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Everything posted by Valcars

  1. I solved the problem sorry for the useless post ?
  2. hello everyone and good morning ... as the title suggests I have a problem with openstorage2, in practice I read this topic LINK and I modified the files conf / import / inter_server.yml (changed in the import folder because if the one in the conf folder changed me gave error) and I added the sql tables as in the post .... I created a trivial npc with more storage space but it always opens me the same storage space .... I don't know why .... conf / import / inter_server. yml # Table Name of SQL table where storage is saved. The table structure is the same as the default storage table. # Max Maximum number of items. (Default: MAX_STORAGE) ####################################################################################################### ########################### # To access the premium storage, use script command 'openstorage2'. # If more premium storages are added, copy the structure of the storage table and match the table name in this config. # The 'Max' of premium storages are not adjusted by 'vip_storage_increase' config nor MIN_STORAGE. ####################################################################################################### ########################### Header: Type: INTER_SERVER_DB Version: 1 #Body: # - ID: 1 # Name: "VIP Storage" # Table: vip_storage # Max: 300 Body: - ID: 1 Name: "Storage" Table: "storage_1" #Max: 300 - ID: 2 Name: "Storage" Table: "storage_2" #Max: 300 - ID: 3 Name: "Storage" Table: "storage_3" #Max: 300 NPC prontera,150,150,5 script asgd 512,{ mes "open multi storage"; switch(select("Storage1:Storage2:Storage3")) { case 1: close2; openstorage; close; case 2: close2; openstorage2 1,STOR_MODE_GET|STOR_MODE_PUT; close; case 3: close2; openstorage2 2,STOR_MODE_GET|STOR_MODE_PUT; close; default: break; } end; } I tried to deposit items in both stores to see if they were different but there are the same items. Also what opens is the normal storage that is the one that opens with normal openstorage .... I don't know if I made myself understood xD ... I await your answers
  3. hi everyone sorry if it is not the right section for this post but it seemed to me the most suitable for my problem .... I wanted to ask you for some information, because I read that some people have managed to connect by hosting the server on a vps like that of google or amazon .... I don't expect who knows what but if 2 people connect, it's just right for me to do a little practice with vps ..... However the problem is that the client from my pc does not connect to the server on the vps ... (The server starts correctly and works on the vpn but I can't understand why I can't connect from my pc). I read that maybe you need to open the firewalls or do port forwarding but I don't know how to do it on the vps .... if the problem is this can you kindly tell me step by step how to open the vps ports? If this is not the problem, what could it be? I repeat it's just to try .... being a free host I don't pretend who knows what .... I hope I have explained myself more or less well .... xD and sorry for my bad english .... It should be noted that I have modified the char_conf and map_conf files so char_conf: char_ip: Public IP login_ip: Local IP map_conf: char_ip: // Local IP map_ip: // Public IP subnet_mask subnet: and the clientinfo <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "euc-kr"?> <clientinfo> <desc> Ragnarok Client Information </desc> <servicetype> korea </servicetype> <servertype> primary </servertype> <connection> <display> Try </display> <address> PublicIP </address> <port> 6900 </port> <version> 55 </version> <langtype> 1 </langtype> <registrationweb> www.ragnarok.com </registrationweb> <aid> <admin> 2000000 </admin> </aid> <loading> <image> loading00.jpg </image> <image> loading01.jpg </image> <image> loading02.jpg </image> <image> loading03.jpg </image> <image> loading04.jpg </image> <image> loading05.jpg </image> <image> loading06.jpg </image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo>
  4. Hi I have a problem with the new prontera map ... I state that I haven't created a private server for years and I remembered that the new prontera map had to be implemented .... now I don't know if it is already implemented as standard ..... in any case my problem is this .... i downloaded the new_prontera map from the download section .... but in some places i can't walk .... i tried to modify it with browedit but nothing changes nothing ... now I wonder if there is a version without bugs ... or do I have to find the modso to modify it? I long ago I remember having solved this problem .... I just don't remember how to do it anymore xD ... 5 years have passed ... I hope someone can help me
  5. As the title suggests, I wanted to know if it was possible in some way to use the @go command but it can only be used after opening the maps with the quest_warpra ..... in practice if I unlock prontera I will have the opportunity to use @go for that city otherwise it will tell me that I can not use the command .... I hope I have explained myself well .... and sorry for my bad english ...
  6. hi i tried to implement this map but it crashes when i enter .... can anyone help me?
