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Everything posted by xeNium

  1. I am looking for a realiable and free Anti-Cheat System that works and protect its server and client from hacks, et ce tera like Gepard Shield does. Why I asked this? I love Ragnarok Online since it was released and I have been trying to make a Ragnarok Online private server but always fail at the launching. In other words, the economy crumbling apart, bots everywhere. I cannot afford to buy one (200 USD, for a College Student, that's hard). The server is free to play, no donations whatsoever.
  2. I've read both rAthena and Hercules tutorials about Installation on CentOS platform, but I am struggling to start MySQL service. [root@localhost ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start bash: /etc/init.d/mysqld: No such file or directory [root@localhost ~]# service mysql start failed to start mysql.service unit mysql.service failed to load no such file or directory [root@localhost ~]# mysql ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) I also have installed MariaDB, and it does work, unfortunately I don't know how to use it. Do you have up-to-date tutorial for CentOS 7 platform?
  3. Exactly what I am looking for, thank you.
  4. How? Patcher skins that have status bars like that use PHP code to get the status from the website. Most skins like that need to be coded and are not precoded Yes. I need he PHP code, anyone want to share it?
  5. http://rathena.org/board/files/file/3193-thor-patcher-skin-v1/ That thor patcher skin seems to be have server status but it doesn't, how I can show my server online or not, how much player inside the server?
  6. I don't know why but it seems MyBB RSS Syndication is a bit different than general rss because if I am using http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/rss/news it does work, do I must change script or what?
  7. xeNium


    I am currently using Hercules as the server platform but using rAthena FluxCP as the website control panel, is this will cause trobule someday? I am using it because I am using a theme (http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2991-green-fluxcp-theme/) that include rAthena FluxCP, so I don't know which I must copy and paste it to Hercules FluxCP. I also found a good theme but I don't know how to code it myself, anyone know thread that provide tutorial to code a PSD? http://rathena.org/board/files/file/3169-s1-lykos-free-web-designpsd-only/ Does I must move to rAthena? I think most of my server files source is from rAthena, I use Hercules as the server platform but always download stuffs from rAthena.
  8. This is great but how I can code this? Any tutorial?
  9. Before I am start to write this thread, I know there's Map of the Week script around here that uploaded for public ( http://rathena.org/board/topic/57261-map-of-the-week-quest-event-with-rewards-best-for-low-or-mid-rate-servers/ ) but It does not have the features I want. I don't want to reward players with items, but with EXP percentage multiplier and treasure box (Item ID# 7444) drop rate chance on every mobs on the Map of the Week, simple, there's no NPC, contract or anything else, just a setbattleflag like floating_rates.txt but only on the chosen Maps (Random Maps) and simple modifying mob drop, I am currently using floating rates.
  10. http://rathena.org/board/topic/64394-%E2%9C%B0-euphys-scripts-%E2%9C%B0/ Hi, could you update your scripts features? I want to able player to choose Solo Quests (Easier, mob level range based the player) and Party Quests (Harder "mob multiplier, reward multiplier", minimal player inside the party, mob level range based the lowest level player inside the party, inter-player level range) example, Party Quests settings: Mob level range -5 to 10 Inter-player level range 30 Minimal player inside the party 3 Mob multiplier 1.2 Reward multiplier 1.1 Reward2 multiplier 1.1 Case 1: The party got 2 players only, they got denied to do the party quests. Case 2: The party got 3 players but one of them is level 1, and the others is level 31 and 32, because of the level 1 (32-1=31), they also got denied to do the party quests. Case 3: The party got 3 players, level 10, 20 and 30, they got approved to do the party quests. Normally, they will got 50 mob to be killed but because of the mob multiplier they got 60 mob. Normally, they will got 100000 zeny/job exp/base exp and 10 items but because of the reward multiplier they got 120000 zeny/job exp/base exp and 12 items because of reward2 multiplier. Normally, they will got random mob to be killed (Level 10 novice must kill Anubis!) but because of the Party Quests system and mob level range they won't got Anubis but because of the lowest level player inside the party is 10 so they got level 10 mob, not Anubis or higher level. Or maybe you can make it based on the average level of the party instead of the lowest level player inside the party :3 I know it a huge requests, but please, because for some of low rate server, this hunting mission isn't really suitable for players, on high rate server this hunting mission is really suitable because it's the easiest way to gain zeny. Also sometimes the quests ask me to kill a renewal monster, how I can do that? I check it on the map where the monster can be spawned, there's no mobs.
  11. xeNium

