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Everything posted by RedMonkey

  1. That's sad. Old wiki was better
  2. Hello, So i was wondering to try AndRO. anybody who can share experience with it? especially if there are any exploits players can do on the server? I was searching the forums and haven't seen any in depth review for it. i am concerned that it is vulnerable and will open my server for exploits. Thanks
  3. Old wiki was good and understandble, was it removed? why
  4. Solved. so if you are reading this and idnum2itemdesctable is not working for you, maybe you need to re diff your exe, remove "Load iteminfo on char server" looks like it will keep reloading the item descriptions when a player enters the char server which technically after logging in. Good luck.
  5. I have deleted the idnum2itemdesctable.txt and the problem still persists
  6. Hello so I have a problem with my item description. when a player logs out the game and goes back into the login screen the item description of all his item doubles. please see screenshot i hope someone helps me how to fix this, i already have downloaded a freesh ragexe (20130807) and also refreshed my itemsinfo.lua but to no avail.
  7. Hello, I have removed the cash shop button and diffed my exe file. Question is, can i open it via script? How? Thank you in advance!
  8. Hello, I have removed the cash shop button and diffed my exe file. Question is, can i open it via script? How? Thank you in advance!
  9. Hello Functor, Pmed you at skype. :)

  10. Hey Man, thanks but it is an LBH i am looking for majestic goat
  11. Hello, Anyone that has a Violet Majestic Goat? I have tried looking at the forums but i end up having dead link downloads. thanks!
  12. So i don't want the mvps receiving reflect damage from players, is this possible?
  13. None. Edit: Nevermind i already talked to functor.x Please close this topic.
  14. Hello, can someone please tell me where can i find exactly the value of Bank zeny. ( Ctrl+B ) feature.banking = on Nevermind found it already. acc_reg_num #Bankvault
  15. Clown buffs, for example. Apple idun's and the other one is casting Bragi's poem
  16. So i saw someone on my server that is vending but has no items in it. Please take a look at the screenshot attached. I am using Gepard shield, does this mean someone broke inside gepard and using bot vend?
  17. So, after talking to Valkyrie, Player becomes a High Novice to High First Job then Trans.. but all the platinum skills he took when he was at 2-1 or 2-2 jobs was gone. and NPCs won't let him take it again. is this a bug?
  18. Hello Emistry, thank you for the reply. I was wondering if using another server as a host for my database would help me fix this? Out of ram makes the map server freeze. i am frustrated.
  19. So, I have currently around 800ish players on the server. When the map server tries to save info of every character and guild, Mysql is eating almost all the ram of my server. Is this normal? BTW I have 4GB of rams..
  20. Hello Stolao. but this is 2 map servers, What i am trying to ask is some sort of server channels.. 1 login 1 char 1 map, wan ip should be dynamic whatever the player selects from the service screen
  21. Hello, My server has multiple map ips, Can i use the one that the player picks on Service select screen as the map ip? How
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