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Everything posted by awesomazingxed

  1. /* CREATE TABLE `changelog` ( `id` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `changelog` VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL, `date` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, `author` VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; */ maintown,115,85,6 script Changelogs 837,{ if (getgmlevel() >= .minGMLevel) goto chlog_GM; // -- Player Menu -- chlog_Player: mes .npcname$; mes "Hey choose the Changelog you want to read."; // --- Generating Menu --- query_sql "SELECT id FROM changelog ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1",@chamt; @menu$ = ""; @limit = 0; for (@i = @chamt; @i >= 1; @i=@i-1 ) { query_sql "SELECT id,changelog,date,author FROM `changelog` WHERE id='"+@i+"'",@id,@changelog$,@date$,@author$; query_sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `changelog` WHERE id='"+@i+"'",@check; if (@check == 0) continue; @id2 = 1+(@id/10); @id$ = @id2+"."+(@id%10); set @menu$,""+@menu$+"Changelog "+@id$+" [ "+@date$+" ]"; if (@i >= 1) set @menu$,@menu$+":"; @limit=@limit+1; if(@limit == .loglimit) break; } // ----------------------- @pick = select(@menu$); next; query_sql "SELECT id FROM `changelog` ORDER by id DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET "+(@pick-1)+"",@pick; query_sql "SELECT id,changelog,date,author FROM `changelog` WHERE id='"+@pick+"'",@id,@changelog$,@date$,@author$; @id2 = 1+(@id/10); @id$ = @id2+"."+(@id%10); @chcount = countstr(@changelog$, "|"); explode(@changelog$, @changelog$, "|"); mes "[Changelog "+@id$+"]"; for (@i = 0; @i < @chcount; @i=@i+1) mes "ï "+@changelog$[@i]; mes " "; mes "By : "+@author$+""; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Do you want to read other logs ?"; next; if(select("Yes:No")==1) goto chlog_Player; mes .npcname$; mes "Ok, Happy RO ^^"; close; // ----------------- // -- GM Menu -- chlog_GM: @a = 0; @finish = 0; mes .npcname$; mes "Hello Mr. "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes "How can I assist you ?"; next; menu "~ Add a Change Log",chlog_add, "~ Edit a Change Log",chlog_edit, "~ Remove a Change Log",chlog_rm, "~ Clear all the Change Logs",chlog_clear, "~ Open Player Menu",chlog_Player; chlog_add: // --- Tutorial about adding Change Log -- if (#ch_tutorial != 1) { ch_tutor: mes .npcname$; mes "Okay I guess it's your first time adding changelog. I'll throw you an example."; next; mes .npcname$; mes "This is the example: "; mes " "; mes "[^FF0000Changelog 1.1^000000]"; mes "ï ^3661deAdded new monster 'Poring'^000000"; mes "ï ^de8229Pressure now deals 3000 fixed damage^000000"; mes "ï ^3661deRune Knight now rides Lunatic instead of Peco^000000"; mes " "; mes " ------------- "; mes "^515151Author: 2essy2killu^000000"; mes "^515151Date: 12-07-1997^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "First you are going to add the change points"; mes "From the previous example you are going to add 3 Point"; mes "Added New monster 'poring"; mes " "; mes "Pressure now deals 3000 fixed damage"; mes " "; mes "Rune Knight now rides Lunatic instead of Peco"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Date and Author can be removed from the Changelog though from the Configuration menu"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Do you want to hear the tutorial again ?"; next; menu "Yes",ch_tutor,"No",ch_tutor_x; ch_tutor_x: #ch_tutorial = 1; } // ----------------------------------------- do { mes .npcname$; mes "Input a note:"; if (@a > 0) mes "You have added "+@a+" note(s)."; if (@a > 0) mes "Previous Point : "+@point$[@a-1]+"."; mes " "; mes " - Commands -"; mes "input 0 to cancel the whole thing"; mes "input 1 to finish and save"; mes "input 2 to delete the last point"; input @point$[@a]; if(@point$[@a] == "0") { end; } else if(@point$[@a] == "1") { set @finish,1; } else if(@point$[@a] == "2") { @a=@a-1; } else { @a=@a+1; } next; } while (@finish != 1); @pointmerge$ = ""; for( @i = 0; @i < @a; @i=@i+1 ) { set @pointmerge$,@pointmerge$+""+@point$[@i]; if (@i < @a) set @pointmerge$,@pointmerge$+"|"; } set @date$,""+gettime(5)+"-"+gettime(6)+"-"+gettime(7)+""; query_sql "INSERT INTO `changelog` (changelog, date, author) VALUES ('"+@pointmerge$+"','"+@date$+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"')"; if(.broadcast == 1) announce strcharinfo(0)+" has added a new changelog.",bc_all; mes .npcname$; mes "You've successfully added a Change Log"; end; chlog_edit: mes .npcname$; mes "Hey choose the Changelog you want to edit."; // --- Generating Menu --- query_sql "SELECT id FROM changelog ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1",@chamt; @menu$ = ""; for (@i = 1; @i <= @chamt; @i=@i+1 ) { query_sql "SELECT id,changelog,date,author FROM `changelog` WHERE id='"+@i+"'",@id,@changelog$,@date$,@author$; query_sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `changelog` WHERE id='"+@i+"'",@check; if (@check == 0) continue; @id2 = 1+(@id/10); @id$ = @id2+"."+(@id%10); set @menu$,""+@menu$+"Changelog "+@id$+" [ "+@date$+" ]"; if (@i < @chamt) set @menu$,@menu$+":"; } // ----------------------- @pick = select(@menu$); next; do { mes .npcname$; mes "Input a note:"; if (@a > 0) mes "You have added "+@a+" note(s)."; if (@a > 0) mes "Previous Point : "+@point$[@a-1]+"."; mes " "; mes " - Commands -"; mes "input 0 to cancel the whole thing"; mes "input 1 to finish and save"; mes "input 2 to delete the last point"; input @point$[@a]; if(@point$[@a] == "0") { end; } else if(@point$[@a] == "1") { set @finish,1; } else if(@point$[@a] == "2") { @a=@a-1; } else { @a=@a+1; } next; } while (@finish != 1); @pointmerge$ = ""; for( @i = 0; @i < @a; @i=@i+1 ) { set @pointmerge$,@pointmerge$+""+@point$[@i]; if (@i < @a) set @pointmerge$,@pointmerge$+"|"; } set @date$,""+gettime(5)+"-"+gettime(6)+"-"+gettime(7)+""; query_sql "SELECT * FROM `changelog` LIMIT 1 OFFSET "+(@pick-1)+"",@pick; query_sql "UPDATE `changelog` SET changelog='"+@pointmerge$+"' WHERE id='"+@pick+"'"; query_sql "SELECT id,changelog,date,author FROM `changelog` WHERE id='"+@pick+"'",@id,@changelog$,@date$,@author$; @id2 = 1+(@id/10); @id$ = @id2+"."+(@id%10); if(.broadcast == 1) announce strcharinfo(0)+" has edited the Changelog "+@id$+".",bc_all; mes .npcname$; mes "You've successfully edited a Changelog"; end; chlog_rm: mes "Hey choose the Changelog you want to edit."; // --- Generating Menu --- query_sql "SELECT id FROM changelog ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1",@chamt; @menu$ = ""; for (@i = 1; @i <= @chamt; @i=@i+1 ) { query_sql "SELECT id,changelog,date,author FROM `changelog` WHERE id='"+@i+"'",@id,@changelog$,@date$,@author$; query_sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `changelog` WHERE id='"+@i+"'",@check; if (@check == 0) continue; @id2 = 1+(@id/10); @id$ = @id2+"."+(@id%10); set @menu$,""+@menu$+"Changelog "+@id$+" [ "+@date$+" ]"; if (@i < @chamt) set @menu$,@menu$+":"; } // ----------------------- next; @pick = select(@menu$); query_sql "SELECT * FROM `changelog` LIMIT 1 OFFSET "+(@pick-1)+"",@pick; query_sql "SELECT id,changelog,date,author FROM `changelog` WHERE id='"+@pick+"'",@id,@changelog$,@date$,@author$; @id2 = 1+(@id/10); @id$ = @id2+"."+(@id%10); query_sql "DELETE from `changelog` WHERE id='"+@pick+"'"; mes .npcname$; mes "You've successfully deleted a Changelog"; end; chlog_clear: mes .npcname$; mes "^FF0000YOU ARE ABOUT TO REMOVE THE ENTIRE CHANGELOGS YOU'VE MADE"; mes "THIS CAN'T BE REVERTED OR RECOVERED^000000"; mes "Are you sure about this ?"; if(select("No:Yes") == 1) end; query_sql "DELETE from `changelog` WHERE id>0"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "You've successfully deleted the whole changelog."; end; // ----------------- OnInit: // ------------- Inline Configuration ----------------- set .npcname$,"[ ^3a68ffChangelog^000000 ]"; set .minGMLevel,99; // The minimum level of GM to make, edit, or remove a log. set .broadcast,1; // 0=Disabled || 1=Enabled, broadcast when a GM edit / add a Change Log. set .loglimit,5; // The Limit of Changelogs displayed end; // ---------------------------------------------------- } And how can i add this. OnInit: waitingroom "News & Updates",0; end; } Thanks in advance.
