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Everything posted by MukkiesftKies

  1. map,146,139,5 script Arena Master 808,{ if( select("PVP Room [ "+getmapusers("arena02")+"/50 ]:Cancel") == 1 ) { if( getmapusers("arena02") >= 50 ) { mes "[Arena Master]", "I'm sorry but the PVP Room is already full!"; close; } warp "arena02",0,0; atcommand "@heal"; } close; OnPCDieEvent: atcommand "@alive"; atcommand "@heal"; end; } arena02 mapflag pvp arena02 mapflag nocommand 80 arena02 mapflag nomemo arena02 mapflag nosave SavePoint arena02 mapflag noteleport arena02 mapflag nowarp arena02 mapflag nowarpto arena02 mapflag noreturn arena02 mapflag nobranch My example like this . - Pvp Room have 5 minutes , if 5 minutes end , ppl auto exit from map
  2. I think the bank should set the password that can not be opened by other people. Such as requiring a password set by the owner bank account when want to open a bank. Original script from eathena : http://www.eathena.w...pic=263051&st=0 // ===== eAthena Script ======================================= // = The 3rd Bank of Prontera // ===== By: ================================================== // = coder & Cruxiaer // ===== Current Version: ===================================== // = 2.00 // ===== Compatible With: ===================================== // = eAthena 1.x // ===== Description: ========================================= // = A bank which has a 1% interest hourly income by default // = Counter will not reset before it reaches an hour by default // ===== How to use: ========================================== // Change @maxOnOff to turn maximum interest income on or off // For example: // set @maxOnOff, "0"; = maximum interest income control is off // set @maxOnOff, "1"; = maximum interest income control is on // // Change @max to setup your Bank's maximum interest income at one time // For example: // set @max, "1000000"; = maximum interest income at one time is 1mil zeny // set @max, "100000"; = maximum interest income at one time is 100k zeny // Change @var3 to setup your Bank's interest % // For example: // set @var3, "1000"; = 0.1% of interest rate // set @var3, "100"; = 1% of interest rate // set @var3, "10"; = 10% of interest rate // // Change these variables and setup your Bank's interest on an hourly or daily basis & counter resets // To change counter reset settings, change @var1 : // set @var1, "0" = counter reset is not prevented // set @var1, "3600" = prevent counter reset before it reaches 1 hour // set @var1, "86400" = prevent counter reset before it reaches 1 day // set @var1, "604800" = prevent counter reset before it reaches 1 week // // To change interest income rate, change @var2 : // set @var2, "3600"; = interest hourly income // set @var2, "86400"; = interest daily income // set @var2, "604800"; = interest weekly income // // ===== Credits: ============================================= // Lupus for his 2nd Bank of Prontera, which my idea was based on // ===== Changelog: =========================================== // 1.01a - Removed unnecessary lines, added comments // 1.02 -- Added logmes on 164 and 195 // 1.03 -- Replaced interest numbers with variables, removed more unnecessary lines // 1.04 -- Added more variables for easier editting // 1.04a - Had no income when @maxOnOff is set to 1, fixed // 1.05 -- Optimised the script, removed unnecessary labels // 1.05a - Fixed always open new account problem // 2.00 -- Percent on percent interest instead of accumulative percentage // prontera,164,177,2 script 3rd B.o.P.::3rdbank 833,{ set @timeNow, gettimetick(2); set @tick, (@timeNow - #3rdbank_last); set @var1, "3600"; // prevent counter reset, value cannot be larger than @var2, 0-Disabled set @var2, "3600"; // interest income rate set @var3, "100"; // interest rate set @maxOnOff, "0"; // 0-Off, 1-On set @max, "100000"; // maximum interest income even if interest is accumulated mes "[Maness]"; mes strcharinfo(0)+", welcome to the Third Bank of Prontera!"; if (#3rdbank_last==0) { set @tick, 0; next; goto NO_ACCOUNT; } else if (@tick < 60) { mes "Your last visit was ^336688" + @tick + " seconds^000000 ago."; //will display time in seconds if last visit was less than a minute ago next; goto TASK; } else if (@tick < 3600) { mes "Your last visit was ^336688" + (@tick / 60) + " minutes^000000 ago."; //will display time in minutes if last visit was less than an hour ago next; goto TASK; } else { mes "Your last visit was ^336688" + (@tick / 3600) + " hours^000000 ago."; // will display time in hours if last visit is more than 60 minutes next; goto TASK; } next; W_INTEREST: if (@tick < @var1) { // prevent counter reset before seconds reaches @var1 set @int, 0; goto WITHDRAW; } else { next; } set @rate, (@tick / @var2); set @3rdbank, #3rdbank; set @int, @3rdbank; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < @rate; set .@i, .@i +1 ) { set @3rdbank, @3rdbank + (@3rdbank/@var3); } set @int, @3rdbank - @int; if (@maxOnOff>0) { if (@int>@max) set @int,@max; //maximum interest income at one time, disabled by default set #3rdbank, #3rdbank + @int; set #3rdbank_last, gettimetick(2); } else { set #3rdbank, #3rdbank + @int; set #3rdbank_last, gettimetick(2); } { mes "[Maness]"; mes "^000000Interest received: ^336688" + @int; if (@tick < 60) { mes "^000000Your last visit was ^336688" + @tick + " seconds^000000 ago."; //will display time in seconds if last visit was less than a minute ago } else if (@tick < 3600) { mes "^000000Your last visit was ^336688" + (@tick / 60) + " minutes^000000 ago."; //will display time in minutes if last visit was less than an hour ago } else { mes "^000000Your last visit was ^336688" + (@tick / 3600) + " hours^000000 ago."; // will display time in hours if last visit is more than 60 minutes } mes "^000000Your account: ^336688" + #3rdbank; set #3rdbank_last, gettimetick(2); next; goto WITHDRAW; } D_INTEREST: if (@tick < @var1) { // prevent counter reset before seconds reaches @var1 set @int, 0; goto DEPOSIT; } else { next; } set @rate, (@tick / @var2); set @3rdbank, #3rdbank; set @int, @3rdbank; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < @rate; set .@i, .@i +1 ) { set @3rdbank, @3rdbank + (@3rdbank/@var3); } set @int, @3rdbank - @int; if (@maxOnOff>0) { if (@int>@max) set @int,@max; //maximum interest income at one time, disabled by default set #3rdbank, #3rdbank + @int; set #3rdbank_last, gettimetick(2); } else { set #3rdbank, #3rdbank + @int; set #3rdbank_last, gettimetick(2); } { mes "[Maness]"; mes "^000000Interest received: ^336688" + @int; if (@tick < 60) { mes "^000000Your last visit was ^336688" + @tick + " seconds^000000 ago."; //will display time in seconds if last visit was less than a minute ago } else if (@tick < 3600) { mes "^000000Your last visit was ^336688" + (@tick / 60) + " minutes^000000 ago."; //will display time in minutes if last visit was less than an hour ago } else { mes "^000000Your last visit was ^336688" + (@tick / 3600) + " hours^000000 ago."; // will display time in hours if last visit is more than 60 minutes } mes "^000000Your account: ^336688" + #3rdbank; set #3rdbank_last, gettimetick(2); next; goto DEPOSIT; } NO_ACCOUNT: mes "[Maness]"; mes "We offer an interest rate of"; mes "^3366881% every hour."; mes "^000000We could open you an account."; next; if(select("Open an account:Quit") == 1){ set #3rdbank_last, gettimetick(2); goto TASK; } else { goto EXIT; } TASK: mes "[Maness]"; mes "Your account: ^336688" + #3rdbank + "^000000 zeny."; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; menu "-Deposit money",D_INTEREST,"-Withdraw