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Everything posted by dubstep

  1. Okay thank you I'll send him a message but as far as I know, he only creates proxy for a customer. Not teaching.
  2. I tried but I always fail that's why I want someone to teach me. I will pay for it too.
  3. But I think he only setups Proxy and not teaches
  4. Hi! Baka po meron marunong sa inyo mag setup ng Proxy Servers/IP, magpapaturo po sana ako. Willing to pay din po.
  5. Anyone can convert malufett's warp delay compatible with the latest revision? I hope the developers can help us ? Thanks
  6. This is what I'm looking for Sir @llchrisll! I am now using your script but I have this error in console after I won the event:
  7. Hi @Bringer, tried that but still not announcing the winner.
  8. Hi All, anyone knows why this script not showing and not getting the reward if you're the only 1 in the map? There is no announcement too that you're the winner. In this screenshot, I already killed my 2nd account and I am the only one in the map: - script event_start -1,{ OnMinute00: announce "Death Match Event starts in a few minutes!",0; sleep 5000; announce "Register at the NPC 'Death Match'. You have 2 minutes to sign up!",0; pvpoff "guild_vs2"; enablenpc "Death Match"; donpcevent "agasper_dm::OnDM"; end; } prontera,150,170,5 script Death Match 811,{ mes "[ Death Match ]"; mes "Hi, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "Cost of registration: ^ff0000"+.reg_price+"^000000 Zeny!"; if (select("I agree:Exit") == 2) close; if (BaseClass == Job_Novice) { next; mes "[ Death Match ]"; mes "Beginners can not participate in the event!"; close; } if (Zeny < .reg_price){ next; mes "[ Death Match ]"; mes "Where's the money?"; close; } set Zeny, Zeny - .reg_price; set .@index, getarraysize(.player_list); if (.@index == 0) set .@index, 1; set .player_list[.@index], getcharid(3); set deathmatch_index, .@index; warp "guild_vs2", 50, 50; close; OnInit: set .reg_price, 500000; disablenpc "Death Match"; end; } - script agasper_dm -1,{ OnClear: deletearray getvariableofnpc(.player_list[0], "Death Match"), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.player_list, "Death Match")); return; OnDM: sleep 120000; disablenpc "Death Match"; if(getmapusers("guild_vs2") < 2){ announce "In the Event gathered less than 2-man! Event is canceled!",0; callsub(OnClear); mapwarp "guild_vs2", "prontera", 150, 170; end; } announce "Event 'Death Match' is start!",0; pvpon "guild_vs2"; initnpctimer; end; OnPCDieEvent: set .@dead, 1; OnPCLogoutEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) != "guild_vs2") end; if (deathmatch_index < 1) end; set getvariableofnpc(.player_list[deathmatch_index], "Death Match"), -1; if (.@dead == 1) { warp "SavePoint", 0, 0; atcommand "@alive"+strcharinfo(0); dispbottom "[Death Match]: You lose =("; } end; OnTimer5000: switch(getmapusers("guild_vs2")) { case 0: announce "Event 'Death Match' end as the players in the event is not!", 0; stopnpctimer; callsub(OnClear); break; case 1: callsub(OnWin); break; default: mapannounce "guild_vs2", getmapusers("guild_vs2")+" Player(s) are still in the event!", 0; initnpctimer; break; } end; OnWin: for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.player_list, "Death Match")); set .@i, .@i + 1) { if (getvariableofnpc(.player_list[.@i], "Death Match") != -1) { set .@account_id, .player_list[.@i]; break; } } if (attachrid(.@account_id)) { callsub(OnPCKillEvent); } end; OnPCKillEvent: .@players = getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.player_list, "Death Match")); if(strcharinfo(3) == "guild_vs2" && getmapusers("guild_vs2") < 2) { stopnpctimer; announce "Player "+strcharinfo(0)+" won the event 'Death Match' and get "+ .reg_price * .@players +" Zeny!",0; set Zeny, Zeny + .reg_price * .@players; message strcharinfo(0),"You get "+ .reg_price*.@players +" Zeny!"; warp "SavePoint",0,0; callsub(OnClear); } end; } guild_vs2 mapflag noteleport guild_vs2 mapflag nowarp guild_vs2 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs2 mapflag nobranch guild_vs2 mapflag noicewall guild_vs2 mapflag pvp_noguild guild_vs2 mapflag pvp_noparty guild_vs2 mapflag nomemo guild_vs2 mapflag nodrop
  9. dubstep

    Server lag

    Hi, anyone know why my server gets lag everytime I change the system time? This is the scenarios: 1st scenario: Server is running and under maintenance. I changed the system time to UTC+8 with this command: date -s "9 OCT 2018 11:14:00" After that, my server is now hanging even it has 5Gb Ram, 2 CPUs, 300 HDD Drive (not full). 2nd scenario: I rebooted the VPS of my server to refresh all the processes. The very first command I used after I login thru SSH is the command to set the date then after that, the commands to make the server up. But still, the server still too lag. 3rd scenario: I rebooted the VPS of the server again without doing anything in TIME and yes, the lags vanished. This already happened for 2 maintenance already. Note: There is no error message(s) in console Anyone have a suggestion? Thanks!
  10. Hi there! Is it possible to automatically change the HP of a specific mob (1288-Emperium) everyday? E.g.: Monday = 1m Tuesday = 5m Wed = 1m Thurs = 5m Can you give me a script if it's possible? Thank you in advance!
  11. Hi Sir, I have fixed Euphy's Woe Controller but my problem now is how to make the NPC only 1st job can enter the castle? Cause I already tried many times but still, I can't make it that only 1st jobs can enter if ((eaclass()&(EAJL_2|EAJL_UPPER)) || BaseLevel>=60) { mes "I'm sorry, you can't enter the sacred Novice Castles place."; emotion e_sry; } else if (select("Warp me to Novice Castles","Cancel") == 1) I think the problem is in if function. Already tried various function but still failed. Can you fix that for me, sir? Sorry for bad english
  12. I've read that the WoE Controller can only handle 34 Castles and it is already 32 Castles included in the controller.
  13. Hi Sir, I already edited it and no errors occurred. But there is no option to enable the WoE on Novice Castle.
  14. I will try this sir and will report if any bugs occurred. Thank you very much!
  15. I don't know how to do it, sir.
  16. Hi there! May I request for a WoE Controller, same as Euphy's? I can't find any scripts that will trigger the Novice Castle's Guild War. I've been looking for this for almost 3 years Thank you in advance!
  17. Thanks for the code provided but i guess it doesn't work for me a screenshot of error that i recieved after compiling
  18. Hello, i would like to ask/request a modification for magnificat skill during the skill effect i want to have an additional effect to increase HP by % until the magnificat duration is finish it will be gone aswell. TIA.
  19. Hello. I bought your file tictactoe event. Check my message thank you
  20. Why if i am using grand cross skill by paladin it is not 100% working? Sometimes one out of 10 try's it work's only once.
  21. Thanks emistry. How can i apply that? What command to use? And do i have to make a new notepad and copy paste that script then put it into custom npc?
  22. Hi guys can u help me with a item script of this item. I want to make it auto resu within 5 secs when killed by mvp's
  23. In gvg map i devo a sinx and he use cloaking skill. But when the high wizard cast a storm gust skill on us. The sinx didnt hit by the storm gust skill but its been frozen? Just like that case same in pvp/gvg map! Help!!
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