  7. I solved sorry for the useless post ...
  8. Hello everyone and I haven't created a server with rAthena for a long time and after many years I decided to recreate a small private server .... But I have a problem and I hope it is not serious .... in practice I installed rAthena perfectly following this guide https://rathena.org/board/topic/111830-tutorial-video-edition-how-to-setup-rathena-and-run-ragnarok-updated-2018-7-28/ With the 2015 client it works perfectly and I have no problem, while if I want to use the 2020-04-01b client when I try to enter the server when I press on the char and it loads the first loading screen then it closes suddenly without give me error ..... I don't know if I was clear unfortunately my english is a bit bad xD ...... For the 2020 client I followed this guide https://rathena.org/board/topic/126859-guide-setting-up-2020-client-adding-customs-items/ I hope someone can help me ..... ================ EDIT ===================== I saw that I close the client in the maps prontera, izlude etc .... in some maps I can log in ..... I hope to be able to solve
  9. capuche thanks, you're a big xD.
  10. Hello, Thanks @capuche, but I go out with another problem, in practice I need to store the monster in a variable, and every 24 hours changes monster, if you kill monsters you get a Coin. I do not know if I was clear, I can not go on. if you can help me, even cone of ideas. Thanks again. That's what I did until now. prontera,160,160,4 script mob 857,{ mes .@nameNpc$; mes "Hello "+ strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes "I can give Poring Coin"; mes "in return you have to kill all the monsters that tell you"; next; .@sql = query_sql( "SELECT `ID`,`iName` FROM `mob_db` ORDER BY RAND(ID) LIMIT 500",.@id,.@name$ ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@sql; .@i++ ){ copyarray .@mobID[0],.@id[.@i],500; copyarray .@mobName$[0],.@name$,500; setarray .@mobKill[0],100,200,300; set .@ranmob,rand(0,500); set .@rankill,rand(0,2); mes .@nameNpc$; mes "Today you need kill :"+.@mobName$[.@ranmob]+" x "+.@mobkill[.@rankill]; close; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// //OnNPCKIllEvent Label //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// OnNPCKillEvent: if(killedrid == .@mobID[.@ranmob]){ mes "You have kill "+.@mobName$[.@ranmob]; close; } end; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// //OnInit Label //-----------------------------------------------------------------------// OnInit: waitingroom "Kill Mob for Coin",0; set .@nameNpc$,"[Mob Kills]"; }
  11. thank you Capuche,but I know that I'm doing a little bit of confusion.I tried but I can not, here is the script I tried to write prontera,143,143,4 script mobk 73,{ .@sql = query_sql( "SELECT `ID`,`iName` FROM `mob_db` ORDER BY RANDOM id LIMIT 2",.@id,.@name$ ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@sql; .@i++ ) mes "ID : "+.@id[.@i]+" & Name : "+.@name$[.@i]; } here is the error picture
  12. Hi, I wanted to know if you can, take the ID of the monsters from the query: sql, and plug it into an array, and from there take one at random. it is possible, I stopped here !!!! prontera,140,140,4 script mobkk 73,{ .@sql = query_sql( "SELECT `ID`,`iName` FROM `mob_db` ",.@ids,.@iname$ ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@sql; .@i++ ) mes "ID : "+.@ids[.@i]+" & Name : "+.@iname$[.@i]; }
  13. thanks to both: From now the script is perfect thanks Moik, Thanks Capuche
