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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Your works are so adorable! Good job Olrox.
  2. Tyler

    Need help Auraset

    Can I help with these? I like to do this work for my server too.
  3. <skill.h> After: ALL_SONKRAN, Added this: MG_EARTHBOLT = 700, <skill.c> In int skill_attack, added this: if (!(flag&2) && ( skillid == MG_COLDBOLT || skillid == MG_FIREBOLT || skillid == MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT || skillid == MG_EARTHBOLT In int skill_castend_damage_id, after: case MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT: Added this: case MG_EARTHBOLT: Changed: case HVAN_CAPRICE: //[blackhole89] { int ran=rnd()%4; int sid = 0; switch(ran) { case 0: sid=MG_COLDBOLT; break; case 1: sid=MG_FIREBOLT; break; case 2: sid=MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT; break; //case 3: sid=WZ_EARTHSPIKE; break; case 3: sid=MG_EARTHBOLT; break; } skill_attack(BF_MAGIC,src,src,bl,sid,skilllv,tick,flag|SD_LEVEL); } break; Changed: case SA_AUTOSPELL: clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skillid,skilllv,1); if(sd) clif_autospell(sd,skilllv); else { int maxlv=1,spellid=0; static const int spellarray[4] = { MG_COLDBOLT,MG_FIREBOLT,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,MG_EARTHBOLT }; In int skill_castend_id changed: if(ud->skillid != SA_CASTCANCEL && !(ud->skillid == SO_SPELLFIST && (sd && (sd->skillid_old == MG_FIREBOLT || sd->skillid_old == MG_COLDBOLT || sd->skillid_old == MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT || sd->skillid_old == MG_EARTHBOLT))) ) {// otherwise handled in unit_skillcastcancel() if( ud->skilltimer != tid ) { ShowError("skill_castend_id: Timer mismatch %d!=%d!\n", ud->skilltimer, tid); ud->skilltimer = INVALID_TIMER; return 0; } In int skill_autospell changed: if(skillid==MG_NAPALMBEAT) maxlv=3; else if(skillid==MG_COLDBOLT || skillid==MG_FIREBOLT || skillid==MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT || skillid==MG_EARTHBOLT){ In int skill_stasis_check After: case SL_KAITE: Added: case MG_EARTHBOLT: <battle.c> After: case MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT: { struct status_change *sc = status_get_sc(src); if ( sc && sc->count ) { if ( sc->data[sC_SPELLFIST] && (!sd || !sd->state.autocast) ) { skillratio += (sc->data[sC_SPELLFIST]->val4 * 100) + (sc->data[sC_SPELLFIST]->val2 * 100) - 100; ad.div_ = 1; ad.flag = BF_WEAPON|BF_SHORT; ad.type = 0; } if( sc->data[sC_GUST_OPTION] ) skillratio += skillratio * sc->data[sC_GUST_OPTION]->val2 / 100; } } break; Added this: case MG_EARTHBOLT: { struct status_change *sc = status_get_sc(src); if ( sc && sc->count ) { if ( sc->data[sC_SPELLFIST] && (!sd || !sd->state.autocast) ) { skillratio += (sc->data[sC_SPELLFIST]->val4 * 100) + (sc->data[sC_SPELLFIST]->val2 * 100) - 100; ad.div_ = 1; ad.flag = BF_WEAPON|BF_SHORT; ad.type = 0; } } } MY IDEA: I'd like to do a bolt skill type using the earth element. With the effect of EARTH SPIKE skill, I'd like a bolt to hit 9 times just like the others bolt skills casting this effect 9 times too. It's possible? Or in other case just casting 1 time the effect and 9 hits skill.
  4. I can paste my code here for you to take a look?
  5. What is the best ID for new entries for customized skills, in this tutorial (http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_skill) which is very old, the author says that the best entry is the 545, but the entry 545 is already being used. So I search on the file <skill.h> ID's and discovered that the last ID used skill is the skill ALL_SOKRAN (ID: 699). KN_CHARGEATK is the next entry (ID: 1001). So I followed the tutorial 'customized skills' and create the ability MG_EARTHBOLT for my server with the ID: 700. So the skill is shown in game but it is only in passive mode, I can't use that. So I think the problem is with ID's, does anyone know the best entry?
  6. And where can I see the ID's available to create a custom skill? Because to me the ID 700 was completely empty and could be used in the SRC. I have seen no signs of future skills there. Because soon appear on 1001's of other ID skills. So how could I know?
  7. Why did you choose the ID 998 instead of the ID 700 (which is the last valid entry for SkillID's after ALL_SONKRAN)? Just a doubt. Sorry for my bad english.
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