ok i think i find one that suits but im still not sure and need opinion from you guys. i think item 31089 have similar effect with Fury skill (although it is in crimson/red color).
option 1; 31089,C_Exploding_Crimson_Flame,Costume Exploding Crimson Flame,4,0,,0,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,2048,,1,0,0,{},{ sc_start SC_FURY,-1,0; },{ sc_end SC_FURY; }
this will give me Fury bonus isnt it? so i think this is not good.
but if i use this? https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/doc/effect_list.txt
how to implemented "misceffect" on item script?
i've found even better which is effect of biolab when angry mode. i think its possible to do this. i need a bit help guys.