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Status Updates posted by fullo

  1. Sir, can u please help me make script lucky box with rate %


    Lucky box (item id 1234)

    In that lucky box i want put item like 

    Jellopy 80%

    Animal skin 50%

    Card 3%


    Basicly its like OBB / OPB / Gift box.But i already make custom item "Lucky Box"

    I wait for it and btw thanks b4


  2. sir, i see your script npc

    sader's hunting quest 4.0.0

    and reward is only item? can you add reward for some Base and Job exp??

    cos we can add in low - mid server.

    Thanks looking forward for update.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. sader1992


      try this for the level

      //===== rAthena Script =======================================
      //= saders hunting quest
      //===== By: ==================================================
      //= Sader1992
      //===== Current Version: =====================================
      //= 4.2
      //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
      //= rAthena Project
      //===== Description: =========================================
      prontera,155,176,4	script	sader q	667,{
      	if(.accharlimit ==0){.@time_needed = #s_timeq - gettimetick(2);}else{.@time_needed = s_timeq - gettimetick(2);}
      	if(.@time_needed > 0 && sader_quest == 0) {
      		mes "You can only do the quest once every "+.s_timeqf+" hours.";
      		.@hours   = .@time_needed / 60 / 60;
      		.@minutes = (.@time_needed % (60 * 60)) / 60;
      		.@seconds = .@time_needed % 60;
      		mes "Please come back in " + sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", .@hours, .@minutes, .@seconds) + " hours." ;
      		if(.shopEnabled !=0){
      						Case 1: callsub Q_shop;
      						Case 2: close;
      	if(!sader_quest){set sader_quest,0;}
      	if(sader_quest != 0 ){ callsub have_sq;}
      	if(sader_quest == 0 && quest_done == 0){ callsub need_sq;}
      	if(quest_done != 0){callsub done_sq;}
      	if (BaseLevel < .qs_elevel[0] || BaseLevel > .qs_elevel[1]){
      		mes "Your level is too low or too high.";
      		mes "   ";
      		mes "Minimum level "+.qs_elevel[0]+".";
      		mes "Maximum level "+.qs_elevel[1]+".";
      	mes " plz kill "+ easycmon +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,easymon) +".";
      	set sader_quest,1;
      	set monster_count,0;
      	if (BaseLevel < .qs_nlevel[0] || BaseLevel > .qs_nlevel[1]){
      		mes "Your level is too low or too high.";
      		mes "   ";
      		mes "Minimum level "+.qs_nlevel[0]+".";
      		mes "Maximum level "+.qs_nlevel[1]+".";
      	mes " plz kill "+ normalcmon +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,normalmon) +".";
      	set sader_quest,2;
      	set monster_count,0;
      	if (BaseLevel < .qs_hlevel[0] || BaseLevel > .qs_hlevel[1]){
      		mes "Your level is too low or too high.";
      		mes "   ";
      		mes "Minimum level "+.qs_hlevel[0]+".";
      		mes "Maximum level "+.qs_hlevel[1]+".";
      	mes " plz kill "+ hardcmon +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,hardmon) +".";
      	set sader_quest,3;
      	set monster_count,0;
      	if (BaseLevel < .qs_ilevel[0] || BaseLevel > .qs_ilevel[1]){
      		mes "Your level is too low or too high.";
      		mes "   ";
      		mes "Minimum level "+.qs_ilevel[0]+".";
      		mes "Maximum level "+.qs_ilevel[1]+".";
      	mes " plz kill "+ indeterminatecmon +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,indeterminatemon) +".";
      	set sader_quest,4;
      	set monster_count,0;
      	mes "You have ^00F9FF" + #SdM_PQ + "^000000 sader quest points.";
      	callshop "sader q s",1;
      if(sader_quest != 0){
      	if( killedrid == easymon ){
      		if(monster_count < easycmon){
      			dispbottom "You killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,easymon) +".";
      			if(monster_count >= easycmon){
      				dispbottom "Your quest is done";
      				set quest_done,1;
      				set sader_quest,0;
      				if(.complete_without_npc == 1){
      					set quest_done,0;
      					set #SdM_PQ,#SdM_PQ + .easy_points;
      					callsub sader_q_eitem;
      	}else if( killedrid == normalmon ){
      		if(monster_count < normalcmon){
      			dispbottom "You killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,normalmon) +".";
      			if(monster_count >= normalcmon){
      				dispbottom "Your quest is done";