money",W_INTEREST,"-Quit",EXIT; WITHDRAW: mes "[Maness]"; mes "Please, tell me how much zeny you would like to withdraw."; mes "Your account: ^336688" + #3rdbank + "^000000 zeny."; next; switch(input(@input, 0, #3rdbank)){ if (@input<1) { goto CANCEL; } else if (@input>#3rdbank) { set @input, #3rdbank; set Zeny, Zeny+@input; set #3rdbank,#3rdbank - @input; mes"[Maness]"; mes "You've made a deposit of ^336688" + @input + "z^000000."; mes "Thank you for using our services."; // log interest income, withdrawn zeny and final acocunt logmes "3rdbank Interest: " + @int +"z, Withdrawn: "+ @input +"z, Final: "+ #3rdbank +"z"; close; goto EXIT; } else { set Zeny, Zeny+@input; set #3rdbank,#3rdbank - @input; mes"[Maness]"; mes "You have withdrawn ^336688" + @input + "z^000000."; mes "Thank you for using our services."; // log interest income, withdrawn zeny and final acocunt logmes "3rdbank Interest: " + @int +"z, Withdrawn: "+ @input +"z, Final: "+ #3rdbank +"z"; close; goto EXIT; } } DEPOSIT: mes "[Maness]"; mes "Please, tell me how much zeny you would like to deposit."; mes "Maximum ^33668810,000,000 ^000000zeny per transaction only."; next; switch(input(@input, 0, 1000000000)){ if (@input<1) { goto CANCEL; } else if (@input>zeny) { set @input, Zeny; set Zeny, Zeny-@input; set #3rdbank,#3rdbank + @input; mes"[Maness]"; mes "You've made a deposit of ^336688" + @input + "z^000000."; mes "Thank you for using our services."; // log interest income, deposited zeny and final acocunt logmes "3rdbank Interest: " + @int +"z, Deposited: "+ @input +"z, Final: "+ #3rdbank +"z"; close; goto EXIT; } else { set Zeny, Zeny-@input; set #3rdbank,#3rdbank + @input; mes"[Maness]"; mes "You've made a deposit of ^336688" + @input + "z^000000."; mes "Thank you for using our services."; // log interest income, deposited zeny and final acocunt logmes "3rdbank Interest: " + @int +"z, Deposited: "+ @input +"z, Final: "+ #3rdbank +"z"; close; goto EXIT; } } CANCEL: mes "[Maness]"; mes "Thank you for using our services."; close; EXIT: close; } geffen,125,73,3 duplicate(3rdbank) Banker#2-1 833 izlude,145,107,1 duplicate(3rdbank) Banker#3-1 833 morocc,147,84,7 duplicate(3rdbank) Banker#4-1 833
  3. #SorryForMyEnglishLanguage I use Race System . So my problem is : - Every NPC Race have character sprite but when i put ID character sprite at script for race system It will have an error. When i use Disguise it will okay but when i put at script script it will error. db/mob_avail.txt 2507,4019,1,18,264,0,0,0,73,0,0,554 // Dark Elf Master 2508,4011,1,31,265,0,0,0,73,0,0,555 // Light Elf Master 2509,4013,1,20,266,0,0,0,0,0,0,556 // Marine Warrior Master 2510,4009,1,16,267,0,0,38,0,0,0,557 // Holy Avenger Master 2511,4012,1,2,268,0,0,178,0,0,0,558 // Orc Assassin Master db/mob_db2.txt //Races 2507,CREATOR,Creator,Creator,180,742,0,66,44,1,39,43,0,10,1,10,10,5,35,15,10,12,1,3,41,0x81,100,1872,62,480,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2508,WHITESMITH,Whitesmith,Whitesmith,180,742,0,66,44,1,39,43,0,10,1,10,10,5,35,15,10,12,1,3,41,0x81,100,1872,62,480,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2509,ASSASSIN,Assassin,Assassin,180,742,0,66,44,1,39,43,0,10,1,10,10,5,35,15,10,12,1,3,41,0x81,100,1872,62,480,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2510,PRIEST,Priest,Priest,180,742,0,66,44,1,39,43,0,10,1,10,10,5,35,15,10,12,1,3,41,0x81,100,1872,62,480,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2511,SNIPER,Sniper,Sniper,180,742,0,66,44,1,39,43,0,10,1,10,10,5,35,15,10,12,1,3,41,0x81,100,1872,62,480,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2512,PROFESSOR,Professor,Professor,180,742,0,66,44,1,39,43,0,10,1,10,10,5,35,15,10,12,1,3,41,0x81,100,1872,62,480,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 There is nothing that I have forgotten?
