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  1. F0xxy's post in SG's Hatred Reset was marked as the answer   
    Well here's a npc I made a few weeks back

    Lunette,44,113,5 script SG Resetter 644,{ cutin "arang01",2; mes "[sG Resetter]"; mes "What do you wish to reset?"; menu "Reset Feeling",feeling,"Reset Hatred",hatred; feeling: atcommand "@feelreset"; mes "Done."; close2; cutin "",255; end; hatred: set PC_HATE_MOB_MOON, 0; set PC_HATE_MOB_STAR, 0; set PC_HATE_MOB_SUN, 0; mes "Done."; next; mes "[sG Resetter]"; mes "Hatred will be reset upon relogging."; mes "Do you wish to relog now?"; menu "Relog now",relog,"Later",later; relog: atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); end; later: next; mes "[sG Resetter]"; mes "Ok then, but don't forget changes won't take effect until you relog."; close2; cutin "",255; end; }
  2. F0xxy's post in How to add npc Sprites? was marked as the answer   
    First of all put the .spr and .act in data/sprite/npc/
    Then go to lua files/datainfo/jobname.lua
    Let's consider you have for example f_npcname.spr and .act
    Then at the end add:

    [jobtbl.JT_f_npcname] = "f_npcname",
    Then open lua files/datainfo/npcidentity.lua and add at the end:

    ["JT_f_npcname"] = 658,
    Why 658? Well there's a gap between 658 and 699 so that way you wont need to replace another npc with your custom one. But still, the ID is up to you, wether you want to replace another one or not, it's fine as long as the ID doesn't go over 999.
    And that's all, if you've done all that then #658 will be your new npc.
  3. F0xxy's post in Request : Guild Maker/Guild Disband NPC was marked as the answer   
    zhakastia,92,56,4 script Guild Manager 81,{ set .item1, 714; // Item ID 1 set .item2, 677; // Item ID 2 set .itemreq1, 9; // Ammount of item number 1 (9 since an emp is also consumed naturally upon guild creation) set .itemreq2, 10; // Ammount of item number 2 set .name$, "[^FF0000Guild Manager^000000]"; mes .name$; mes "Hello there "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes "I can help you form a guild or disband your current one."; menu "Sign-up for Guild Creation.",L_create,"Disband Guild.",L_disband,"Any requirements?",L_req,"No thanks.",L_cya; L_create: if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1)) == strcharinfo(0)) && (getcharid(2) == 0) { goto L_approve; } else { goto L_inguild; end; } L_approve: next; mes .name$; mes "Alright, I need you to tell me the name you want for your guild."; sleep2 1500; input @gcreatenm$; mes "Are you sure that's what you want?"; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case1: if(countitem(.item1) < .itemreq1) && (countitem(.item2) < .itemreq2) { goto L_nope; end; } mes .name$; mes "Alright then let's try this..."; atcommand "@guild "+@gcreatenm$; next; if(getcharid(2) == 0) { mes "Woops, seems like that guild already exists...try another name."; goto L_create; end; } announce strcharinfo(0)+" has created "+strcharinfo(2)+" Guild!",0; mes .name$; mes "Congrats."; delitem .item1, .itemreq1; delitem .item2, .itemreq2; close; end; case2: goto L_create; end; } L_disband: if(getcharid(2) == 0) { goto L_noguild; end; } if(getguildmaster(getcharid(2)) == strcharinfo(0)) { next; mes .name$; mes "Type this:"; mes "/breakguild ''"+strcharinfo(2)+"''"; close; end; } else { mes .name$; mes "You're not the guild leader."; close; end; } L_req: next; mes .name$; mes "You'll need "+.itemreq1+" pieces of "+getitemname(.item1)+" and "+.itemreq2+" pieces of "+getitemname(.item2)+"."; close; end; L_nope: next; mes .name$; mes "Bring me the items first!"; close; L_inguild: next; mes .name$; mes "You're either already in a guild or you're not the party leader!"; close; L_noguild: next; mes .name$; mes "You're not even in a guild!"; close; L_cya: next; mes .name$; mes "Next time then!"; close; }
    Not quite sure if it'd be possible to pull out the party member count but yea...
  4. F0xxy's post in GM Room was marked as the answer   
    zhakastia,91,59,4 script GM Warper 899,{ //Settings set .@map$, "s_atelier"; // Change to wherever your gm post is set .@mapx, 13; // X coords set .@mapy, 119; // Y coords set .@gmitem, 6101; // Item required to enter set .@gmamt, 1; // Ammount required if (getgmlevel() < 20) && (countitem(.@gmitem) >= .@gmamt) { goto requested; end; } if (getgmlevel() < 20) { goto nongm; end; } else { goto gmwarp; end; } OnInit: //waitingroom "GM Outpost",0; // Uncomment to enable a waiting room end; gmwarp: warp .@map$,.@mapx,.@mapy; end; nongm: mes "[^0000FFGM Warper^000000]"; mes "I'm sorry but I can't help you unless you have an Attendance Card."; close; end; requested: mes "[^0000FFGM Warper^000000]"; mes "I see you have an Attendance card.."; next; mes "[^0000FFGM Warper^000000]"; mes "You may go in now."; menu "Go in.",goin,"Not now.",notnow; goin: warp .@map$,.@mapx,.@mapy; delitem .@gmitem,.@gmamt; mapannounce .@map$,strcharinfo(0)+" has entered the GM Outpost upon request.",0; end; notnow: next; mes "[^0000FFGM Warper^000000]"; mes "See you next time!"; close; end; }
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