      				set quest_done,2;
      				set sader_quest,0;
      				if(.complete_without_npc == 1){
      					set quest_done,0;
      					set #SdM_PQ,#SdM_PQ + .normal_points;
      					callsub sader_q_nitem;
      	}else if( killedrid == hardmon ){
      		if(monster_count < hardcmon){
      			dispbottom "You killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,hardmon) +".";
      			if(monster_count >= hardcmon){
      				dispbottom "Your quest is done";
      				set quest_done,3;
      				set sader_quest,0;
      				if(.complete_without_npc == 1){
      					set quest_done,0;
      					set #SdM_PQ,#SdM_PQ + .hard_points;
      					callsub sader_q_hitem;
      	}else if( killedrid == indeterminatemon ){
      		if(monster_count < indeterminatecmon){
      			dispbottom "You killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,indeterminatemon) +".";
      			if(monster_count >= indeterminatecmon){
      				dispbottom "Your quest is done";
      				set quest_done,4;
      				set sader_quest,0;
      				if(.complete_without_npc == 1){
      					set quest_done,0;
      					set #SdM_PQ,#SdM_PQ + .indeterminate_points;
      					callsub sader_q_iitem;
      		mes "hi, how can i hep you ?";
      		if(sader_quest == 1) {mes " plz kill "+ easycmon +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,easymon) +".";
      		mes "you have killed "+monster_count+" "+ strmobinfo( 1,easymon) +".";}
      		if(sader_quest == 2) {mes " plz kill "+ normalcmon +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,normalmon) +".";
      		mes "you have killed "+monster_count+" " + strmobinfo( 1,normalmon) +".";}
      		if(sader_quest == 3) {mes " plz kill "+ hardcmon +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,hardmon) +".";
      		mes "you have killed "+monster_count+" " + strmobinfo( 1,hardmon) +".";}
      		if(sader_quest == 4) {mes " plz kill "+ indeterminatecmon +" from " + strmobinfo( 1,indeterminatemon) +".";
      		mes "you have killed "+monster_count+" " + strmobinfo( 1,indeterminatemon) +".";}
      		if(.shopEnabled !=0){
      			switch(select(""+"shop"+":"+"Cansel the Quest"+":"+"close"+"")){
      						Case 1: callsub Q_shop;
      						Case 2:	mes "are you sure ?";
      							Case 1:
      							mes "AS YOU WISH";
      							set sader_quest,0;
      							if(.accharlimit ==0){#s_timeq = gettimetick(2) + (.s_timeqf * 3600);}else{s_timeq = gettimetick(2) + (.s_timeqf * 3600);}
      							Case 2: close;
      						Case 3: close;
      			switch(select(""+"Cansel the Quest"+":"+"close"+"")){
      						Case 1: mes "are you sure ?";
      							Case 1:
      							mes "AS YOU WISH";
      							set sader_quest,0;
      							if(.accharlimit ==0){#s_timeq = gettimetick(2) + (.s_timeqf * 3600);}else{s_timeq = gettimetick(2) + (.s_timeqf * 3600);}
      							Case 2: close;
      						Case 3: close;
      	easymon = .easy[rand(getarraysize(.easy))];
      	easycmon = .easyc[rand(getarraysize(.easyc))];
      	normalmon = .normal[rand(getarraysize(.normal))];
      	normalcmon = .normalc[rand(getarraysize(.normalc))];
      	hardmon = .hard[rand(getarraysize(.hard))];
      	hardcmon = .hardc[rand(getarraysize(.hardc))];
      	indeterminatemon = .indeterminate[rand(getarraysize(.indeterminate))];
      	indeterminatecmon = .indeterminatec[rand(getarraysize(.indeterminatec))];
      			mes "hello";
      			mes "i will give you a task";
      			mes "to kill some monsters";
      			mes "can you help us ?";
      				if(.shopEnabled !=0){
      					switch(select(""+"easy difficulty"+":"+"normal difficulty"+":"+"hard difficulty"+":"+"indeterminate difficulty"+":"+"shop"+":"+"close"+"")){
      						Case 1: callsub Q_easy;
      						Case 2: callsub Q_normal;
      						Case 3: callsub Q_hard;
      						Case 4: callsub Q_indeterminate;
      						Case 5: callsub Q_shop;
      						Case 6: close;
      					switch(select(""+"easy difficulty"+":"+"normal difficulty"+":"+"hard difficulty"+":"+"indeterminate difficulty"+":"+"close"+"")){
      						Case 1: callsub Q_easy;
      						Case 2: callsub Q_normal;
      						Case 3: callsub Q_hard;
      						Case 4: callsub Q_indeterminate;
      						Case 5: close;
      	mes "Thank you for helping me .";
      	set monster_count,0;
      	set sader_quest,0;
      	if(.accharlimit ==0){#s_timeq = gettimetick(2) + (.s_timeqf * 3600);}else{s_timeq = gettimetick(2) + (.s_timeqf * 3600);}