    Hunting Board

    Nah, I am thinking to make a low rate server, by doing this means the players will be easily found me mob, instead of doing a "Journey" they will just got warped.
  12. Is there anyway to change the way players looting items? Most of high rate server uses @alootid or @autoloot, etc but I don't want it but I also don't want to distress my players too much, is there anyway to somehow when the player loot one items, other items near them will be looted too (with rules, no KS items, or items that do not dropped by monster that she/he didn't kill)
  13. Is there a good hunting quests included wtih Hunting Board that gives player reward in the end with zeny, cash points, items or anything else based on difficulty and levels? I know Euphy scripts but well, is there any other script?
  14. xeNium

    Timed Warp

    http://rathena.org/board/topic/57377-toastys-woe-controller/ Is there any way to prevent anyone to enter the WoE castle maps If the WoE isn't activated? for example, If you click the Warp NPC (I heard normal warp does not able to have script) it will ask you, do you want to teleport to the WoE castle or not, but before that, If the WoE isn't activated (for example, the WoE castle maps activated at 07:00 AM and end at 08:00 AM and 08:00 PM - 09:00 PM, both on Saturday but you click the Warp NPC at 6:59 AM and 07:59 PM Saturday, so the Warp NPC will prevent you from entering the WoE castle maps) Is there any way to do that? WoE Schedule, Friday 06:00 AM - 07:00 AM, Friday 07:00 PM-08:00 PM, Saturday 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
  15. Is this support Hercules? [Error]: script_add_str: detected possible use of wrong case in a script. Found 'GetCastleData', probably meant to be 'getcastledata' (in 'npc/custom/woe_contro ller2.txt'). [Error]: script error in file 'npc/custom/woe_controller2.txt' line 114 column 2 5 parse_simpleexpr: unmatched ')' 111: while(.@castle_check && .@k < .n um_castles[.@i]) { 112: if(.@castle_check & (1 < < .@k)) { 113: set .@map$, getd (.@castles$+"["+.@k+"]"); * 114: if (GetCastleDat a(.@map$,1)) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~^ 115: dispbott om "The [" + GetCastleName(.@map$) + "] castle of the [" + .region_names$[.@i] + "] region is currently held by the [" + GetGuildName(GetCastleData(.@map$,1)) + "] guild."; 116: } else { 117: dispbott om "The [" + GetCastleName(.@map$) + "] castle of the [" + .region_names$[.@i] + "] region is currently unoccupied."; [Error]: script_add_str: detected possible use of wrong case in a script. Found 'AgitStart', probably meant to be 'agitstart' (in 'npc/custom/woe_controller2.tx t'). [Error]: script error in file 'npc/custom/woe_controller2.txt' line 532 column 3 parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared func tion 530: { //<state> = 0|1 531: if(getarg(0)) { * 532: AgitStart; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ 533: } else { 534: AgitEnd; 535: } [Error]: script error in file 'npc/custom/woe_controller2.txt' line 542 column 3 parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared func tion 540: { //<state> = 0|1 541: if(getarg(0)) { * 542: AgitStart; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ 543: AgitStart2; 544: } else { 545: AgitEnd; [Info]: Done loading '13180' NPCs: -'3129' Warps -'9' Shops -'10028' Scripts -'3911' Spawn sets -'40461' Mobs Cached -'14' Mobs Not Cached [Info]: buildin_setbattleflag: battle_config flag 'base_exp_rate' is now set to '640'. [Info]: buildin_setbattleflag: battle_config flag 'job_exp_rate' is now set to ' 590'. [Info]: buildin_setbattleflag: battle_config flag 'item_rate_common' is now set to '300'. [Info]: buildin_setbattleflag: battle_config flag 'item_rate_heal' is now set to '300'. [Info]: buildin_setbattleflag: battle_config flag 'item_rate_use' is now set to '300'. [Info]: buildin_setbattleflag: battle_config flag 'item_rate_equip' is now set t o '300'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_item_ratio.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '40' entries in 'mob_chat_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '1005' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_db2.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '5515' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_skill_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_skill_db2.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'db/mob_avail.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '464' entries in 'pre-re/mob_branch.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '13' entries in 'pre-re/mob_poring.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '45' entries in 'pre-re/mob_boss.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '331' entries in 'mob_pouch.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '25' entries in 'mob_classchange.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '6' entries in 'db/pre-re/mob_race2_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '58' pets in 'pet_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '0' pets in 'pet_db2.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '13' entries in 'db/homunculus_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '99' levels in 'pre-re/exp_homun.