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Everything posted by MyNoobScriptz

  1. my code - script VIP_STATUSs -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if ( vip_status(1) ) { //sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1000*60*60*24,0; set .@Timer, vip_status(2); dispbottom "You're VIP."; dispbottom "============================================="; dispbottom "Account Status : VIP Account"; dispbottom "Account Status : Get more buff on healer npc"; dispbottom "Account Status : Exp & Job Increase 50%"; dispbottom "Account Status : Drop Increase 20%"; dispbottom "Time left : "+ callfunc("Time2Str",.@Timer); dispbottom "============================================"; end; } } can use only vip stastus(2) u can try it
  2. Oh!! thanks protect disconnect work first error i got it after login
  3. hi, how can fixed this and when i use replace equipment then press "CHANGE" still disconnect please guide newbie!!
  4. i try to use - script VIP_STATUSs -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if ( vip_status(1) ) { set .@Timer, gettimetick(2) + 90500; dispbottom "========================"; dispbottom "Account Status : VIP"; dispbottom "Expire Date : " + callfunc("Time2Str",.@Timer); dispbottom "Time left : " + callfunc("Time2Str",.@Timer); dispbottom "========================"; end; } } not work!! time left still stand 1day 1hrs 8min 20sec. and is not time left of vip status please guide me to use on this script - script VIP_STATUSs -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if ( vip_status(1) ) { dispbottom "========================"; dispbottom "Account Status : VIP"; dispbottom "Expire Date : "+vip_status(2); dispbottom "Time left : "+vip_status(3); dispbottom "========================"; end; } } Oh!! done thx
  5. - script VIP_STATUSs -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if ( vip_status(1) ) { dispbottom "========================"; dispbottom "Account Status : VIP"; dispbottom "Expire Date : "+vip_status(2); dispbottom "Time left : "+vip_status(3); dispbottom "========================"; end; } } prontera,135,171,6 script VIP System 109,{ if(getgmlevel()>=60){ mes "[^0000FFSlave-sama^000000]"; mes "Hello, Master, would you like to proceed with your official duties or view the player menu?"; next; if(select("Take me to the GM menu!:I'd like to view the player menu.")==1) { mes "[^0000FFSlave-sama^000000]"; mes "Alright, Master, please entire the characters name that you'd like to edit!"; next; input(.@character$); if(!getcharid(0,.@character$)) { mes "[^0000FFSlave-sama^000000]"; mes "Master, I'm sorry but that character doesn't seem to exist."; emotion e_sob,0; close; } L_Menu: mes "[^0000FFSlave-sama^000000]"; mes "So you'd like to modify ^0000FF"+.@character$+"^000000, good choice!"; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch(select("Modify players time.:View players vip status.:I'm leaving!")){ case 1: mes "[^0000FFSlave-sama^000000]"; mes "Input a positive value in minutes to increase VIP status and a negative value to decrease it."; mes "Put 0 to return."; next; input(.@time); if(!.@time) goto "L_Menu"; vip_time .@time,.@character$; mes "[^0000FFSlave-sama^000000]"; mes "VIP time updated!"; next; goto L_Menu; case 2: mes "[^0000FFSlave-sama^000000]"; mes vip_status(1,.@character$)?"^0000FF"+.@character$+" is currently a VIP Member.^000000":"^FF0000"+.@character$+" is not a VIP Member.^000000"; mes .@character$+"'s VIP status will expire on ^FF0000"+vip_status(2,.@character$)+"^000000"; mes .@character$+" has "+vip_status(3,.@character$)+" remaining."; next; goto L_Menu; case 3: mes "[^0000FFSlave-sama^000000]"; mes "Thank you Master please come again!"; close; } } } mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+(vip_status(1)||getgmlevel()>=60?"-sama":"")+", what would you like to do?"; switch (select("Purchase VIP:View VIP Status:Explain")) { case 1: mes "[^0000FFHime-sama^000000]"; mes "Here you can purchase VIP status for a number of days."; next; set @menu, select(.purchase$)-1; if(#CASHPOINTS<.cost[@menu]) { mes "[^0000FFHime-sama^000000]"; mes "Look, you don't have enough money, so how about... YOU STOP WASTING MY TIME!"; emotion e_pif,0; close; } mes "[^0000FFHime-sama^000000]"; mes "You're now an official member of the VIP gang for "+.time[@menu]+" day(s). ^EE82EE<3^000000"; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS-.cost[@menu]; vip_time(.time[@menu]*1440); emotion e_lv,0; close; case 2: mes "[^0000FFHime-sama^000000]"; mes vip_status(1)?"^0000FFYou're currently a VIP Member.^000000":"^FF0000You're not a VIP Member.^000000"; mes "You're VIP status will expire on ^FF0000"+vip_status(2)+"^000000"; mes "You have "+vip_status(3)+" remaining."; close; case 3: mes "[^0000FFHime-sama^000000]"; mes "I'm a princess I shouldn't have to explain myself to you!"; close; } end; OnInit: setarray .time, 1, 10, 20, 30, 40; //Time in days. setarray .cost, 1, 10, 20, 30, 40; //Cash? for(set .@a,0; .@a<getarraysize(.time); set .@a,.@a+1) set .purchase$, .purchase$+.time[.@a]+" day(s) for "+.cost[.@a]+" cash.:"; } hi, how can change time left (156598 remaining) to day - hour - min - sec. on this script i use last rathena version
  6. i used your code i got it when i use old rAthena version old rathena but now i use last version ( https://github.com/rathena/rathena ) i got u know how to make like old version ?
