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Posts posted by Tranquility

  1. You can try this general client that I made before to help people with. However, this one has the packet obfuscation enabled, so make sure that's also active on your revision (make sure you've updated your server to the latest revision).

    Client has the restore login window enabled, so no need to use a launcher.

    Packet db settings should be version 45, in src you should put the client date of 20150807 and make the appropriate adjustments there where needed.


    Included patches are attached in a text file, just like the MD5 and other hashes for security features you might have enabled server side.

    If you still have issues, post back.

    • Upvote 1

    Hmm, well I do not know what you mean by that...! Have you done something specific to the GRF?

    Apparently it used SecureGRF...

    I wonder who could remove the lock.


    No one will be able to do it for you, the info in that GRF is lost. Take a lesson out of this and make sure you have back-ups next time!

    Also, if you yourself put a password on it, you should know what it is.

  3. im using 0x00000020: 2013-08-07 Ragexe (version 45)


    [jobtbl.JT_kittyring] = "kittyring",


    ["JT_kittyring"] = 2413,

    The monster spawn , but it's show different sprite .  

    Try a higher mobID since that one most likely is used already.

    Start around 3600 and retry :)

  4. Hello everyone,


    While developing a new ticket exchange NPC I found the possibility to count and delete items from the player's storage, but not to place items in their storage.

    Have I missed a script command/feature or is this simply not available yet and would I need to do a source request :)?


    Kind regards,





    I am using cash shop npc scripts in my server of which a special donation currency is used, but the problem is it is confusing to players if they see prices in "z" for zeny instead of "P" for the item actually used to buy from the cash shop. They always think prices are in zeny.


    Can somebody show me how to change the "z" to "P" in source? Or is it a source modification? or maybe a script edit?


    Thank you guys.

    It is hexed into the client and certain things are in the msgstringtable. They're relatively easy to find, but I wonder do you mean a cash shop script that you made or placing items in the item_cash_db type of cash-shop (the one accessible from the button next to the mini-map)?




    No I mean a script which is a cash shop script.

    -	shop	CustShop1	-1,909:-1

    But then if I change it in the cleint then all "shops" in game will have P instead of Z? Even the ones from official item shop npcs?



    In that case indeed all shops will show P instead of Z if you modify it in the client that way. I personally use the item_cash_db and managed to change those values into my own currency, but have the issue of having 'free cash' still as an option. However my other shops remain intact since I change the cashpoints © into my own currency and thus not touch anything related to Zeny.

  6. I am using cash shop npc scripts in my server of which a special donation currency is used, but the problem is it is confusing to players if they see prices in "z" for zeny instead of "P" for the item actually used to buy from the cash shop. They always think prices are in zeny.


    Can somebody show me how to change the "z" to "P" in source? Or is it a source modification? or maybe a script edit?


    Thank you guys.

    It is hexed into the client and certain things are in the msgstringtable. They're relatively easy to find, but I wonder do you mean a cash shop script that you made or placing items in the item_cash_db type of cash-shop (the one accessible from the button next to the mini-map)?

  7. Hello truflip1011,


    thank you for your help.

    But I've tried this packet_ver <version> xx </version> already without success.





    packet_db_ver: 45




    clientinfo.xml <version>45</version>

    No success, no changes at all.




    packet_db_ver: 30



    clientinfo.xml <version>30</version>

    No success, no changes at all.


    I've created so many eathena server and client setups in the past (2005 to 2011), but this thing is a new level of horror.

    What is your server output? Have you recompiled after any source modifications?

  8. I'm really curious to if you ever resolved this issue.  I've been going through the exact same thing for the last couple days and have tried countless diff options with Diff Patcher and Nemo, Loki and Rolex, unpatched clients from dates ranging 2012-04 to 2013-12 and patched clients, complete different data folder translations or no translations, updated and not update brand new kRo installations.  The client crashes every single time it opens no matter what.  But I've loaded and played on almost 20 different private servers in the past couple weeks that launched and played fine.  I'm at a loss for this one.



    EDIT:Hey if you come back to this topic, I fixed this issue finally.  If you're still needing help with it, I'd love to help you out.


    Kindly post your solution for others. Got a feeling it's related to the bugged skin folder that most people seem to have issues with lately.

    • Upvote 1

    yes for incarry  level 1 not add weight +200

    but effect to level 2 and 10 +200


    level 2 add increase +200 not +400 for totaly


    im try to create new character and learn incarry skill again , and work but not effect for old character /hum


    what i meant was the first time i tried to talk to the npc.. it doesnt even add my weight... and i try it till 10 times.. they npc said i am done.. but i check my weight doesnt increase at all....


    Tried on a non-merchant job? Since those already have increase weight skills included in their skill trees..

    • Upvote 1
  10. From the top of my head it should roughly be something like this..

    Insert in on_equip script:

    if(getequipid(EQI_ACC_L == 2629) || getequipid(EQI_ACC_R == 2629)) {calfunc "Example";}

    Put this in your custom NPC scripts.

    function script Example {
      unequip(EQI_ACC_L) && unequip(EQI_ACC_R);
      message strcharinfo(0),"Cant Wear More than 2 Megingjard.";

    Take a look at doc/script_commands.txt for further documentation. Let me know if it works.

  11. Tried clicking "+", no result... still 1 tile editing..


    I looked at the Preference window and saw that the "Increase Brush Size" is set at "Equal" key. I tried clicking equal key, shift+equal, even turning on capslock... still no result.


    I changed the button to number "0". Still not working either.



    I don't know what's going on... too many unknown error while executing rathena, clients, adding custom maps, and now, browedit that I didn't care what caused it anyway..


    I changed the letter for "Increase Brush Size" to "T" and it works. I also executed BrowEdit as Admin.

    It was the + above the equal sign/next to your backspace. Anyhow, glad to see it's fixed.

    Also from experience I say, save your files in revision 586!

    • Upvote 1
  12. Are you running your server SQL or text based?

    If it's SQL, you could remove those lines in the file that's listed there to not see all those errors.

    Most likely is caused by adding renewal mobs to pre-renewal files, which is what caused it for me when I had those errors.

  13. Neji, the data.grf indeed is 1.80Gb my bad. However my rdata is after fully patching 312 Mb (327.768.533 bytes).

    I can open both files without issue in GRF editor in any version Tokeiburu has presented to us so far.

    Running the latest version without any issues too now. Can just open, extract and modify files if I have to in there.

  14. It keeps crashing because the character is still wearing it. You'll have to reset it in your character database or just null it out there so it won't be equipped any more.

    You probably forgot to add it to the accessoryid.lua and accname.lua files, which is required for headgears and thus crashing you.

    If you're 100% sure you did it right there, compile your lua > lub files and try again that way. All depends on how you diffed your client.

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