  14. ah @moik you're right, I have not really thought through, however I changed the script so I did not have time to try it, do you think that's okay? - script TreasureBoxSummonerCoin -1,{ OnClock1500: OnClock1600: OnClock2400: set .@ran, rand(1,9); setarray .@jmpmap$[1], "hugel", "yuno", "comodo", "aldebaran", "izlude", "payon", "geffen", "morocc", "prontera"; .map_name$ = .@jmpmap$[.@ran]; announce "A rare Treasure Box will be spawned in "+ .map_name$ +".",bc_all|bc_npc; monster .map_name$,0,0,"Treasure Box Coin",1845,5,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1800000: //30min announce "All treasure in "+ .map_name$ +" are destroyed",bc_all|bc_npc; killmonster .map_name$,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled";// TreasureBoxSummonerCoin unknown NPC stopnpctimer; end; OnCoinBoxKilled: set .@boxkills, .@boxkills +1; announce "The rare Treasure Box has been found and destroyed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!", bc_all; getitem 7539,1; // Change your prize here 7539 Poring Coin if (.@boxkills > 4) stopnpctimer; end; }
  15. into practice it is like saying @Capuche, there are duplicates of the OnTimer variable. I solved this way: - script TreasureBoxSummonerCoin -1,{ OnClock1500: set $@ran, rand(1,9); if ($@ran == 9) set $@jmpmap$,"hugel"; if ($@ran == 8) set $@jmpmap$,"yuno"; if ($@ran == 7) set $@jmpmap$,"comodo"; if ($@ran == 6) set $@jmpmap$,"aldebaran"; if ($@ran == 5) set $@jmpmap$,"izlude"; if ($@ran == 4) set $@jmpmap$,"payon"; if ($@ran == 3) set $@jmpmap$,"geffen"; if ($@ran == 2) set $@jmpmap$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set $@jmpmap$,"prontera"; announce "A rare Treasure Box will be spawned in "+ $@jmpmap$ +".",bc_all|bc_npc; monster $@jmpmap$,0,0,"Treasure Box Coin",1845,5,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1800000: //30min announce "All treasure in "+ $@jmpmap$ +" are destroyed",bc_all|bc_npc; killmonster $@jmpmap$,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled";// TreasureBoxSummonerCoin unknown NPC stopnpctimer; end; OnClock1600: set $@ran, rand(1,9); if ($@ran == 9) set $@jmpmap$,"hugel"; if ($@ran == 8) set $@jmpmap$,"yuno"; if ($@ran == 7) set $@jmpmap$,"comodo"; if ($@ran == 6) set $@jmpmap$,"aldebaran"; if ($@ran == 5) set $@jmpmap$,"izlude"; if ($@ran == 4) set $@jmpmap$,"payon"; if ($@ran == 3) set $@jmpmap$,"geffen"; if ($@ran == 2) set $@jmpmap$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set $@jmpmap$,"prontera"; announce "A rare Treasure Box will be spawned in "+ $@jmpmap$ +".",bc_all|bc_npc; monster $@jmpmap$,0,0,"Treasure Box Coin",1845,5,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1800001: //30min announce "All treasure in "+ $@jmpmap$ +" are destroyed",bc_all|bc_npc; killmonster $@jmpmap$,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled";// TreasureBoxSummonerCoin unknown NPC stopnpctimer; end; OnClock2400: set $@ran, rand(1,9); if ($@ran == 9) set $@jmpmap$,"hugel"; if ($@ran == 8) set $@jmpmap$,"yuno"; if ($@ran == 7) set $@jmpmap$,"comodo"; if ($@ran == 6) set $@jmpmap$,"aldebaran"; if ($@ran == 5) set $@jmpmap$,"izlude"; if ($@ran == 4) set $@jmpmap$,"payon"; if ($@ran == 3) set $@jmpmap$,"geffen"; if ($@ran == 2) set $@jmpmap$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set $@jmpmap$,"prontera"; announce "A rare Treasure Box will be spawned in "+ $@jmpmap$ +".",bc_all|bc_npc; monster $@jmpmap$,0,0,"Treasure Box Coin",1845,5,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1800002: //30min announce "All treasure in "+ $@jmpmap$ +" are destroyed",bc_all|bc_npc; killmonster $@jmpmap$,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled";// TreasureBoxSummonerCoin unknown NPC stopnpctimer; end; OnCoinBoxKilled: announce "The rare Treasure Box has been found and destroyed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!", bc_all; getitem 7539,1; // Change your prize here 7539 Poring Coin end; } but I'm thinking about a better solution ..... anyway @Capuche unnecessary screen that place .... the problem is that!