  2. 13414,Elemental_Sword,Elemental Sword,4,20,,1200,105,,1,3,0x000654E2,2,2,2,3,70,1,2,{ bonus bStr,2; bonus bInt,4; bonus bDex,1; bonus bMatkRate,5; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Neutral,10; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MG_COLDBOLT",3,50; bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"MG_COLDBOLT","MG_FIREBOLT",3,1000; bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"MG_FIREBOLT","MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",3,10000; bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT","WZ_EARTHSPIKE",3,100000000; },{},{} My Elemental Sword only casts Lightning Bolt. Don't know what's wrong but i want it to autocast Firebolt, Lightning Bolt, Cold Bolt, and Earth Spike like a chain. For anyone who can help me. Thanks alot in advance.
  3. It connects, but it doesn't download patches. Here's my information: note: I need to patch ( aro_update_20.thor ) plist.txt 1 aro_update_01.thor 3 aro_update_02.thor 3 aro_update_03.thor 4 aro_update_04.thor 5 aro_update_05.thor 6 aro_update_06.thor 7 custom_aro_01.thor 8 aro_update_07.thor 109 aro_update_20.thor main.ini //Thor Patcher remote config file [Main] //Allow patching or not? allow=true //Should patcher ignore everything else and finish patch immediately? Force_Start=false //if not, what message should appear? policy_msg=Server is taking a nap. //file_url - patch files should ALL put here. // This config entry will override the one in embed config. // o HTTP: // http://domain.com/dir/ // o FTP: // ftp://domain.com/dir/ // o With <Username> [Password] [Port] // ftp://username:[email protected]:port/dir/ // o Note: username is required if want put password, otherwise everything is optional. file_url=http://awesomazing.ro-online.net/patch/data/ [Patch] //use CheckSum tool, hash for client & patcher // used to make sure exe is up to date // (leave empty to disable this feature) ClientSum= PatcherSum= //This is compressed file for patcher & client update // To make these work, ClientSum and/or PatcherSum can't be empty // Note: these files should put same place as patch file (file_url in internal config) //Relative address, not FULL URL! ClientPath= PatcherPath= // Patch list file PatchList=plist.txt [Stars] // Shining o.O (Anyways, its for start button clones) // Since orignal client has check sum.. why not for clones? XD //How many? (it should same as amount of start button clone, but of course it's your choice) clients=0 // _sum - checksum, use CheckSum tool. //client1_sum= // _Name - Filename of exe //client1_Name= // _Path - Path for file [Compressed] //client1_Path= [Misc] //Set a limit for fragment, when reach this limit, patcher will ask user to defrag FragmentLimit=50
  4. Can anyone of you guys know how to make a QUEST NPC that if you give the requirements, instead rewarding you items. The NPC will warp you in a different map. Is it possible? Thanks.
  5. Exactly. I saw it in other server. Anyone knows? Anyone?
  6. What does @hold do? You can't move as long as you type @hold again. Useful command during WOE to avoid character slide due to lag.
  7. Does any of you guys know how to add @hold in my server? eathena SVN
  8. Hello everyone. I just bought a restock system from Cold. and it's .patch files not .txt files. Can anyone of you guys tell me on how to add this on my server. Thanks.
