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Posts posted by xazax

  1. Well.

    All source devs agree, there are no technical benefits to porting db folder to SQL. So this is only the matter of taste, which version is fit better to one's workflow. And it looks like the community is split.

  2. The decision on choice of Control Version System should not be affected by how it could impact end-user experience, because CVS is a developers' thing. In my opinion, end-users should not even bother about repositories; rAthena should make releases on regular basis for all folks that won't ever look into source code. For everybody else, who are proficient enough to maintain own SVN repos or make source code modifications, switching to another CVS should not be too steep learning curve anyway.

    Well, lots of the users are interested in having the latest code, and since much of them has modifications, it may be easier to maintain it with constant updates ( less conflict vs one big update upon a release, and not only those have modifications who have proper knowledge on how to solve conflicts ). Of course, those who creates source modifications etc, will be able to learn GIT, but still we forcing them to. Although as far as I remember GIT ( or some tools for it, at least I'm remembering checking out a repo from github via an svn client ) support svn checkouts, however it is not that stable.

  3. Hmm I wonder if it worth, to give users the flexibility, to create custom settings for groups. For example "featureX: true", and script could query that. Of course script could also check for group name/id, but then what's with inherited groups also check for those?

  4. I vote for static linking. It hasn't got a big size.

    Anyways I think a command instead of @adjgmlvl would be needed (well, not really needed, but it would be nice to not loose functionality), to add a player to a group.

    group allowed commands are looked up by name by libconfig API directly from configuration struct

    I hope this does not mean IO load on each atcommand.

    I feel a bit sad, we can not port other confs to use libconfig =(.

    Edit: jman and gepard was faster :( adjgmlvl concerns are answerd

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