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Everything posted by MukkiesftKies

  1. parse_simpleexpr: unmatch ')' 1 : { 2 : 3 : mes .Npc_Name$; 4 : mes "Hello! Which PvP area do you wanna go?"; * 5 : switch(@menu '=' select(implode(.map$,":"))){ 6 : next; 7 : mes .Npc_Name$; 8 : case 1: 9 : case 2: 10 : mes "Goodluck!"; I found error at line 5. I use eathena SVN r15266M.
  2. I have 3 map for pvp. 1. guild_vs3 2. pvp_y_1-2 3. arena Map number 1 and 2 can use everyday. But map number 3 only can use on saturday and sunday. So I want pvp warper work like that.
  3. Capuche can help to work like this after guild leader click npc 2 time, npc recall will hide then another npc will show.
  4. Can i request Doubrius Set Model Event ? data>model>event i download doubrius map from here http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2507-doubrius-set/ but i think it is an error. thanks. fixed! Thanks
  5. fixed. thanks ngoclong19. i just need to remove cvtres from virtual c+
  6. Sorry if i put wrong section. I have problem when start build, i use latest svn 17704.
  7. that's what I think. so my choice is make own or hiring a scripter on the server. right ? haha. I have tried @addwarp, it a warp portal. can use for manual event >.<" no need to use @recall. thanks AnnieRuru.
  8. Version V1


    Theme : Tribal Maid Size : 1027 x 1275 Just Web Design for FluxCP.
  9. sorry, if i try to trick you >.<" yaa, for sure this not an event script. what do you means "I used @addwarp command to warp the players to the site I never use npc to do that" so it is safe to use? He wants to make some NPC duplicates so he can put them on different places. no, i want one npc can put more than one event.
  10. this npc function to inform players that the event is running. 1. When event starting, another npc will showing waitingroom "Event Start" 2. When event end, npc will showing waitingroom "Event End" 3. Event start, player can warp. 4. can put more than one. it like a event warper, but i just auto. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=204556&hl
  11. this my first try to make web design. i hope you like it. i make this for fluxcp but but I do not know coding. lol if can you leave me rate /10 and comment to improve my design.. thanks Aren for a few idea.
  12. ohh , just create another file .txt okkay2. thanks for help patskie
  13. so you mean like this ? - script Sample::test -1,{ if ( !getcharid(2) ) end; if ( !$@guild_owner1 && getcharid(2) ) { if ( getguildmaster( getcharid(2) ) != strcharinfo(0) ) end; mes .npc$; mes "Buy me for " +.prize_of_npc+ " zeny."; next; mes .npc$; if ( Zeny < .prize_of_npc ) mes "You don't have enough zeny"; else Zeny -= .prize_of_npc; $@guild_owner = getcharid(2); announce "[" +getguildname($@guild_owner1)+ "] guild bought me for " +.prize_of_npc+ " zeny!",0; close; } if ( getcharid(2) != $@guild_owner1 ) { mes .npc$; mes "This npc is not dedicated on your guild"; close; } mes .npc$; mes "What you want me to do master?"; next; switch(select("Heal Me:No thanks:" +(getguildmaster($@guild_owner1)==strcharinfo(0)?"Sell me":""))) { case 1: percentheal 100,100; break; case 2: break; case 3: mes .npc$; mes "Done!"; Zeny += .prize_of_npc; announce getguildmaster($@guild_owner1)+ " sell me. Someone buy me!",0; $@guild_owner = 0; break; default: debugmes "Error on NPC " +.npc$; break; } OnInit: .prize_of_npc = 20; .npc$ = strnpcinfo(1); end; } prontera,150,150,0 duplicate(test) Sample 100 prontera,153,153,0 duplicate(test) Sample 100 or just change at prontera,150,150,0 duplicate(test) Sample 100,{ getguildname("$@guild_owner",1) } prontera,153,153,0 duplicate(test) Sample 100,{ getguildname("$@guild_owner",2) }
  14. yaa, if can use only one .txt
  15. sorry patskie , it about duplicate. i donno how to explain so i give i want to function the same npc, but who differ duplicate, have two guild npc Prontera and payon Guild X buy guild npc at Prontera Guild Y can not buy it but Guild Y can buy guild npc at payon because no one is buying it. btw your script is working
  16. i requests for guild npc. this npc working like this, guild leader buy a npc guild then only guildmate can use that npc. if guild leader sell that npc, another guild can buy that npc. I want this npc can duplicate.
  17. cause easy to use and easy to edit.
  18. Sorry, I do not understand for calculating skills.
  19. Enchantment works like this http://rathena.org/board/topic/61734-custom-enchantment-system/
  20. script that you edit it works like this. Headgear first slot. [RUNE][sLOT][sLOT][sLOT] Headgear second slot. [sLOT][RUNE][sLOT][sLOT] Headgear third slot. [sLOT][sLOT][RUNE][sLOT] but i want like this Headgear first slot. [RUNE][sLOT][sLOT][sLOT] Headgear second slot. [RUNE][RUNE][sLOT][sLOT] Headgear third slot. [RUNE][RUNE][RUNE][sLOT]
  21. excuse me, how to use the three slots that? I do not want to use only one slot that just changing places. i want like this
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