  9. phtownall,208,173,4 script PVP Room 580,{ if( select( "PVP Room [ "+.mapuser+" ]","Cancel" ) == 1 ){ if( .mapuser >= 150 ){ mes "PvP Arena Full."; // }else if( bg_logincount() > 10 ){ // mes "Double Login is forbidden in PvP Maps"; }else if( BaseLevel < 1 ){ mes "You must be level 99 to enter the PvP Room."; }else{ while( .@i < .restricted_item_size ){ if( countitem( .restricted_item[.@i] ) ){ mes " > "+getitemname( .restricted_item[.@i] ); set .@fail,1; } set .@i,.@i + 1; } if( .@fail ){ mes "You cant bring these item."; close; } while( .@sc <= 302 ){ if( // status list that will not removed. .@sc != SC_BLESSING && .@sc != SC_INCREASEAGI && .@sc != SC_WEIGHT50 && .@sc != SC_WEIGHT90 && .@sc != SC_ITEMBOOST && .@sc != SC_EXPBOOST && .@sc != SC_ASPDPOTION0 && .@sc != SC_ASPDPOTION1 && .@sc != SC_ASPDPOTION2 && .@sc != SC_ASPDPOTION3 && .@sc != SC_SPEEDUP0 && .@sc != SC_SPEEDUP1 && .@sc != SC_STRFOOD &&.@sc != SC_AGIFOOD &&.@sc != SC_VITFOOD &&.@sc != SC_INTFOOD &&.@sc != SC_DEXFOOD &&.@sc != SC_LUKFOOD && .@sc != SC_NOCHAT && .@sc != SC_JAILED ) sc_end .@sc; set .@sc,.@sc + 1; } warp .map$,0,0; } } close; OnInit: set .map$,"prt_pvp"; while( 1 ){ delwaitingroom; set .mapuser,getmapusers( .map$ ); waitingroom .mapuser+" player"+( .mapuser > 1 ? "s":"") +" in PVP", 0; sleep 1000; } end; } //Duplicates morocc,165,97,4 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#morocc 580 geffen,125,107,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#geffen 580 payon,176,112,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#payon 580 alberta,59,250,4 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#alberta 580 izlude,134,148,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#izlude 580 aldebaran,148,123,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#aldebaran 580 xmas,153,126,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#xmas 580 comodo,208,143,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#comodo 580 yuno,161,176,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#yuno 580 amatsu,202,129,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#amatsu 580 gonryun,163,126,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#gonryun 580 louyang,221,106,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#louyang 580 ayothaya,159,170,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#ayotha 580 lighthalzen,162,102,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#lighthalzen 580 hugel,102,153,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#hugel 580 rachel,137,118,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#rachel 580 veins,213,132,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#veins 580 moscovia,227,195,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#moscovia 580 prontera,149,190,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#prontera 580 new_1-1,135,145,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#new_1-1 580 jawaii,199,293,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#jawaii_1-1 580 einbroch,149,306,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#einbroch-1 580 brasilis,199,188,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#brasilis-1 580 splendide,192,156,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#splendide-1 580 dewata,195,185,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#dewata-1 580 dicastes01,203,230,3 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#dicastest-1 580 phtownall,72,182,4 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#phtownall1 580 phtownall,49,73,4 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#phtownall2 580 phtownall,334,330,4 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#phtownall3 580 phtownall,337,55,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#phtownall4 580 phtownall,352,204,4 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#phtownall5 580 phtownall,205,344,4 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#phtownall6 580 phtownall,61,361,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#phtownall7 580 phtownall,163,34,5 duplicate(PVP Room) PVP Room#phtownall8 580
