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Everything posted by aeious

  1. as far as my info is concern, you can install either of them.
  2. is it possible to have a floating rates on certain map? like 1.5X exp on prt_fild03. if yes,how?
  3. Is there any easy way to disable all the trans NPC since i only want all 2-1 and 2-2 NPC only.
  4. Can I have an NPC which give random quest everyday and give reward after completing its quest. example of quest are as follows: kill X number of monster collect X number of item and sample rewards are as follows: day 1 - 1TCG day 2 - Bubble + exp day 3 - cash point + zeny hope someone can help me.
  5. Hi i got this script https://github.com/Stolao/Npc_Release/blob/master/Daily_Reward/DailyReward_v1.68.txt but i wanted to add some quest instead of just login in... can anyone help me about this?
  6. aeious


    can you show some screenshot both on client and server error. that would help us.
  7. aeious


    Im not sure whether this is what you mean.... mes "[Teleport]"; mes "Where are you going?"; menu "Payon",goingpayon,"Alde Baran",goingaldebaran,"Geffen",goinggeffen; goingpayon: mes "Glad to hear it!"; close2; warp "payon", 161, 58; end; goingaldebaran: mes "Have a safe trip"; close2; warp "aldebaran",168,112; end; goinggeffen: mes "Have a safe trip"; close2; warp "geffen", 120, 39; end;
  8. Im not good but i hope this would help...
  9. Here is the poring image
  10. whats your servername and what style you want? that would be easy for the designer to build you one.
  11. aeious


    cheers mate. I'm also new here as well.
  12. I'm not good at rendering but i hope this one helps.
  13. yeah i guess. Im not sure if its just me but i see some cuts on the part near the ears.
  14. simple and nice. but isnt it too redundant to have 2 videos on the same page? better to keep the middle one for slider or something. just a suggestion.
  15. i like the designs but i think your patcher wouldnt be as possible as you think. I see some drop shadow of it. I think thats not possible for patchers.
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