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Posts posted by malufett

  1. here is there definition

    #define status_zap(bl, hp, sp) status_damage(NULL, bl, hp, sp, 0, 1)
    int status_percent_change(struct block_list *src,struct block_list *target,signed char hp_rate, signed char sp_rate, int flag);

    status_zap is used for only in manipulating hp/sp with a fixed value and w/o manipulating statuses like removing it or triggering something and also without walk delay in short silent manipulation...

    while status_percentage_damage is manipulating hp/sp in a percentage value and it has an option if you want to kill the target or not when it takes all hp/sp...and also same with status_zap that it does't have walk delay/flinching animation

    • Upvote 1
  2. for shockwave


    case HT_SHOCKWAVE:
        status_percent_damage(src, bl, 0, 15*skilllv+5, false);

    and with the ugly dance

    case DC_UGLYDANCE:
       rate = 5+5*skilllv;
       if(sd && (skill=pc_checkskill(sd,DC_DANCINGLESSON)))
          rate += 5+skill;
       status_zap(bl, 0, rate);

    • Upvote 1
  3. just comment out the SC_MANHOLE


    if (sd->sc.count &&
    (sd->sc.data[sC_TRICKDEAD] ||
    sd->sc.data[sC_AUTOCOUNTER] ||
    sd->sc.data[sC_BLADESTOP] ||
    sd->sc.data[sC__MANHOLE] || 
    sd->sc.data[sC_CURSEDCIRCLE_ATKER] ||
    sd->sc.data[sC_CURSEDCIRCLE_TARGET] ))

  4. Lowered the cost of Kafra services.

    - Changed level 1~50 monster drops to include 'Fly Wings' in the drop table.

    - Added exchange function for 'Lime Evenor' NPC where you can exchange 'Eden Group Mark' for a consumable item 'Eden Group Mark' with butterflywing-like function that can be used infinite number of times.

    - Increased the item effectiveness of 'Apple', 'Banana', 'Potato' and 'Carrot' consumables.

    tskk..wrong timing..this must be implemented next month..so that I can play overnight...:(

  5. @Euphy



    if your adjustment is greater than 100 @ level 1 there is no need to add -50..

    but if you still confuse better use skillratio = X...


    skilratio += 20 * skilll_lv = 20% per skill level = 120 @ lvl1, 140 @ lvl2


    skillratio = 100 + 20 * skilll_lv = 20% per skill level = 120 @ lvl1, 140 @ lvl2
  6. because of arithmetic rules such as MDAS(Multiplication Division Addition and Subtraction)...

    skillratio += -50+10*skill_lv;

    remember skillratio holds a default value 100 so we need to negate 50 from it before/after processing the other integer....

  7. wow its looks like im not the only one get same issue. but i got the alternative and working solution for it. @close23 try to remove the duplicate entry on skill.c and kiel card will work again. that's the best solution since they can't produce any fix for the not working kiel card effect.


    wew...by removing it ground skill spamming is rampant...better edit your skill_cast_db.txt then remove its cooldown as easy as that....if you can't still understand what I've been explaining...well its your choice....:D

  8. try this



    if( !fixed ) {

    fixed = skill_get_cast(skill_id, skill_lv);

    fixed = ( fixed > 1 ? ( fixed * 20 / 100 ) : 0 );


    if( fixed && skill_id >= RK_ENCHANTBLADE && skill_id <= SR_RIDEINLIGHTNING )

    fixed = fixed * x / 100;

    change x to desired value[x%=100%]

  9. @battle.c the code for the perfect hit thingy

    } else { //Check for Perfect Hit
     if(sd && sd->bonus.perfect_hit > 0 && rnd()%100 < sd->bonus.perfect_hit)
    	  flag.hit = 1;

    and for neglecting the perfect dodge..


    if ( (!skill_num || skill_num == PA_SACRIFICE) && tstatus->flee2 && rnd()%1000 < tstatus->flee2  )
    { //Check for Lucky Dodge

    then change to

    if ( (!skill_num || skill_num == PA_SACRIFICE) && tstatus->flee2 && rnd()%1000 < tstatus->flee2 && !sd->bonus.perfect_hit  )
    { //Check for Lucky Dodge

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