  4. Thanks AnnieRuru ^ ^v Sorry for wrong section , i don't know where to put it.
  5. Dear brothers and sisters in all respect. Here I would like to request script PET Skill. Pet use autoskill to Healer her Owner. Pet use autoskill to Bless/Agi her Owner. No need to click any skill cause is automatic. Thanks :3
  6. I can not find any indication to set the party_leader_id to a variable. So it is difficult for me to do it. Btw thanks again GmOcean Problem Slove . .
  7. sounds very difficult when using a variable. Hahaha. I am still weak in the use of this variable. I need an example variable to save party's name / ID. btw thanks GmOcean. I will try first. Anyone can help me ? I still can't make it -.-"
  8. How to fix this , i want put party register like Private MVP by AnnieRuru ? Like a - - If leader party has be register , another leader party cannot inside the map. - If the group they die, they can not return. prontera,143,178,4 script MVP Room 122,{ mes "[ ^FF0000My-Intensity GateKeeper^000000 ]"; mes "Hi. I'm glad to be of service. I will open the PvP fight square for you!"; switch(select("I want kill Ifrit![ "+getmapusers("guild_vs3")+" Users ]")) { Case 1: if (getmapusers("guild_vs3") >=1) goto Lsorry; // check if they are in a party if (getcharid(1) == 0) { next; mes "[ ^FF0000My-Intensity GateKeeper^000000 ]"; mes "You need to be in a party to continue."; close; } // check if they are party leader if (getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) { next; mes "[ ^FF0000My-Intensity GateKeeper^000000 ]"; mes "Only your party leader can warp your party."; close; } set .@AID, playerattached(); // save their AID (so we can reattach later) getpartymember(getcharid(1),2); // get party info set .@count, $@partymembercount; // copy to scope variables copyarray .@members_aid[0], $@partymemberaid[0], .@count; // check how many party members if (.@count < 1 || countitem(19901) < 1) { next; mes "[ ^FF0000My-Intensity GateKeeper^000000 ]"; mes "You need at least 1 online party members to continue and 2 TGC Card."; close; } for( set .@i,0; .@i < .@count; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if (attachrid(.@members_aid[.@i])) { // online check if (BaseJob > 6) { // check Base Job // check for mounted classes (peco) if (BaseJob == Job_Knight2) set .@job, Job_Knight; else if (BaseJob == Job_Crusader2) set .@job, Job_Crusader; else set .@job, BaseJob; // check for duplicate classes in party if (.@classes & pow(2,.@job)) { attachrid(.@AID); // reattach to party leader mes "There can only be one of each base class."; close; } else { set .@classes, .@classes | pow(2,.@job); } } else { attachrid(.@AID); // reattach to party leader next; mes "[ ^FF0000My-Intensity GateKeeper^000000 ]"; mes "Novice, Swordman, Mage, Archer, Acolyte, Merchant, Thief are not allowed"; close; } } else { attachrid(.@AID); // reattach to party leader next; mes "[ ^FF0000My-Intensity GateKeeper^000000 ]"; mes "All party members must be online"; close; } } warpparty "guild_vs3",105,125, getcharid(1); close; Lsorry: next; mes "[ ^FF0000My-Intensity GateKeeper^000000 ]"; mes "Please Wait"; close; } }
  9. can make one race for one ID ?
  10. How to fix this problem ? :| I using 3ceam 660 *Fixed
  11. i can't find the same faction system like yours. and like this http://www.eathena.w...owtopic=223536. i cant do my work without faction system
  12. In clientinfo.XML Change this : <version>25</version> to <version>28</version>
  13. how can I make for double strafing skills have immute like Stun , Sleep , Freeze , Blind ?
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