  7. how to make Expire Date and Time left like u on my server
  8. base_exp_rate: 5000 and job_exp_rate: 5000 = my server exp rate and job exp rate 50.00 x 50.00 on player.conf vip_base_exp_increase: 50 and vip_job_exp_increase: 50 why exp display is wrong?? E X P rate : 5050.0% i think E X P rate : 7500.0% is correct
  9. hi rathena, i follow https://rathena.org/board/topic/108405-random-item-option-dealer-npc/ may i know how to blacklist item EX: KVM armor, Siege armor ,Mora armor please teach me or guide me!!
  10. hi Keitenai, i need to ban some item EX: item kvm , item mora ,item BB , item VB i using script setarray .@blacklist[0], 1501 ; but not work!! plz help me or guide me!!
  11. hi rathena, i follow https://rathena.org/board/topic/108405-random-item-option-dealer-npc/ some option do not show Value number, see my picture anyone can make NPC check option or teach me, how to know sorry for my English!!
  12. hi, rathena i think something wrong!! i cant enchant Garment armor shield help me fixed plz this script and picture!! special_enchanter.txt
  13. You mean download new rathena from github?? If yes, i download last version from github Or you mean reinstall my logs.sql and main.sql on my phpmyadmin
  14. [Error]: buildin_isbegin_quest: Player with char id '1' is not found. [Debug]: Source (NPC): Magic Scholar at dali (80,60) [Info]: [Instance] Created: Faceworm's Nest (1). [Error]: buildin_isbegin_quest: Player with char id '1' is not found. [Debug]: Source (NPC): Interdimensional Device at dali (72,55) [Error]: quest_add: Character 150000 already has quest 12325. [Debug]: Source (NPC): Interdimensional Device at dali (72,55) [Debug]: Function: setquest (1 parameter): [Debug]: Data: number value=12325 Hi help me plz this script dali,80,60,4 script Magic Scholar 4_M_SAGE_C,{ if (BaseLevel < 140) { mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "You are not qualified enough to enter here. How about visiting other places until you become level 140."; close; } set .@party_id,getcharid(1); set .@ins_mas,getpartyleader(.@party_id,2); set .@p_name$,getpartyname(.@party_id); set .@p_reader$,strcharinfo(0); set .@md_name$,"Faceworm's Nest"; set .@face_time,isbegin_quest(12325,PLAYTIME); if (!instance_check_party(.@party_id)) { mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "You don't have a party? Please come back again after creating a party even if you've come alone."; close; } if (!.@face_time) { if (getcharid(0) == .@ins_mas) { mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "What can I do for you?"; next; switch (select("Reserve Faceworm's Nest:What are you doing here?:Stop Talking.")) { case 1: switch (instance_create(.@md_name$)) { case -3: dispbottom "Memorial Dungeon, '"+.@md_name$+"' is already in progress.",0xFFFFFF; break; case -4: case -2: case -1: mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "Oops, my hands are slip off. It is required to activate the craks again."; close; } mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "The spaces are under control."; mes "Please wait for a minute."; close; case 2: break; case 3: mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "Okay, I got it. Please come back again if you change your mind."; close; } } mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "I am researching the dimensional cracks in space here."; next; mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "My research is to stabilize the space here with magic to utilize it for dimensional travel."; next; mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "This particular crack in space goes to a memory of the past. Many adventurers have been in there but no one will tell me what is in there..."; next; mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "And there's this strange sign here that records names and times on it which I can only assume belongs to those adventurers."; next; mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "Anyways, I can activate the passage for you if you're a party leader."; close; } else if (.