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '61' entries in 'db/mercenary_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '118' entries in 'db/mercenary_skill_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '12' elementals in 'db/elemental_db.txt'. [Status]: Done reading '36' entries in 'db/elemental_skill_db.txt'. [Error]: script:getvariableofnpc: can't find npc WoEInfoBase [Debug]: Source (NPC): WoE Info#2winfo at prontera (156,196) [Error]: script:getvariableofnpc: can't find npc WoEInfoBase [Debug]: Source (NPC): WoE Info at prontera (163,194) [Status]: Event 'OnInit' executed with '1721' NPCs. [Status]: Server is 'ready' and listening on port '5121'. [Status]: Attempting to connect to Char Server. Please wait. [Status]: Connecting to [Status]: Logging in to char server... [Status]: Successfully logged on to Char Server (Connection: '2'). [Status]: Sending maps to char server... [Status]: Event 'OnInterIfInit' executed with '0' NPCs. [Status]: Event 'OnInterIfInitOnce' executed with '0' NPCs. [Status]: Requested '34' guild castles from char-server... [Status]: Map Server is now online. [Info]: Received Fame List of '0' characters. [Status]: Received '34' guild castles from char-server.
  16. Is there a way to not allow the GM to use this case 3 if the .lastname$ isn't used yet aliases, null, blank because even without the .lastname it keep jailing and announcing. http://rathena.org/wiki/If
  17. In this thread Euphy, recommended the TS to choose one of the Broadcaster NPC he show, and I am choosing this one but it seems does not work very well, the NPC said that my base level isn't enough to do a broadcast, the .checklevel is 99 and my base level is 99 I am currently re-writing the scripts but well, I am a newbie, it become worst, anyone could help me?
  18. [Error]: Loading NPC file: npc/custom/bk/BotKiller6.txt script error on npc/custom/bk/BotKiller6.txt line 750 parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared func tion 745 : mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,20); 746 : mes " "; 747 : mes " > ^ff0000" + @playername$ + "^000000"; 748 : next; 749 : if (select(callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,21),callf unc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,22)) == 2) goto l_Report; * 750 : 'e'nd2; 751 : set .@IAID, getcharid(3); 752 : set .@AID, @accountid; 753 : set .@Caller$, strcharinfo(0); 754 : if (!attachrid(.@AID)) { 755 : message .@Caller$,callfunc("getMes",$@BK NPCID,23) + @playername$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,24); Do you know what happen? I am updating to rAthena r17315 and I found this, I don't know is this error occured before that version because I never check it before, only today I check the losg and I got that error log.
  19. I want to make a Pre-Renewal Server but have Renewal things, except 3rd Jobs but I don't know how to do that. I already to give a comment to every renewal.h define except #define RENEWAL, Yes the server get renewal map, monster, items, etc but the Pre-Renewal monsters become stronger and can't be beated by one guy (My tester complain about it, lol), example Raydric flee become 300+, for that's crazy but for you is that normal or not hehe? I don't really know about Ragnarok, I just a server hoster that loves to make things. I also don't know why this items do not exist? http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?iname=AFK&page=item_db&quick=1&isearch=Search Is that AFK Hat do not exist in Pre-Renewal. It's so cute!
  20. I am little a bit scary of 'outdated' word, lol. I think I will try to use another one. I hate when I want to make a good server I don't have money to make the server become goods.
  21. for faq 12 i think there nothing wrong with a paid script. not everything in the world is free. for faq 11 i can still support more other max refine but like i said its a different story cause i might need to alter parts of my file generator for the files needed for the decompose system well overall i still respect your opinion and theres nothing i can do about it No, I just trying to joking, you don't get it? I am a poor man, that's why I don't like it, beside that I SERIOUSLY love your script, I just sad I can't use it for my servers, lol.
  22. I don't have money, I don't have online transaction payment.
  23. Someone could teach me how I can use WoE Controller Euphy Reward Features? I am confused how I can use it properly, I already has a options for my server settings but I am afraid someday I need a changes. Teach me, thanks alot! Is this true? set .Options, 1; // [1] Enable rewards. set .Options, 1|2; // [1] Enable rewards. // [2] Mail all rewards. // - If not set, players receive items in their inventory. // - Only ONE item can be sent via mail, plus Zeny. // - Note that offline players do NOT receive rewards. set .Options, 1|8; // [1] Enable rewards. // [2] Mail all rewards. // - If not set, players receive items in their inventory. // - Only ONE item can be sent via mail, plus Zeny. // - Note that offline players do NOT receive rewards. // [4] Only reward Guild Masters. // - If not set, all guild members are rewarded. // - If mailing is enabled (option 2), offline Guild Masters WILL receive rewards. // [8] Duplicate IP check. // - Members in a guild with the same IP address are not rewarded. // - If Guild Masters is enabled (option 4), this feature is not used. Also how I can make WoE Controller Euphy Reward Features only gives a rewards for a Guild, If they can defend their castle for 5 period, 5 times WoE at that Castle, not 5 days without WoE or with WoE. Anybody? Please?
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