  10. - script KoE -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "The King#KoE"; disablenpc "Exit#KoE"; bindatcmd "koe", strnpcinfo(0)+"::Oncommand", 99,99; end; Oncommand: if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "on" ) ) goto L_start; else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "off" ) ) goto L_end; else { dispbottom "type - '@koe on' to start the event"; dispbottom "type - '@koe off' to end the event"; } end; L_start: gvgon "koe"; announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun!", bc_all; .start = 1; enablenpc "The King#KoE"; disablenpc "Exit#KoE"; $koegid = 0; donpcevent "::OnRevKoE"; maprespawnguildid "koe", $koegid, 7; monster "koe",49,49,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KoE::OnEmpDead"; end; L_end: gvgoff "koe"; announce "The King of Emperium Hill is over!", bc_all; .start = 0; enablenpc "Exit#KoE"; disablenpc "The King#KoE"; killmonsterall "koe"; // maprespawnguildid "koe", $koegid, 6; end; OnEmpDead: $koegid = getcharid(2); announce "The current King of Emperium Hill is the ["+ strcharinfo(2) +"] guild.", bc_all; donpcevent "::OnRevKoE"; maprespawnguildid "koe", $koegid, 6; sleep 500; if ( .start ) monster "koe",49,49,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KoE::OnEmpDead"; end; } // KoE Entrance phtownall,221,211,4 script The King#KoE 58,{ mes "[The King]"; if ( !getcharid(2) ) { mes "You must have a guild to participate in the ^FF0000King of Emperium Hill Tournament^000000."; close; } mes "Hello."; mes "Would you like to participate in the ^FF0000King of Emperium Hill Tournament^000000?"; if ( select ( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; switch( rand(1,4) ){ case 1: warp "koe", 50, 88; end; case 2: warp "koe", 88, 50; end; case 3: warp "koe", 50, 11; end; case 4: warp "koe", 11, 50; end; } } // KoE Exit koe,49,56,5 script Exit#KoE 51,{ mes "[Exit]"; mes "See ya."; if ( getcharid(2) == $koegid ) getitem 7711, 2; // configure prize here close2; warp "Save",0,0; end; } // Flags koe,49,38,4 script King of Emperium Hill#1::koe_flag 722,{ if ( !$koegid ) end; mes "[King of Emperium Hill]"; mes "The Current King of Emperium Hill is the ["+ getguildname($koegid) +"] guild."; close; OnRevKoE: flagemblem $koegid; end; } koe,61,49,6 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#2 722 koe,38,49,2 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#3 722 koe,49,61,0 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#4 722 koe mapflag nobranch koe mapflag nomemo koe mapflag nopenalty koe mapflag noreturn koe mapflag nosave SavePoint koe mapflag noteleport koe mapflag gvg_noparty koe mapflag nowarp koe mapflag nowarpto koe mapflag guildlock I don't know if this one is automated, but if not how cak i make it automated? Thanks in advance.
  11. Changing this for example. { sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 10,20; },{},{} into this { sc_start SC_INTFOOD,3600000,10; percentheal 10,20; },{},{} Thank you buddy, can i ask where I can find those? Newbie here. Thanks, again.
  12. Hello people of rathena. Just wanna how can I change the +10 foods time from (20minutes) to (1hour) Thanks in advance.
  13. Hello Emistry. Would you mind if you help me using your script. Once I added it to my server. I got error like this. [/url]
  14. Hello people of rathena. Can anyone who has good heart + knowledge can help me with my WOE Reward npc? the problem is, i can't click it. Thanks in advance. turbo_room,110,139,4 script WOE Rewards 618,{ mes "^000088[Emperium]^000000"; mes "Greetings, adventurer.."; mes "Do you want to redeem your guild reward for last session War of Emperium?"; next; mes "^000088[Emperium]^000000"; mes "Please select your castle."; next; if ( agitcheck() ) goto L_woeon; menu "Kriemhild",L_prt_cas01, "Sacred Altar",L_pay_cas04, "Horn",L_arug_cas03, "Vidblainn",L_schg_cas03, "Mardol",L_arug_cas01, L_prt_cas01: if ( getcastledata( "prt_cas01", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner; if ( $castle_claimed[1] ) goto L_claimed; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 2702,1; getitem 2423,1; getitem 7711,10; getitem 7720,5; getitem 673,10; set $castle_claimed[1], 1; close; L_pay_cas04: if ( getcastledata( "pay_cas04", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner; if ( $castle_claimed[2] ) goto L_claimed; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 5353,1; getitem 2433,1; getitem 2701,2; getitem 7711,10; getitem 7720,5; getitem 673,10; set $castle_claimed[2], 1; close; L_arug_cas03: if ( getcastledata( "aru_cas03", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner; if ( $castle_claimed[3] ) goto L_claimed; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 2554,1; getitem 7711,10; getitem 7720,5; getitem 673,10; set $castle_claimed[3], 1; close; L_schg_cas03: if ( getcastledata( "schg_cas03", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner; if ( $castle_claimed[4] ) goto L_claimed; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 