      		if(quest_done == 1){set #SdM_PQ,#SdM_PQ + .easy_points; set quest_done,0; callsub sader_q_eitem;}
      		else if(quest_done == 2){set #SdM_PQ,#SdM_PQ + .normal_points; set quest_done,0; callsub sader_q_nitem;}
      		else if(quest_done == 3){set #SdM_PQ,#SdM_PQ + .hard_points; set quest_done,0; callsub sader_q_hitem;}
      		else if(quest_done == 4){set #SdM_PQ,#SdM_PQ + .indeterminate_points; set quest_done,0; callsub sader_q_iitem;}
      sader_q_eitem: //item rewards leave it empty if you don't want it you can add item exp etc
      	//getitem 501,20;//item_id,amount
      	//getexp 1000,1000;//base,job
      	//for easy mode
      sader_q_nitem: //item rewards leave it empty if you don't want it you can add item exp etc
      	//for normal mode
      sader_q_hitem: //item rewards leave it empty if you don't want it you can add item exp etc
      	//for hard mode
      sader_q_iitem: //item rewards leave it empty if you don't want it you can add item exp etc
      	//for indeterminate mode
      //========================| Config |==========================
      	////v2.0 update
      	setarray .easy,1275,1737;	//Easy Mode Monsters ID (you can add as many as you want IDs ID,ID,ID,ID;)
      	setarray .easyc,50,75;	//Easy Mode Monsters Count((Random)) (you can add as many as you want Numbers Number,Number,Number,Number;)
      	setarray .normal,1275,1737;	//Normal Mode Monsters ID (you can add as many as you want IDs ID,ID,ID,ID;)
      	setarray .normalc,100,150;	//Normal Mode Monsters Count((Random)) (you can add as many as you want Numbers Number,Number,Number,Number;)
      	setarray .hard,1735,1736;	//Hard Mode Monsters ID (you can add as many as you want IDs ID,ID,ID,ID;)
      	setarray .hardc,75,100,150;	// Hard Mode Monsters Count((Random)) (you can add as many as you want Numbers Number,Number,Number,Number;)
      	setarray .indeterminate,1735,1736;	//Indeterminate Mode Monsters ID (you can add as many as you want IDs ID,ID,ID,ID;)
      	setarray .indeterminatec,250,300,350;	// Indeterminate Mode Monsters Count((Random)) (you can add as many as you want Numbers Number,Number,Number,Number;)
      	.complete_without_npc = 0;	//if you want to complete the quest without the npc set it to 1
      	.easy_points = 50;	//the point rewards for easy mode
      	.normal_points = 100;	//the point rewards for normal mode
      	.hard_points = 150;	//the point rewards for hard mode
      	.indeterminate_points = 200;	//the point rewards for indeterminate mode
      	.s_timeqf = 10;	//quest daley in hr
      	////v3.0 update
      	.accharlimit = 0;	// 0 = once per account , 1 = once pet character
      	////v4.1 update
      	.shopEnabled = 0;	// 0 = Disable shop , 1 = Enable shop
      	////v4.2 update
      	setarray .qs_elevel,1,175;	//the Minimum level and the Maximum level for easy mode quest (minimum,maximum)
      	setarray .qs_nlevel,1,175;	//the Minimum level and the Maximum level for normal mode quest (minimum,maximum)
      	setarray .qs_hlevel,1,175;	//the Minimum level and the Maximum level for hard mode quest (minimum,maximum)
      	setarray .qs_ilevel,1,175;	//the Minimum level and the Maximum level for indeterminate mode quest (minimum,maximum)
      	setarray .sader_q_shop[0],512,20,513,30,514,40; // rewards in the shop <item_id>,<prise>,<item_id>,<prise>,<item_id>,<prise>;
      	npcshopdelitem "sader q s",512;
      	for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.sader_q_shop); .@i += 2)
      		npcshopadditem "sader q s", .sader_q_shop[.@i], .sader_q_shop[.@i+1];
      -	pointshop	sader q s	-1,#SdM_PQ,512:1; //set the items you need in your shop

      see @line 282

      	setarray .qs_elevel,1,175;	
    3. fullo


      how about monster task? i try before player only get 1 monster, ex : poring 100

      how to change player will get 2 or 3 monster ex : poring 100, poporing 150, familiar 100 [with random number]

    4. fullo


      and 1 more sir, if player done the quest, they can take again, but if they cancel the quest, they must wait 5min delay to take quest again. please help me with this config. thanks

  3. hi Stolao, i use your Daily Reward Script, but somethink i want ask, what if the script already work, and i @reloadscript or Maintenance server weekly, Are the count back to day 1 or not? [maybe this stupid question]

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