black"> <ul> <li>New Patcher Released</li> <li>Server is Now Open.</li> </ul> </font> </div> </td> </t </table> </div> </td> </t </body> </html> Thanks For Helping , SlashGeeGee
  11. so what do i need to change to make it work ?
  12. Thanks Mate , All the Eggs were working fine except for two . first one is the ArchAngeling and the Second one is Magmaring here's the error for arch and magmaring : [Error]: wrong egg item inventory 32 [Error]: wrong egg item inventory 41 Help , i use at makeegg for the two of them still error BUMP !
  13. Here's my Script : - <tab> script <tab> KillRewards <tab> -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if( killedrid == getcharid(3) ) end; // anti-suicide, can remove getmapxy (.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); if( .@map$ == "guild_vs3") set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 5; // Cash Points dispbottom "Gained 5 Cash Points. Total = " + #CASHPOINTS; end; } how to add more maps for the kill system ? and add a delay of 1 minute for every person killed . Thank You SlashGeeGee
  14. Search 1288 in mob_db.txt 1288,EMPELIUM,Emperium,Emperium,90,[b]68430[/b],0,0,0,1,60,71,40,50,1,17,80,50,26,20,10,12,0,8,26,0x120,300,1288,288,384,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  15. all of my eggs are not working when i use pet incubator after i use it on the egg the egg became broken like an armor . this error pops out in map server after using pet incubator on the egg. Here's my item_db2.txt 19032,Ghostring_Egg,Ghostring Egg,7,,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 19030,Angeling_Egg,Angeling Egg,7,,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 19043,Owl_Baron_Egg,Owl Baron Egg,7,,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 19042,Lude_Egg,Lude Egg,7,,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 19071,Knight_of_Windstorm_Egg,Knight of Windstorm Egg,7,,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 19056,Archangeling_egg,Archangeling Egg,7,,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 19094,Garm_Baby_Egg,Garm Baby Egg,7,,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 25000,Pouring Egg,Pouring Egg,7,20,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 25001,Bomb Poring Egg,Bomb Poring Egg,7,20,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 25002,Piamette Egg,Piamette Egg,7,20,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 25003,Wish Maiden Egg,Wish Maiden Egg,7,20,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 25004,Garden Keeper Egg,Garden Keeper Egg,7,20,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} 25005,Magmaring Egg,Magmaring Egg,7,20,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} and my pet_db2.txt 1096,ANGELING,Angeling,18001,19030,,528,80,30,10,100,250,20,200,100,0,0,100,100,100,{ petloot 10; }{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5; } 1120,GHOSTRING,Ghostring,18003,19032,,528,80,30,10,100,250,20,200,100,0,0,100,100,100,{ petloot 10; }{ bonus bMdef,10; } 1509,LUDE,Lude,18013,19042,,528,80,30,10,100,250,20,200,100,0,0,100,100,100,{ petloot 10; } 1295,OWL_BARON,Owl Baron,18014,19043,,528,80,30,10,100,250,20,200,100,0,0,100,100,100,{ petloot 10; }{ bonus bAllStats,3; } 1251,KNIGHT_OF_WINDSTORM,Windstorm Knight,18042,19071,,528,80,30,10,100,250,20,200,100,0,0,100,100,100,{ petloot 10; }{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,7; } 1388,ARCHANGELING,Archangeling,18027,19056,528,80,30,10,100,250,20,200,100,0,0,100,100,100,{ petloot 10; }{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5; } 1515,Garm_Baby,Garm Baby,18065,19094,,528,80,30,10,100,250,20,200,100,0,0,100,100,100,{ petloot 10; } 1894,Pouring,Pouring,25000,25000,0,100,10,20,50,100,50,20,2000,400,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; }{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5; } 1904,Bomb Poring,Bomb Poring,25001,25001,0,100,10,20,50,100,50,20,2000,400,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; }{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,5; } 1930,Piamette,Piamette,25002,25002,0,100,10,20,50,100,50,20,2000,400,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; }{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,5; } 1931,Wish Maiden,Wish Maiden,25003,25003,0,350,10,20,50,100,50,20,2000,400,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; } 1932,Garden Keeper,Garden Keeper,25004,25004,0,100,10,20,50,100,50,20,2000,400,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; }{ bonus bAllStats,2; } 2064,Magmaring,Magmaring,25005,25005,0,100,10,20,50,100,50,20,2000,400,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; }{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5; } Thanks For Helping SlashGeeGee
  16. Hello rA i want to request a custom pet . pet_db and taming item only i can do the itemscript and client sides. • Piamette • Garden Keeper • Wish Maiden Thanks , SlashGeeGee Done !