2542,1; getitem 7711,10; getitem 7720,5; getitem 673,10; set $castle_claimed[4], 1; close; L_arug_cas01: if ( getcastledata( "arug_cas01", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner; if ( $castle_claimed[5] ) goto L_claimed; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 13412,1; getitem 13413,1; getitem 4354,5; getitem 7711,10; getitem 7720,5; getitem 673,10; set $castle_claimed[5], 1; close; L_woeon: mes "^000088[Emperium]^000000"; mes "A war is currently in progress."; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to see me to claim the reward."; close; L_not_owner: mes "^000088[Emperium]^000000"; mes "Your guild failed to take this castle."; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to claim reward from me."; close; L_claimed: mes "^000088[Emperium]^000000"; mes "Your guild already received the reward for this castle."; close; L_not_gm: mes "^000088[Emperium]^000000"; mes "Ask your guild master to see me."; close; OnAgitEnd: set $castle_claimed[1], 0; // everytime woe ends the variable resets set $castle_claimed[2], 0; set $castle_claimed[3], 0; set $castle_claimed[4], 0; set $castle_claimed[5], 0; end; }
  15. Hello there. Can someone help me with this. The NPC doesn't appear in the map. Thank you. turbo_room,117,139,4 script WoE Prize 588,{ if ( agitcheck() ) goto L_woeon; switch(select("Kriemhild:Sacred Altar:Horn:Viblainn:Mardol")) { case 1: if ( getcastledata( "prtg_cas01", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner; if ( $castle_claimed[1] ) goto L_claimed; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 2702,1,2423,1,7711,10,7720,5,673,10; set $castle_claimed[1], 1; close; L_not_owner: mes "Your guild failed to take this castle"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to claim reward from me"; close; L_claimed: mes "Your guild already received the reward for this castle"; close; L_not_gm: mes "Ask your Guild Master to see me"; close; case 2: if ( getcastledata( "payg_cas04", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner2; if ( $castle_claimed2[1] ) goto L_claimed2; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm2; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 5353,1,2433,1,2701,2,7711,10,7720,5,673,10; set $castle_claimed2[1], 1; close; L_not_owner2: mes "Your guild failed to take this castle"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to claim reward from me"; close; L_claimed2: mes "Your guild already received the reward for this castle"; close; L_not_gm2: mes "Ask your Guild Master to see me"; close; case 3: if ( getcastledata( "arug_cas03, 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner; if ( $castle_claimed[1] ) goto L_claimed; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 2554,1,7711,10,7720,5,673,10; set $castle_claimed[1], 1; close; L_not_owner: mes "Your guild failed to take this castle"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to claim reward from me"; close; L_claimed: mes "Your guild already received the reward for this castle"; close; L_not_gm: mes "Ask your Guild Master to see me"; close; case 4: if ( getcastledata( "schg_cas03", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner; if ( $castle_claimed[1] ) goto L_claimed; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 2542,1,7711,10,7720,5,673,10; set $castle_claimed[1], 1; close; L_not_owner: mes "Your guild failed to take this castle"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to claim reward from me"; close; L_claimed: mes "Your guild already received the reward for this castle"; close; L_not_gm: mes "Ask your Guild Master to see me"; close; case 5: if ( getcastledata( "arug_cas01", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner; if ( $castle_claimed[1] ) goto L_claimed; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 13412,1,13413,1,4354,1,7711,10,7720,5,673,10;; set $castle_claimed[1], 1; close; L_not_owner: mes "Your guild failed to take this castle"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to claim reward from me"; close; L_claimed: mes "Your guild already received the reward for this castle"; close; L_not_gm: mes "Ask your Guild Master to see me"; close; } L_woeon: mes "A war is currently in progress"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to see me to claim the reward"; close; OnAgitEnd: set $castle_claimed[1], 0; // everytime woe ends the variable resets set $castle_claimed2[1], 0; // everytime woe ends the variable resets end; OnInit: end; }
