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  1. I think rAthena doesn't support custom map zone yet. Maybe try using search. Or.. You can also do something like this... Set the mapflag to noskill And Create a custom Item to use the skill vending (Similar to Blessing Scroll). You can do some filter allowing only the merchant classes. Hope this helps!
  2. Pretty Simple. I'll share some techniques. You can't use the lastlogin. You can add string variables attached to your account #LoginDateTime$ and #LogoutDateTime$. You can make use of the sql function DATEDIFF(). OnPCLoginEvent - Retrieve the login and logout information of the account - After retrieving, you use the sql function. - Get the result value if > 30 days or so. - Then give the rewards. - Set the #LoginDateTime$ OnPCLogoutEvent - Set the #LogoutDateTime$
  3. //Check for 5 hours consecutive if(@consecutive_hour == 5) { set @consecutive_hour,0; getitem 31025,2; dispbottom "You receive "+.cpoint_amt+" Blue Potions in playing for 3 consecutive hours"; } else addtimer .timer,"hourlypoints::OnPointGet"; end; OnClock0000: // Exactly 12:00 Midnight @consecutive_hour=0; end;
  4. Hi, Can anyone help me with this? I have a script which requires the master_id under mob_data. And I am using *summon script command. But the *summon script commands are executed similar with "donpcevent". I am doing everything I can. Even copying globalreg or similar to killedrid. No success. I don't know how to retrieve information without a session or attach a value (master_id) to the label. ****** Update: Solved and made some changes a little. Updated to Latest rAthena and used *getunitdata() script command.
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