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Posts posted by Conflicts

  1. What are you using xterm for?

    I remember seeing this from AsuraHosting, did you copy it from there? Lol.

    Anyway, as the warning suggests, this isn't meant to be run on root user. And it also requires a display, which I'm guessing is something like XFCE.

    I'm not familiar with multi-server setups using 1 login server, but I think you only need to alter the ports on map2 / char2, so that it doesn't collide with your map1 / char1.

  2. This part here kinda makes me hesitate. If my assumption is correct, the "fully configurable" version is, paid. 

    Can I edit its colors or skin?

    No. This version we are offering is for free and it will not allow such things. However, if you are interested in customising this, please send us a message to Daegaladh or to me.


    Don't get me wrong, I like it. However, I don't see much improvements over other previously released Launchers, other than the Profile Switch / Save. And I'm pretty sure most RO players keep the username part, and type their passwords rather quickly, rendering this feature kind of redundant. Now if it had functions like built-in patcher, file integrity checker (download the file with mismatched crc), and 1 click Log sending of the player's OS / installation folder / dependencies / grf files read / etc for debugging purposes, then it would be nice. (I saw these on the server NeoMind and Ossi built)


    PS: I feel bad, seeing as it is still a Project in Progress, please take my opinions above as suggestions to further improve your product.

    • Upvote 1
  3. No offense but, if you don't know which Makefiles to edit, I don't think you have a chance to get Harmony working at all.

    On-topic, /char, /login and /map Makefiles would need to be altered, to make sure they include the rule to make Harmony.

  4. @Jezu, I think you just gave him the exact opposite of what he wanted.


    @Ernest90, you can configure your announcements to be classified as WoE Information.

    announce "Playername killer Playername2 on Mapname",bc_all|bc_woe;

    And then turn WoE Information off on your normal chatbox, as shown in the image below;


  5. I don't really think there's anything more to this story than what's already been stated.

    And seeing as how the accused, Dev Kuro didn't deny anything that the OP has claimed, proves it further.


    Also, I am inclined to believe that you're either Dev Kuro's friend, or a client, or maybe both.


    This is my personal opinion, and it does not necessarily involve rAthena's Staff, or rAthena in general.

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