  16. Hello everybody. Can anyone help me with this script. This one is a free costume converter, I want like players give 1 event ticket to the Costume Converter npc. Event Ticket ID: 7711 Thanks in advance // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // eAmod Project - Scripts // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Script Name : Headgear to Costume converter // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description : // Allows a user to convert the equipped headgear (on Top, Mid or Low) into a // costume item. It will remove any card and refine of the Item. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- phtownall,214,218,4 script Fashion Designer 604,{ mes "[Costume Converter]"; mes "I can convert your original headgear into a costume headgear."; mes " "; mes "Note: Stats, Cards & Refine will be removed. Costume is placed in your Costume Tab (ALT+Q)"; next; setarray .@Position$[1],"Top","Mid","Low"; setarray .@Position[1], 1, 9, 10; set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 1; .@i < 4; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@Position[.@i]) ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + .@Position$[.@i] + " - " + "[ " + getequipname(.@Position[.@i]) + " ]"; set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + ":"; } set .@Part, .@Position[ select(.@Menu$) ]; if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) ) { mes "[Costume Converter]"; mes "Your not wearing anything there..."; close; } mes "[Costume Converter]"; mes "Are you sure you want to make your headgear into a costume?"; mes " "; mes "Note: Stats, Cards & Refine will be removed. Costume is placed in your Costume Tab (ALT+Q)"; next; if( select("No, I am sorry.:Yes, please convert my item.") == 2 ) { costume .@Part; // Convert the Headgear mes "[Costume Converter]"; mes "Done, enjoy your costume headgear!"; close; } mes "[Costume Converter]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; close; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use duplicates to put your npc on different cities // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //prontera,155,180,4 duplicate(Costume-IT) Costume-IT#1 864
  17. Hello everyone. Can anyone of you guys help me. I want to set the time of my Devil Square event every 4 hours. Thanks you. phtownall,181,167,5 script Devil Square Guardian 1708,{ mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "Welcome to the entrance door to ^FF0000Devil Square^000000"; mes "If you failed or die, the door will be closed and you have to wait until it start to open again"; next; menu "Enter",-,"Info",L_info,"Cancel",L_cancel; if ( $@DS_entry == 0 ) goto L_error; if ( Baselevel < 70 || Zeny < 20000 ) goto L_req; if ( getmapusers("ordeal_1-1") >= 150 ) goto L_toomany; set Zeny,Zeny - 20000; announce strcharinfo(0)+" has entered the Devil Square",8; percentheal 100,100; warp "ordeal_1-1",183,182; end; L_error: mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "Devil Square is now closed"; mes "It'll be open again at:"; mes "15:00 and 23:00."; close; L_req: mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "Minimum base level to enter is 70"; mes "The registration fee is 20,000z"; close; L_toomany: mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "I'm sorry but the Devil Square is FULL"; mes "Maximum users to enter is 150 players"; close; L_info: mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "There are 3 level monster you'll encounter"; mes "Each level the enemies will grow stronger"; mes "If you succeded to win all 3 level monster, you'll get the opportunity to open 1 Awesomazing Coin with items, equips, and rare cards inside!!"; close; L_cancel: mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "See ya"; close; } ordeal_1-1,0,0,0 script DS_HiddenNpc -1,{ OnClock1322: : OnClock23: set $@DS_complete,0; disablenpc "Exit#DS"; mapannounce "ordeal_1-1","Devil Square is now closed",0; killmonsterall "ordeal_1-1"; announce "Devil Square is OPENED NOW!! 5 Minutes until it starts..!!",0; set $@DS_entry,1; sleep 60000; announce "Devil Square will begin in 4 minutes..!!",0; sleep 60000; announce "Devil Square will begin in 3 minutes..!!",0; sleep 60000; announce "Devil Square will begin in 2 minutes..!!",0; sleep 60000; announce "Devil Square will begin in 1 minutes..!!",0; sleep 60000; announce "Devil Square is STARTED NOW !!",0; initnpctimer; set $@DS_entry,0; set $@mob,51; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Twilight Vampire",1389,5,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Twilight