@face_time == 1) { mes "[Magic Scholar]"; mes "The crack in time is not safe enough to pass back and forth. Please come back again if the after effect timer has passed."; close; } else if (.@face_time == 2) { mes "^0000ffThe trace of dimensional space travelling has disappeared. You can now move between dimensions.^000000"; erasequest 12325; close; } } dali,72,55,4 script Interdimensional Device CLEAR_NPC,{ if (BaseLevel < 140) { mes "[Interdimensional Device]"; mes "Your power level is not high enough to travel the space. Please come back again when you reach at least level 140."; close; } set .@party_id,getcharid(1); set .@ins_mas,getpartyleader(.@party_id,2); set .@p_name$,getpartyname(.@party_id); set .@p_reader$,strcharinfo(0); set .@md_name$,"Faceworm's Nest"; set .@face_time,isbegin_quest(12325,PLAYTIME); if (!instance_check_party(.@party_id)) { mes "[Interdimensional Device]"; mes "No party? Please come back again after creating a party even if you've come alone."; close; } if (!.@face_time) { switch (instance_enter(.@md_name$)) { case 3: mes "[Interdimensional Device]"; mes "An unknown error has occurred."; close; case 2: mes "[Interdimensional Device]"; mes "The passage for space travel is not activated yet."; close; case 1: //Custom text mes "[Interdimensional Device]"; mes "You are not allowed to access the device."; close; case 0: mapannounce "dali",.@p_name$+" party's party member "+.@p_reader$+" enters "+.@md_name$+".",bc_map,"0x00ff99"; setquest 12325; warp "1@face",112,374; end; } } else if (.@face_time == 1) { mes "[Interdimensional Device]"; mes "Traces of recent space travel have been detected. Access is denied."; close; } else if (.@face_time == 2) { mes "^0000ffThe trace of dimensional space travelling has disappeared. You can now move between dimensions.^000000"; erasequest 12325; close; } }
  15. Thx!! How can i find Monster nodrop mapflag, please guide me!!
  16. Please help me fixed drop rate, when i @monster 1707 (Dolor of Thanatos) then killed, item Fragment of Agony ID:7436 drop 100% (on my picture i make 5 monster) But i go map Thanatos Tower F9, then killed Dolor of Thanatos on this map sometime no drop any item of monster i remove drop rate renewal system please help me!! sorry for my english drops.conf
  17. THX @secretdataz @secretdataz please help me again, i need announce countdown bossnia start and bossnia time up!!
  18. - script Bossnia Staff#1 -1,{ mes "[Riss]"; mes "Hello?"; mes "I am an adventurer."; mes "Haha~"; next; if (Zeny > 999999) { mes "[Riss]"; mes "Would you really like to take the challenge?"; mes "Ok, just choose the course."; next; .@i = select("First","Second","Third","Fourth"); mes "[Riss]"; mes "Take care, boy~"; mes "Don't hold a grudge against me."; close2; Zeny -= 1000000; warp "bossnia_0"+.@i,rand(202,204),rand(202,204); end; } mes "[Riss]"; mes "You don't have enough money..."; mes "Come back when you have at least 1,000,000 zeny."; close; } Main_town,160,156,4 duplicate(Bossnia Staff#1) Bossnia Staff#7 4_M_PHILMAN // Warp Portals //============================================================ bossnia_01,210,210,0 warp bossnia01 1,1,Main_town,146,166 bossnia_02,210,210,0 warp bossnia02 1,1,Main_town,146,166 bossnia_03,210,210,0 warp bossnia03 1,1,Main_town,146,166 bossnia_04,210,210,0 warp bossnia04 1,1,Main_town,146,166 // Monster Spawns //============================================================ bossnia_01,0,0,0,0 monster Dark Lord 1272,3,600000,0,1 bossnia_02,0,0,0,0 monster Garm 1252,5,600000,0,1 bossnia_03,0,0,0,0 monster Gloom Under Night 1768,2,600000,0,1 bossnia_04,0,0,0,0 monster Doppelganger 1046,5,600000,0,1 Hi guys!! please help me to edit bossnia event 1. time bossnia start, example round 1 (7.00 am-10.00 am) round 2 (7.00 pm-10.00 pm) 2. when time up each round player in bossnia warp to savepoint 3. Announce when bossnia start
  19. Hi, guys! i need to know how to fix Vellum Katzbalger show true damage on target's lose As the clip preview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sxqkZyFiN0
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