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Everything posted by Zagreuz

  1. as the title goes , Emperium become sluggish , i don't know what would make this happen, the only thing that comes to my mind , is "maybe" it is really come from my client, these are the picture in-game im using 2010-07-30aRagexeRE i set at packet_db to use 25 also in the clientinfo.xml.
  2. wow, that was quite simple i'll test it A.S.A.P and give the results //results ~ is there any config that you can declare the mob quantity that it spawn, and also, can you declare that every room cannot make any skills, only normal attacks and , im thinking about making "mora" as the zeny room, but can you instances the "mora" map ? . so we would not use the guild_vs's map have errors on map server [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected string. [Debug]: Data: variable name='.Map' index=1 [Debug]: Function: warp [Debug]: Source (NPC): Zeny Room at prontera (142,169) [Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "0" not found in index list! [Debug]: pc_setpos: Passed mapindex(0) is invalid! [Error]: buildin_warp: moving player 'LordOfHeRO' to "0",0,0 failed. [Debug]: Source (NPC): Zeny Room at prontera (142,169)
  3. well, thanks for the simple explaination, basically the changes of those code are already made, but confusing me when i only chage at the $zeny_room_map$, "mora" but still the script still going to morroc, even with map restart for the instances , well maybe other codes can help with it or maybe . . . rebuild the whole code to be more simplified , probably removing the 2 choices of setting the map/zeny/mob/etc to be hardcoded ( theres no need to set those in-game )
  4. afraid to "BUMP" as per "Script Request Rules" QUOTE @ Z3R0 huhu, anyone ? .
  5. this is the original code from M1dN1ght & Denner @ eAthena Script original link : http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=237956 prontera,150,150,3 script Zeny Room 741,{ Mes "[Zeny Room]"; Mes "Hi "+((Sex) ? "Mr. " : "Ms. ")+StrCharInfo(0); Mes "Do you wanna get in the Zeny Room?"; If (Select("Yes:No:Informations")==3) { Next; Mes "[Zeny Room]"; Mes "Commands avaiables in the Zeny Room:"; Mes " !q - Show you how much monsters is alive in the Zeny Room."; Mes " !next - Show you how much time remainder to the Zeny Room's monsters relive."; Mes " !exit - Warp you to your save point."; Mes "Obs: You only can use these comands if you are in the Zeny Room"; Mes " !go - Warp you to the Zeny Room, if you are alright there, warp you randomicly into it."; Mes "To use it, you need to send PM to 'npc:Zeny Room' with the command."; Mes "When you kill an Zeny Room's monster you got an amount of zeny between "+$zeny_room_z[0]+" and "+$zeny_room_z[1]; } Close2; If (@menu == 1) { If ($zeny_room_open) { Warp $zeny_room_map$, 0, 0; } Else { Announce "The Zeny Room is closed!", bc_blue|bc_self; } } End; OnInit: If ($zeny_room_map$ == "") { Set $zeny_room_map$, "morocc"; } If ($zeny_room_mob == 0) { Set $zeny_room_mob, 1002; } If ($zeny_room_amount == 0) { Set $zeny_room_amount, 150; } If ($zeny_room_z[1] <= 0) { SetArray $zeny_room_z, 0, 10000; } If ($zeny_room_dellay <= 0) { Set $zeny_room_dellay, 10; } If ($zeny_room_msg$ == "") { Set $zeny_room_msg$, "Zeny Room"; } Monster $zeny_room_map$, 0, 0, GetMonsterInfo($zeny_room_mob, MOB_NAME) , $zeny_room_mob, $zeny_room_amount, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; Set $@zeny_next_wave, GetTimeTick(0) + $zeny_room_dellay*1000; DelWaitingRoom; WaitingRoom $zeny_room_msg$, 0; OnMFAdd: SetMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nomobloot; SetMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nomemo; SetMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_noteleport; SetMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nosave; SetMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nobranch; SetMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nowarp; SetMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nogo; SetMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nobaseexp; SetMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nojobexp; SetMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_noreturn; SetMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nowarpto; End; OnDelMF: RemoveMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nomobloot; RemoveMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nomemo; RemoveMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_noteleport; RemoveMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nosave; RemoveMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nobranch; RemoveMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nowarp; RemoveMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nogo; RemoveMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nobaseexp; RemoveMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nojobexp; RemoveMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_noreturn; RemoveMapFlag $zeny_room_map$, mf_nowarpto; End; OnWhisperGlobal: If (GetTimeTick(0) >= $@zeny_next_wave) { KillMonster $zeny_room_map$, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; DoNpcEvent "::OnInit"; } GetMapXY(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); If (GetGMLevel() >= 60) { If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!map")) { KillMonster $zeny_room_map$, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; DoNpcEvent "::OnDelMF"; MapWarp $zeny_room_map$, @whispervar1$, 0, 0; Set $zeny_room_map$, @whispervar1$; Monster $zeny_room_map$, 0, 0, GetMonsterInfo($zeny_room_mob, MOB_NAME) , $zeny_room_mob, $zeny_room_amount, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; DoNpcEvent "::OnMFAdd"; DispBottom "Novo mapa: "+$zeny_room_map$; End; } Else If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!open") || Compare(@whispervar0$, "!close")) { Set $zeny_room_open, Compare(@whispervar0$, "!open"); DispBottom "Zeny Room "+(Compare(@whispervar0$, "!open") ? "aberta" : "fechada"); If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!open")) { Announce "The Zeny Room now is openned!", 0; DoNpcEvent "::OnInit"; } Else { KillMonster $zeny_room_map$, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; MapAnnounce $zeny_room_map$, "The Zeny Room is closed!", bc_map; MapRespawnGuildID $zeny_room_map$, NULL, 2; End; } } Else If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!mob")) { Set .@MID, AtoI(@whispervar1$); If ( GetMonsterInfo(.@MID, MOB_NAME) == "null") { Message StrCharInfo(0), "Usage: !mob#id"; End; } KillMonster $zeny_room_map$, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; Set $zeny_room_mob, .@MID; Monster $zeny_room_map$, 0, 0, GetMonsterInfo($zeny_room_mob, MOB_NAME) , $zeny_room_mob, $zeny_room_amount, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; DispBottom "New monster: "+GetMonsterInfo(.@MID, MOB_NAME); End; } Else If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!amount")) { Set .@Q, AtoI(@whispervar1$); If (.@Q <= 0) { Message StrCharInfo(0), "Usage: !amount#new_amount"; End; } KillMonster $zeny_room_map$, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; Set $zeny_room_amount, .@Q; Monster $zeny_room_map$, 0, 0, GetMonsterInfo($zeny_room_mob, MOB_NAME) , $zeny_room_mob, $zeny_room_amount, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; DispBottom "New amount: "+$zeny_room_amount; End; } Else If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!zeny")) { If (@whispervar1$ == "" || @whispervar2$ == "") { Message StrCharInfo(0), "Usage: !zeny#min_amount#max_amount"; End; } If (AtoI(@whispervar1$) > AtoI(@whispervar2$)) { Message StrCharInfo(0), "The second value must be bigger than the first!"; End; } SetArray $zeny_room_z, AtoI(@whispervar1$), AtoI(@whispervar2$); DispBottom "Minimun amount: "+$zeny_room_z[0]; DispBottom "Maximun amount: "+$zeny_room_z[1]; End; } Else If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!delay")) { If (@whispervar1$ == "") { Message StrCharInfo(0), "Usage: !delay#new_delay."; End; } Set $zeny_room_dellay, AtoI(@whispervar1$); DispBottom "Novo delay:"+$zeny_room_dellay; End; } Else If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!chat")) { If (@whispervar1$ == "") { Message StrCharInfo(0), "Usage: !chat#new_message"; End; } Set $zeny_room_msg$, @whispervar1$; DelWaitingRoom; WaitingRoom $zeny_room_msg$, 0; End; } Else If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!reload")) { KillMonster $zeny_room_map$, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; Monster $zeny_room_map$, 0, 0, GetMonsterInfo($zeny_room_mob, MOB_NAME) , $zeny_room_mob, $zeny_room_amount, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; Message StrCharInfo(0), "Zeny Room's monsters reloadeds!!"; End; } } If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!q")) { If (.@map$ == $zeny_room_map$) { Message StrCharInfo(0), "Monster's amount: "+MobCount($zeny_room_map$, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"); } Else { Message StrCharInfo(0), "You need to be in the Zeny Room to use this command."; } } Else If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!next")) { If (.@map$ == $zeny_room_map$) { Message StrCharInfo(0), "Remaining time to the monsters be reloaded: "+(($@zeny_next_wave- GetTimeTick(0))/ 1000)+" segundos"; } Else { Message StrCharInfo(0), "You need to be in the Zeny Room to use this command."; } } Else If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!go")) { If (GetMapFlag(.@map$, mf_nowarp)) { Message StrCharInfo(0), "You can't warp in this map!"; } If ($zeny_room_open) { Message StrCharInfo(0), "Warped."; Warp $zeny_room_map$, 0, 0; } { Message StrCharInfo(0), "The Zeny Room is closed right now."; } } Else If (Compare(@whispervar0$, "!exit")) { If (.@map$ == $zeny_room_map$) { Message StrCharInfo(0), "Warped."; Warp "SavePoint", 0, 0; } Else { Message StrCharInfo(0), "You only can use this command if you are in the Zeny Room"; } } Else { Message StrCharInfo(0), StrNpcInfo(0)+": Unknown command."; } End; OnMobDied: Set Zeny, Zeny + Rand($zeny_room_z[0], $zeny_room_z[1]); If (GetTimeTick(0) >= $@zeny_next_wave || MobCount($zeny_room_map$, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied") == 0) { KillMonster $zeny_room_map$, StrNpcInfo(0)+"::OnMobDied"; DoNpcEvent "::OnInit"; } End; } okay for the first thing, im requesting a code change from this script , or maybe a complete overhaul from this script things that's to change / what are not / additional idea : keep the random zeny gained ~ example 100k & 50k randomly gained. keep the changeable map , the original script, i tried to change the map, but everytime i restart the map server still goes to morroc. ( maybe i have mistakes there. ) have instance for say each level have thier hardness on the mob and increased gained zeny still random , like : keep the delay of each monster to spawn on the map, as in on 1mins, the mob killed and spawned back. if can, try set the mob for high rate level 255 server p/s : i hope Emistry can help