  16. Hello everyone, I created this script for server maintenance, you can explain to me how I could improve it? The script works, but I wanted your advice. In practice, when the server is undergoing maintenance, only the gm can access it. Here's the script:
  17. thank you, it works perfectly now - script TreasureBoxSummonerCoin -1,{ OnClock0300: OnClock1600: OnClock2230: announce "A rare Treasure Box will be spawned in Prontera",0; /* */ monster "prontera",0,0,"Treasure Box Coin",1845,5,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; initnpctimer;// better to use initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: announce "All treasure in Prontera are destroyed",0; killmonster "prontera","TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled";// TreasureBoxSummonerCoin unknown NPC stopnpctimer;// Typo error ; It's better to use stopnpctimer; end; OnCoinBoxKilled: announce "The rare Treasure Box has been found and destroyed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!", bc_all; getitem 7539,1; // Change your prize here 7539 Poring Coin end; } EDIT ------------------------- I have a small problem, when charge the npc rAthena gives me this error: (Set_label: dup label)
  18. hi, i have a problem with this script .... me loads without problems, but it does not work, you tell me where I'm wrong? - script Trasure Coin -1,{ OnClock0300: announce "A rare Treasure Box will be spawned in Prontera",0; monster "prontera",0,0"Treasure Box Coin",1845,5,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; startnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: announce "All treasure in Prontera are destroyed",0; killmonster "prontera","TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; setnpctimer,0; end; OnClock1600: announce "A rare Treasure Box will be spawned in Prontera",0; monster "prontera",0,0"Treasure Box Coin",1845,5,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; startnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: announce "All treasure in Prontera are destroyed",0; killmonster "prontera","TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; setnpctimer,0; end; OnClock2400: announce "A rare Treasure Box will be spawned in Prontera",0; monster "prontera",0,0"Treasure Box Coin",1845,5,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; startnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: announce "All treasure in Prontera are destroyed",0; killmonster "prontera","TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; setnpctimer,0; end; OnCoinBoxKilled: announce "The rare Treasure Box has been found and destroyed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!", bc_all; getitem 7539,1; // Change your prize here 7539 Poring Coin end; }
  19. Hi I have a problem with donations. Basically I added this Theme (https://rathena.org/board/files/file/2991-green-fluxcp-theme/), copying and pasting it into the Theme folder. And up there I had no problems. The problem happens when a player tries to Donate, in practice the money is added to my paypal account, but not on FluxCP credits donations are added. (I think it's a problem of the topic)
  20. hi, i have a problem with the script Dungeon Quest System v1.0 sometimes even if you didnt kill any mob and talk to the NPC in the final way of the dungeon you still get the points but you dont if you kill anything or even the MVP of the dungeon. I do not know if I explained well.
  21. hi, i have a problem with my custom items, in practice first worked perfectly, but now I had a problem from a player who says that he can not wear them more ..... you tell me where the problem is there one place screen and item_db script ---------------------- SOLVED ----------------------
  22. here is the screenshot http://s22.postimg.org/xbpa899cx/Immagine.png it may be that it is like you said it's a free host and the connection is poor wound ...
  23. the control bar works, the only problem is that sometimes it does not download the whole bar, and do not see the Start button.
  24. Here is my config file: [Config:Main] RootURL='http://leoragnarok.esy.es/patch/' RemoteConfigFile='main.ini' TimeOut=0 StatusFile='leoro.dat' DefaultGRF='leo.grf' ClientEXE='LeoRO.exe' ClientParameter='-1sak1' //When patcher unable to connect webserver, //should the patcher allow player start the game anyways? FinishOnConnectionFailure=false [Config:Window] Style='none' //This allows the player drag the window by background DragHandling=true //Background can be either jpg or bmp, in later case //the top-left pixel is chosen as transparent color. Background='images/bg.bmp' FadeOnDrag=false [Config:BGM] File='Parade.mp3' Loop=true Volume=5 Directory= [Config:Misc] Title='LeoRO Patcher' HideProgressBarWhenFinish=false [ProgressBar:bar1] Width=400 Height=10 Left=23 Top=450 FrontImage= BackImage= Hook='ProgressChange' [Label:Status] AutoResize = true Width=400 Height=10 Left=23 Top=480 Alignment='center' FontColor=$FFFFFF FontName = '' FontSize = '' Text='' Hook='StatusChange' [NoticeBox:Box0] Width=405 Height=265 Left=20 Top=150 URL='notice.html' [Button:Start] Default='images/start1.png' OnHover='images/start2.png' OnDown='images/start3.png' Left=450 Top=150 //Hook is used for default buttons, //do not use this on custom buttons! Hook='Start' [Button:Exit] Default='images/Exit1.png' OnHover='images/Exit2.png' OnDown='images/Exit3.png' Left=450 Top=183 Hook='Exit' [Button:Cancel] Default='images/Exit1.png' OnHover='images/Exit2.png' OnDown='images/Exit3.png' Left=383 Top=211 Hook='Cancel' //[Button:Extra] // // // // Mode - mode for button // 1 = open URL // 2 = Launch file/program // 3 = Message box //Mode= // Action - depend on what you set in the Mod, this may vary // ex. Mode = 1 , Action='http://google.com' //Action= I download Thor patcher here https://rathena.org/board/files/file/2259-thor-patcher/ I use Windows 10. I think that the players use either Windows 10, or Windows 8 .... some players have had this problem
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