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Posts posted by Conflicts

  1. I guess it's because /web has a GM level requirement. Just like /hide

    So normal players (Level 0) can't really use the said command. - Not true, normal players can use it too.

    I'm also thinking maybe he wants to iterate the command to all players on a specific map,

    force-opening a website right from the client itself. Just my thoughts though.

  2. if(!getarg(1)) { debugmes "Error in KDR function, getarg(1) invalid value"; return 0; } // [Lighta]

    Caused by this script - Link

    As you can see, it's just a debug message.

    And you are getting it because that said character has NEVER died yet.

    Or at least the NPC never recorded any death from him yet. Thus, KDR (Kill Death Ratio) is impossible to calculate.

    • Upvote 1
  3. What would happen if...

    Gravity decides to encrypt their grf?

    We all know they are capable of doing that.

    Imo, emulator / client development wont end there.

    But it would be so much work trying to somewhat keep up with them.

    This might be the time we actually see unique contents.

    Made by individuals (pServer owners / devs).

    Share your thoughts.

    Edited: I didn't notice that box after Title were Tags. My bad.

  4. Basically, I want a skill that uses (requires) a subskill to deal damage.

    Some examples would be WL_CHAINLIGHTNING and GN_CRAZYWEED.

    I tried copying the formats, and adding something new based off them, but I wasn't successful.

    Maybe because these skills were complicated, and really needed a sub-skill to function correctly.

    What I want would be rather easy (compared to the examples above).

    Say, I want BASH (SM_BASH), have a sub-skill called SM_BASH_ATK,

    which would automatically be casted right after I use the skill Bash.

    We can name it, an after-effect of a certain skill.

    So yeah, can anyone help? Thank you.

    Edit: A format / basic skeleton code will do. I can work off there.

  5. if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.vending_cell != map_getcell(sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,CELL_CHKNOVENDING) || map_getcell(sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,CELL_CHKNOCHAT) )
           clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can't use @AFK on this spot.");
           return -1;

  6. i though both Old / RE Client would have the same diff ? or maybe RE have some new diff for it.. ?

    Diffteam made each client with a separate .diff file, but they stopped at 2010-11-16.

    Maybe is RE Client ? since alot players seem to be love to play with Mount System...and that cant be done in Old Client..

    Yeah that's why I wanted to discuss the pros and cons, so I could weigh out the options.

    By the way, 2010-07-28 (the one I'm using) and 2011-month-date (anything latest) would generally be both RE Clients.

    i think suppose to be free to download , as it is shared by the Diff Team..

    unless you request for certain custom hexing on your client , then it would become another story for it...

    Yeah, but to an extent, I'd be willing to pay for it. Though unfortunately, that's one of the things we're trying to avoid,

    and one of the reasons why we participated in this board move.

    * Just my personal Opinion *

    There's a lot of people using clients from 2011 and higher, and they seem to be working good, from what I've heard.

    Personally, I use 2010-07-21a for my server, so I wouldn't know how well the 2011 Renewal clients work, or how stable they are, but I'd guess (and please don't hold me to this) that an early 2011 client would work, since they'd support the extended character mounts, like Emistry said, and new effects, like you said.

    And I'm curious... what do you mean by DLLs for those DIFF options? Like, so you can interchange DIFF options for a particular client on the fly?

    Yeah, they would infact work. But having a 200~300mb palette grf would be one of your main problems.

    Also, for the DLL, I'm talking about Shinryo's Diffpatcher which uses DLL(s), to apply certain .diff options.

    And it pretty much works on any client. If we can get those old (obsolete) .diff options as DLL here, it would be a good start.

  7. Alright, this post is made to somewhat clear up confusions between RE clients.

    As of now, I am stuck in using 2010-07-28 Client, cause for me, this one's the most complete.

    Some of the diff options I just can't drop are, Use Shared Palettes and Adjust Font Size.

    Pros: It has it's own .diff that you can patch it with. Comes with the most complete .diff options.

    Cons: It's a freaking 1-year old client. Can't display new stuffs (mounts), or some new effects, Idk.

    Let me hear your thoughts. Let's start up with these few questions.

    What Client date would probably be the best choice next to the one I'm using? Why?

    And, is it possible that we could get .DLL(s) for the said .diff options above?

    What (how much) would it cost? Let's discuss.

  8. You need to declare clif_sendfakenpc() in clif.h first.

    Just paste the line

    void clif_sendfakenpc(struct map_session_data *sd, int npcid);

    above of

    #endif /* _CLIF_H_ */

    And clif_specialeffect_single() needs a pointer on the block_list struct, so the line should be

    clif_specialeffect_single(&fk->bl, script_getnum(st,2), sd->fd); 

    As for the mouse coordinates, I remeber to got some combinations to work, using a dummy skill called via itemSkill() script function after item usage.

    This was a ground spell and triggerd clif_parse_UseSkillToPos(), which i hijacked to check for my dummy skill and triggered an NPC after this.

    My old Revision is lost, so i cant provide some examples, Sorry =/

    Aww. Yeah creating a ground-targetting skill would be the easy part.

    I'd really appreciate if you could at least give some ideas on how to utilize clif_parse_UseSkillToPos()'s x and y coordinates.

    Anyway, that fix above worked.

    Though there's some problems.

    -	script	GroundEffects	-1,{
    while( 1 )
    	sleep2 5000;

    I tried using that NPC above.

    It is supposed to display the effect on coordinates 155,171 on the map.

    But instead, it displays the effect on my character.

    Also, it's leaving this mark, which, is kinda expected, lol.


  9. @GodLesZ,

    Seems interesting. I can create a dummy skill which would just be used for capturing mouse coordinates.

    Though I'm not exactly sure how I can use / convert clif_parse_UseSkillToPos() to actual x and y coordinates , if ever I'm successful on getting it.


    Yeah, mouse position would be vital, since this would be used mainly for a quest.

    I would be confined to using DIR compared to current player's position (getmapxy)

    to still somewhat make the NPC spawning (x,y) variable.

    I tried using your mod, it shows me this;

    script.c: In function 'buildin_areaeffect':
    script.c:17900: warning: implicit declaration of function 'clif_sendfakenpc'
    script.c:17901: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'clif_specialeffect_single'

    Also, would the correct entry below be;

    BUILDIN_DEF(areaeffect, "iii"),

    PS: My post got answered in less than 2 hours. I prefer this new board. Lol.


    I changed this;

    clif_specialeffect_single( fk->bl, script_getnum(st,2), sd->fd );

    To this;

    clif_specialeffect_single( fk->bl.id, script_getnum(st,2), sd->fd );

    It compiled without error and 1 warning (shown above).

    But when I attach it to a script, my map server crashes. :)

  10. Okay I've searched through the source and I learned that there are limited ways to display client-side effects.

    It's either, have an NPC as the target object (specialeffect), or the attached player as the target object (specialeffect2).

    What I'm trying to do this time, is display a client-side effect, on a certain coordinate (x,y) on the map.

    The x and y coordinates will be supplied by the target coordinates of the player's mouse.

    Say I want to display effect number 900, on the ground, centered to that x,y position of my mouse.

    I'd just input areaeffect 900,xcoord,ycoord,duration(optional); on my script.

    Can I get the script.c code needed to get this working?


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