  17. yeah your right about that mate , can you make it to if the player inputs 250 below not enough then 250 up exchanges iRO Cash Token .
  18. @deathscythe13 i tried it but it's still 1 is to 1, i want it 250 : 5 @Flaid same thing 1:
  19. Hello rA i need support with my script . the script works fine it's just that the rate is 1 : 1 i want it 200 : 5 where do i change the rates ? then i they input 500 they will get 10 . Here's the Script : royal_room3,102,120,3 script Skull Exchanger 795,{ mes "[ ^336699Skull Exchanger^000000 ]"; mes "Hi ^ff8000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000,"; mes "tired from collecting skulls eh ? well don't worry because your hardwork all paid off this time because you can exchange Skulls to iRO Cash Tokens."; next; mes "[ ^336699Skull Exchanger^000000 ]"; mes "You have "+countitem(7420)+" Skulls!"; mes "Just Remeber that 250 Skulls is equivalent to 5 iRO Cash Token."; next; L_MEN: mes "[ ^336699Skull Exchanger^000000 ]"; mes "Do you want to exchange your Skulls for iRO Cash Tokens ?"; next; menu "Yes, I'd Be Glad To",-,"What can i Buy with iRO Cash Token?",L_INF,"No, Not Right Now.",L_OUT; mes "[ ^336699Skull Exchanger^000000 ]"; mes "The Exchange Rate is 200 Skulls = ^0000FF5 iRO Cash Tokens^000000."; mes "How many Skulls do you want to exchange? Input 0 to cancel."; next; input @coinschange; if(@coinschange == 0) goto L_OUT; // If you want to change the item ID of the Gold Coin, edit here if(countitem(7420) < @coinschange) goto L_NOTENOUGH; delitem 7420,@coinschange; // If you want to change the echange rate, edit here // If you DO change the rate, don't forget to change the dialogue too! set @getitem,@coinschange * 5; getitem 20001,@coinschange; //input here your custom pods!!! mes "[ ^336699Skull Exchanger^000000 ]"; mes "The Exchange was sucessfull. You can now purchase items at the Cash Shop."; close; L_INF: mes "[ ^336699Skull Exchanger^000000 ]"; mes "iRO Cash Tokens is to be clicked then you get 10 Cash Points."; mes "If you want to check what items are available, talk to the Cash Shop."; next; goto L_MEN; L_NOTENOUGH: mes "[ ^336699Skull Exchanger^000000 ]"; mes "You do not have enough Skulls."; close; L_OUT: mes "[ ^336699Skull Exchanger^000000 ]"; mes "Come Back when you already have Skulls to Exchange."; close; } Thanks SlashGeeGee
  20. Hello rA I would like to request a skull exchanger script that goes like this . • npc info : prontera 173 184 , ID : 795 , name : Skull Exchanger • Skull : #7420 • iRO Cash Token : #20001 • when the player talk to the npc the npc will say " Hello "Char Name " , tired from collecting skulls ? well don't worry because your hardwork all paid off this time because you can exchange skulls to iRO Cash Tokens . next • npc says remember that 250 Skulls Exchanges --> 5 iRO Cash Tokens . Let's see you have " Count Skulls in Inventory " . •. next the npc will say how many skulls would you like to give up ? if input 250 down npc says you dont have enough skulls comeback another day. if input 250 up ok then exchanges 5 iRO Cash token . if more than 250 then let's say 500 then the player gets 10 iRO Cash Token . Thanks , SlashGeeGee BUMP ! Done !
  21. i experience this too , i can only see the the last post when i post on that topic
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