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Posts posted by Conflicts

  1. It's proving to me more of Client-side support. I'll move it accordingly.

    @GM Kinko, client-side is often frustrating, as it doesn't give you much options to debug it unlike server.


    However, you can follow this general guidelines when choosing a client;

    • What features do you need? Older clients support less features.
    • Is this client supported by your emulator? By default rAthena recommends 2014-04-10 or 2013-08-07.
    • Find the correct LUA files to be used with your chosen client version. This is really important, as most of problems are caused by incompatible lua/lub files.
    • When diffing, choosing less diff options first would be ideal. Then add other diff options one by one, tests should be done.
  2. Short answer: No, it's not.


    Long answer: It's not normally possible. However if you want to dedicate some insane amount of time for it, it "might" work.

    First off, you can't change how a job's animation is, so you can then opt to change your bow to be used as a Sword. Would look funny.

    You would then have to edit the .act file which comes with your bow, to fit it to the job you wanted to use / wield it (e.g. a Swordsman).


    But really, this requires so much time and effort.

    PS: Moved this to Client-side support.

  3. Yes, though I assumed you already have followed those steps. Add the sprites accordingly (following the format you've shown us above).

    And make sure you have it for both male and female. Then test it in-game before proceeding with my suggestion, if it still didn't work.

    • Upvote 1
  4. ProtoMan, try this entry on your item_db.txt

    Try moving your Eternal Blade to item ID 21015. Then make it's item_db.txt entry like this;

    21015,Eternal_Blade,Eternal Blade,4,60000,,2200,90,,1,4,0x00004082,7,2,34,3,33,1,3,{},{},{}

    I'll move this to client-side support. Please let us know if this worked for you.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I don't think there is such functionality. And to be honest, I don't see the need to have one as well.

    Can't you just create a GM with gibberish name or better yet the infamous IlIlIlIIl -> mix of capital and small letter L?

    If all else fails, you can always use /exall to block any and all whispers. @request would still go through regardless.



    These seem to be standard, non-custom maps. It would help if you could tell us what changes you made before all these started to happen.



    I described my recent changes in my opening post. I added one new map. I did everything you would normally do to add a custom map.

    Sorry, I'm not sure how I missed that part. Anyway, can you show us the starting index of your custom map(s)?

    It should be on /db/mapindex.txt, perhaps you need to increase the index to accommodate for official maps, 

    however, if you've added other custom maps before, and it worked fine prior to this one, then I'm out of ideas.


    I'll try checking out the latest rA version, and add a custom map, to make sure it's not anything related to the recent updates.

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