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Posts posted by cahadeyelo

  1. 17704



    THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 17704 - 17709

    I was wondering why is it when i tried to rebuild the 17709 version some files didn't have _sql or -sql on their names....just like on the pic i just shown above

  2. So this is how it goes,

    A = Player A
    B = Player B

    Every kill adds +1 to fame
    Max Karma = 100000
    Min Karma = -1000

    A kills B and:
    If A and B both got 0 karma , A's karma will increase(100) and B's karma will decrease(50)
    If A has a lower karma than B , A's karma will increase(100) and B's karma will decrease(50)
    If A has a higher karma than B , A's karma will increase(100) and B's karma will decrease(50)
    if A has Same karma of B, A karma will increase to (100) and B's karma will decrease (50)

    Higher karma means higher chance of dropping an item when killed.
    -1000 karma ensures no chance of dropping an item

    Killer and killed displaybottom: "Killer" [ (KARMA) Karma, (FAME) Fame ] killed "killed" [ (Karma) Karma, (Fame) Fame ].

    And if it is also possible to include the karma and fame points in the fluxcp/cerescp

    And if possible, let me know the item script for an equipment that is:
    1 equip with lower karma, more damage
    1 equip with higher karma, more damage

    *More like system that is alike with WaffleRO*
  3. Can you Help me change the max of negative karma into -1k max (Angel )then 100k posstive karma ( Evil ) and add Penalty item drop When killed by player for Evil karma 

    thanks a lot  /no1  /no1

    - script pk_manner_add -1,{
    if(isloggedin(killedrid)) { // you don't get points for non players
    set KARMAPOINTS, KARMAPOINTS+rand(50,300);
    set .@killer, getcharid(3); // save rid []
    set .@fame, FAMEPOINTS;
    set .@karma, KARMAPOINTS;
    attachrid(killedrid); //attaches script to player that got killed
    set KARMAPOINTS, KARMAPOINTS-rand(50,300);
    dispbottom rid2name(.@killer)+" (Karma: "+.@karma+" Fame: "+.@fame+" ) just killed "+strcharinfo(0)+" (Karma: "+KARMAPOINTS+" Fame: "+FAMEPOINTS+")";
    set .@fame, FAMEPOINTS;
    set .@karma, KARMAPOINTS;
    dispbottom strcharinfo(0)+" (Karma: "+KARMAPOINTS+" Fame: "+FAMEPOINTS+")" just killed "+rid2name(killedrid)+" (Karma: "+.@karma+" Fame: "+.@fame+" )";

    karma fame.txt

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