Werewolf",1785,5,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Fiery",1598,20,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Awesomazing Guardian",1830,10,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Feiry Lizard",1831,10,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Fiery Lizard Queen",1719,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; end; Ondevildead: set $@mob,$@mob - 1; if($@mob == 25) mapannounce "ordeal_1-1","Devil Square : 25 mobs to enter the 2nd round",0; if($@mob == 5) mapannounce "ordeal_1-1","Devil Square : 5 mobs to enter 2nd round",0; if($@mob == 0) { mapannounce "ordeal_1-1","Devil Square will enter to 2nd round",0; goto Ondevil2; } end; Ondevil2: atcommand "@cleanmap"; set $@mob,72; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Stone Golem",2019,15,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Earthlings",1932,15,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Crystal Golem",2049,15,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Ancient Hunter",2074,20,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Earth Beast",2018,5,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] WRAITH",1885,2,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; end; Ondevildead2: set $@mob,$@mob - 1; if($@mob == 25) mapannounce "ordeal_1-1","Devil Square : 25 mobs left to enter the 3rd round",0; if($@mob == 5) mapannounce "ordeal_1-1","Devil Square : 5 mobs left to enter the 3rd round",0; if($@mob == 0) { mapannounce "ordeal_1-1","Devil Square will enter to 3rd round",0; goto Ondevil3; } end; Ondevil3: atcommand "@cleanmap"; set $@mob,58; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Yinyang Snake",1529,3,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Demonlings",1730,15,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Spirit Guardian",1921,10,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Soul",1599,15,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Illuminati",2283,5,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] Valentine",1708,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; end; Ondevildead3: set $@mob,$@mob - 1; if($@mob == 25) mapannounce "ordeal_1-1","Devil Square : 25 mobs left to VICTORY",0; if($@mob == 5) mapannounce "ordeal_1-1","Devil Square : 5 mobs left to VICTORY",0; if($@mob == 0) { mapannounce "ordeal_1-1","Devil Square : CONGRATULATION - 10 will be yours now",0; goto Ondevil4; } end; Ondevil4: atcommand "@cleanmap"; set $@DS_complete,1; set $@mob,10; monster "ordeal_1-1",231,250,"Treasure Box",1324,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; monster "ordeal_1-1",234,247,"Treasure Box",1328,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; monster "ordeal_1-1",237,244,"Treasure Box",1332,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; monster "ordeal_1-1",240,241,"Treasure Box",1336,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; monster "ordeal_1-1",243,238,"Treasure Box",1340,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; monster "ordeal_1-1",246,235,"Treasure Box",1344,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; monster "ordeal_1-1",249,232,"Treasure Box",1348,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; monster "ordeal_1-1",252,229,"Treasure Box",1352,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; monster "ordeal_1-1",249,241,"Treasure Box",1356,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; monster "ordeal_1-1",240,249,"Treasure Box",1360,1,"DS_HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; end; Onboxdead: set $@mob, $@mob - 1; announce "Devil Square : "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has opened the treasure box at Devil Square",0; if ($@mob == 0) enablenpc "Exit#DS"; end; OnTimer30000: if ( $@DS_complete == 1 ) { stopnpctimer; end; } else if (getmapusers("ordeal_1-1") == 0) { announce "All players failed to survive at Devil Square",0; killmonsterall "ordeal_1-1"; stopnpctimer; end; } else { mapannounce "ordeal_1-1",getmapusers("ordeal_1-1") +" players is still survive at Devil Square",0; initnpctimer; end; } } // -- Mapflags ordeal_1-1 mapflag nowarp ordeal_1-1 mapflag nowarpto ordeal_1-1 mapflag noteleport ordeal_1-1 mapflag nosave SavePoint ordeal_1-1 mapflag nomemo ordeal_1-1 mapflag nobranch ordeal_1-1 mapflag nopenalty ordeal_1-1,246,245,7 script Exit#DS 51,{ mes "[Exit]"; mes "I'll give you 100 thousand zeny and 1 Awesomazing Coin as a prize."; mes"Have an awesomazing day adventurer. See ya!"; zeny += 100000; getitem 6242; next; warp "SavePoint",0,0; close; }
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