  6. im seeing [/size] codes for forum usage in the codes haha so in this changes , are u just adding the first number only in the Case 7: MonsterList( 6,1646,1647,1648,1649,1650,1651,1,"lhz_dun03" ); or you have to add some other codes somewhere else ? nevermind, already figure it out on the codes what to add really a BIG Thanks for you, as for the releasing the scripts , whose on the favor here for releasing since i just reconstruc the codes to my liking, also on my side, i already filled all the MvP / MiniBoses included ( + the quest generated MvP )
  7. okay that is the utmost complete mimic proses i ever seen + i have edited the script structure a bit so it will be on my liking, as for the multiple dungeons per boss is working 100% but for now, for example, Bio Lab Bosses have 1 map but multiple Boses, as i want to insert in the : Case 6: MonsterList( the_boses_list,1,"lhz_dun03" ); //Bio Lab Boss do we need to add some strings before i can do it like : Case 6: MonsterList( 1646,1647,1648,1649,1650,1651,1,"lhz_dun03" ); //Bio Lab Boss as for the blue 1 > it's for telling there was 1 map only OR Case 6: MonsterList( 6,1646,1647,1648,1649,1650,1651,1,"lhz_dun03" ); //Bio Lab Boss as for the red 6 > it's for telling there was 1 map only is it possible like that ? . as i will be printed out information of multiple boses on the +getmonsterinfo , so , will the array take it ? . im almost zero on eathena script language but damn i got ideas ~
  8. how to get +getmonsterinfo for size and race for the mob, or there is a table to explain the usage of +getmonsterinfo and how to add at the last warp there is ( last warp map name ) in there or if there is no last warp there will be just ( No Map Selected ) and also, since one of the Mvp/Miniboses have thier natural habitats in several places, example, Atroce who has 5 places, how do i insert all the map name in the MonsterList( "", )
  9. hey ! thanks alot Emistry ! , it's really a mimic from the npc , ill post up some update after finishing it later sorry for double posting, as im keeping track on this topic
  10. @Emistry can you reorder the script according to these image if you can rearrange the npc to mimic it like this , it will be great
  11. thanks again =) soon i would release it on the forum with your name credited for the base-script
  12. thanks @Emistry i will test it ASAP, and i want to ask about the quest spawned mvp's like Thanatos ~ , what should i do to make it auto-spawn on certain time like other non-quested MvP
  13. scraping old post ! (_ ___")>

  14. scraping old post ! (_ ___")>

  15. yeap, as in term "use" the "Warper" , i would just come with this idea , but in more balance + fasten variety of playing type. I would thinking about that also. combining the "Warper" that have "last warp" + "numbers of playing on the map" on the main fact that the "Warper" is only warping on the Certain picked MvP/Mini-Boses only
  16. thanks for replying , @Alvins182 im sorry, that was not the one im looking for, but anyway thanks for your time @iFoxkun well, actually its not spawning any mobs , as it will just warping player to the mvp/miniboss natural habitats ~ and yes, also for mini-bosses, just list down the map that included on the miniboss natural habitat, like Angeling , then the player can pick which one is thier lucky map to farm the "naturally" spawned MvP/Mini-bosses. @Emistry kinda like Tombstone, but the npc will just warp to the normal habitats of the mvp/mini-boses, or may i show you related picture of the existing npc that i have use on other server
  17. Normal MvP Warper Requesting MvP related script as the title goes, here is my short explainantion on the future npc behalf. [MvP Info] Menu - Last Warp ( suppose to detect the last warp before ) - MvP List ( pick an mvp list and warp to the mvp originated map spawn, exp: Fallen Bishop Hibram(abbey02) randomly warped ) - Mini Boss List ( same as mvp list, but for mini boses ) When selected on specific mvp ( next ) it will show the MvP information, exp : Name : Amon Ra Level : 88 MaxHP : blablabla blablabla : blablabla and so on with the menu below (moc_pryd06 [0] <-- player counts on the map ) click OK then it warps you to the boss lair randomly i have playing in some server with the same features , if the helping hands want some picture, i will take some screen shots from in game p/s: if the requested npc exist on any other boards, kindly stick me a link
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