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Everything posted by megablox

  1. @clyde, I checked every castles flags, they all were flagged as GvG castles. Then I tried using the pc.c patch, (manually added those two lines) and then recompiled the server. Tried warping inside the castle (can a GM account bypass this patch?), but I still were able to enter. Was on a Glt. Cross char
  2. Okay, thanks ! Btw, how are .patch files meant to be used?
  3. @clyde, I am probably wrong, but isn't "JOB_SUPER_NOVICE_E" Super Novice Extended?
  4. Thanks both. I think I will go for Euphy's suggestion as players aren't allowed to warp directly inside WoE maps, but have to pass through warps. I will just replace the entrances of the maps with NPCs, change their sprite to the warp one, and then, when a player touches the NPC, I'll check the class. If it's a third job then the player will receive a message and will be warped somewhere else, otherwise he/she will just be warped insde the WoE map. Is that correct? Wait, did you mean ALL the server's warps? o.O
  5. I want WoE to be allowed only for non third classes, how can I do that?
  6. http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items Check out the client side part, you might've not done it correctly.
  7. How can I edit the text inside the emails being sent by the CP? Specifically the one which sends you the activation link for when you create an account. I'm using the edited version of Flux CP by calciumkid (compatible with rAthena)
  8. First off, download the package that Bahmut downloaded. Then, read the xiv chapter of this guide and do what it says (you can skip the cPanel and phpMyAdmin part if you don't have it, I skipped it too and it works just fine). Once you're done configuring your control panel, you have to give the folder where the CP is stored writing permissions. I thought your server was on a remote machine, so you could use those commands to do that. But anyways, I gave permissions to my CP like this: chmod -R -v 777 /var/www/tauri/rA/cp/ chown -R -v 33:33 /var/www/tauri/rA/cp/
  9. Hey, thanks both :] I had the same problem, now I fixed it! If you still get errors after installing the other CP version, try doing this: chmod -R -v 777 (wherever your cp is, in my case it was '/var/www/tauri/rA/cp/') chown -R -v 33:33 (again, wherever your cp is) P.S:The -v is optional
  10. I've been trying to set up flux cp, and everything went smooth untill I click the button to update the databse or whatever. I have enabled "showExceptions" in config/error.php , and this is what I get. Solved!
  11. Hey, my server is giving those errors out: How can I fix that (without removing those lines if possible) ? iz_dun.txt 115-119 lhz_dun.txt 111-124
  12. Version 1.1


    Hey there, I thought this could come in handy for the people who like to use Notepad++. This is a custom Syntax Highlighter which I made for rAthena. For those who don't know what Notepad++ is, it is a text editor for Windows. It allows working with multiple files opened at once (in different tabs), and it's free. NEW UPDATED GUIDE FOR INSTALL & USE A screenshot of some code (green obfuscated text (I did it with an image editor) is string) Hope this comes in handy
  13. How do you get a Characters job level and or base level?
  14. Version 1.0


    This NPC allows you to rent a mount (peco peco, cart, falcon, mado, dragon, gryphon, anything else). If you use this, please give credits !
  15. Read the results inside the second spoiler Yay, really happy about that
  16. I have a server with the following specs, is it worth paying ~£12/month? And how many players can it run ? (approx.) Open VZ server (shared VPS) 2048 MB (Guaranteed RAM) 2560 MB (Burst RAM) 4 Virtual Cores 50GB Disk Space 1250GB Data Transfer 1 IPv4 Address Also, some of the results I got from cat /proc/cpuinfo: wget freevps.us/downloads/bench.sh -O - -o /dev/null|bash results (DL speeds etc) P.S: It runs Linux Ubuntu.
  17. Could someone fix this script for me please? I have attached it, so you can see it with tabbings. The NPC doesn't load up, it is meant to be a mount giver. alberta,185,146,5 script Rental Services 646,{ L_menu: sName$ = "[^FF0000Rental Services^000000]"; sChar$ = "^0000FF"+strcharinfo(0) +"^000000"; if (Class == Job_Novice) { mes sName$; mes "Oi, "+sChar$+"! Go away, I can't help you."; } else { mes sName$; mes "Hey there, "+ sChar$ +". Need a mount?"; next; switch(select("Yeah, I need one.:I'm sorry, no.")) { case 1: mes sName$; mes "Okay, give me a second: I'll try to get your mount here!"; if( BaseJob != Job_Archer && BaseClass == Job_Archer && checkfalcon() == 0 && getskilllv("HT_FALCON") > 0 ) { setfalcon; goto L_bye; } else { goto L_err; } if( (BaseClass == Job_Merchant || BaseJob == Job_SuperNovice) && checkcart() == 0 && getskilllv("MC_PUSHCART") > 0 ) { setcart; goto L_bye; } else { goto L_err; } if (Class == Job_Rune_Knight || Class == Job_Rune_Knight_H || Class == Job_Baby_Rune ) { if (!getskilllv("KN_RIDING") > 0 && checkriding() == 0) { setdragon; goto L_bye; } } else { goto L_err; } if (Class == Job_Royal_Guard || Class == Job_Royal_Guard_H || Class == Job_Baby_Guard) { if (!getskilllv("KN_RIDING") > 0 && checkriding() == 0) { setriding; goto L_bye; } else { goto L_err; } if (Class == 4008 || Class == 4015 || Class == 4030 || Class == 4037) { if (!getskilllv("RIDING") > 0 && checkriding() == 0) { atcommand "@mount"; goto L_bye; } else { goto L_err; } if( (Class == Job_Mechanic || Class == Job_Mechanic_T)) && checkriding() == 0 { setriding; goto L_bye; } else { goto L_err; } if ((Class >= 4054 && Class <= 4079) && (Class != 4056 && Class != 4062)) && checkriding() == 0 { atcommand "@newmount"; goto L_bye; } else { goto L_err; } case 2: close; } } L_bye: mes sName$; mes "Here you go, have a nice day!"; close; L_err: mes sName$; mes "I can't give you a mount, I'm really sorry."; goto L_menu; } rentals.txt
  18. I can't find that file :\ Nvm, found it: it was inside data.grf
  19. How do I change the logo which appears when you make a screenshot? (default is a white "www.Ragnarok.co.kr" line in the bottom right corner of the screenshot)
  20. I have an NPC script, where should it be placed? I placed it inside trunk/npc/other atm, but it doesn't seem to work. Where should it be placed?
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