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  1. It seems to me that you could use this @command in a script if you really want to include a timer function to it. Just start @autoattack, and stop it with an npc timer. Make a function if you want it available for an item. Make the item none trade/storage/drop so that the player cant abuse it. Then have the script delete the item when the timer runs out. Or just delete the item on usage
  2. Well I guess I will continue to post here. These armors created, even if used with elemental stones or SC, the SC and elemental stone do not affect the armor at all. For instance a Fire Chain mail acts exactly like a regular chain mail. I am looking around the source, but as I'm teaching it to myself, it is very difficult to read. Where would I put the code to check the armor for an element? Im assuming in the status.c but the battle.c also has a couple of elemental checks in it. So I cant seem to find the location at which the data is actually used in the calculations. Any help on this would be much appreciated. EDIT: I was able to get the element taking effect though I am sure that this is a crude piece of code. Here is my code, hope it helps someone. //Parse Cards for( i = 0; i < EQI_MAX - 4; i++ ) { current_equip_item_index = index = sd->equip_index[i]; //We pass INDEX to current_equip_item_index - for EQUIP_SCRIPT (new cards solution) [Lupus] if( index < 0 ) continue; if( i == EQI_HAND_R && sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_L] == index ) continue; if( i == EQI_HEAD_MID && sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index ) continue; if( i == EQI_HEAD_TOP && (sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_MID] == index || sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index) ) continue; if( sd->inventory_data[index] ) { int j, c; struct item_data *data; //Card script execution. if( itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[index].card[0]) ) { + if(sd->status.inventory[index].card[1]&0x0f){ + switch(sd->status.inventory[index].card[1]&0x0f) { + case 1: status->def_ele=ELE_WATER; break; + case 2: status->def_ele=ELE_EARTH; break; + case 3: status->def_ele=ELE_FIRE; break; + case 4: status->def_ele=ELE_WIND; break; + } + } continue; + } for( j = 0; j < MAX_SLOTS; j++ ) { // Uses MAX_SLOTS to support Soul Bound system [inkfish] current_equip_card_id = c = sd->status.inventory[index].card[j]; if( !c ) continue; data = itemdb_exists(c); if( !data ) continue; if( first && data->equip_script ) { //Execute equip-script on login run_script(data->equip_script,0,sd->bl.id,0); if( !calculating ) return 1; } EDIT2: I was able to make the Star crumbs work as well. Here is my code for that: else if(sd->inventory_data[index]->type == IT_ARMOR) { + int r, s; + s = 0; + if(sd->status.inventory[index].card[0]==CARD0_FORGE && sd->equip_index[EQI_ARMOR] == index) + { // Forged Armor, Smith, Forge, Armor + r += (sd->status.inventory[index].card[1]>>8); //while weapons get 5 atk, armors get 2 def (hence the 2/5 calc) + s = (r*2)/5; + if(s >= 6) s = 8; // 3 Star Crumbs now give +11 def + if(pc_famerank(MakeDWord(sd->status.inventory[index].card[2],sd->status.inventory[index].card[3]) ,MAPID_BLACKSMITH)) + s += 4; //Ranked Smiths give +4 def to armors + } + status->def += s; if ( (r = sd->status.inventory[index].refine) ) refinedef += refine_info[REFINE_TYPE_ARMOR].bonus[r-1]; if(sd->inventory_data[index]->script) { if( i == EQI_HAND_L ) //Shield sd->state.lr_flag = 3; run_script(sd->inventory_data[index]->script,0,sd->bl.id,0); if( i == EQI_HAND_L ) //Shield sd->state.lr_flag = 0; if (!calculating) //Abort, run_script retriggered this. [skotlex] return 1; } }
  3. Sorry to revive a dead topic. But I could use some help. I am currently trying to use this on my server, and everything works fine except I can not add skill points into this skill. Once I hit apply, its as if nothing happens. I've been reading around and some people say that it is my skill_db or that it is my lua/lub files, but i've done exactly what is in this guide to no avail. If anyone has any tips, i would much appreciate it. EDIT: problem was solved. I had to put this skill into db/skill_tree. Thanks for a great mod!
  4. Hey all, so this is actually my second server i'm working on. However it is my first rAthena build. The other is eAthena. Im having the issue of my map server timeing out. The char server says session #3 timed out. map-server #0 disconnected. This may normally happen when there is no data being transfered, or so I thought. But once I got in game to test it out and check out the renewal stuff, I would suffer from massive lag spikes due to the server timing out. Is there any way to fix this, or could it be because i am running it on my local machine currently?
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