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  1. awesomazingxed's post in Voting Poll NPC ( BUG ) was marked as the answer   
    I found a fix.
    turbo_room,104,121,4 script Vote Poll NPC 858,{ set @np$,"[ ^7401DFSandra^000000 ]"; if ( getgmlevel() == 99 ) { if ( $survey_running ) { switch ( select ( "- Survey Result","- Delete Survey" ) ) { case 1: mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; mes $survey_question$; mes ""; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { mes "^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000 - ^8A0808"+$survey_option_votes[@a]+"^000000 Vote/s"; } close; case 2: mes @np$; mes "Are you sure that you want to delete the survey: "; mes ""; mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; next; if ( select ( "No.","Yes, pretty sure." ) == 1 ) { close; } set $survey_running,0; set $survey_title$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; set $survey_question$,""; set @question_set$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; for ( set @b,0; @b <= getarraysize($survey_option$)+2; set @b,@b+1 ) { set $survey_option$[@b],""; set $survey_option_votes[@b],0; } mes @np$; mes "The survey has been deleted successfully."; close; } } // Ending bracket to Survey running if ( select ( "- Exit","- Create Survey" ) == 1 ) { close; } set $survey_title$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; set $survey_question$,""; set @question_set$,"^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; for ( set @b,0; @b <= getarraysize($survey_option$); set @b,@b+1 ) { set $survey_option$[@b],"";} while ( 1 ) { set @subtract,2; if ( getarraysize($survey_option$) > 1 ) && ($survey_title$ != "NOT SET") && ( $survey_question$ != "NOT SET") { set @menu_string$,"- Complete"; set @menu_string$,@menu_string$+":Title [^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000]"; set @subtract,3; } else { set @menu_string$,"Title [^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000]"; } set @menu_string$,@menu_string$+":Question ["+@question_set$+"]"; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { set @menu_string$,@menu_string$ +": "+(@a+1)+". ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000"; } set @menu_string$,@menu_string$ +":^0AE143+^000000 Add Option"; mes @np$; mes "Do your Survey settings."; next; set @selected, select ( @menu_string$)-@subtract; if ( @selected == -2 ) { mes @np$; mes "Title:"; mes "^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000"; mes "Question:"; mes "^04B404"+$survey_question$+"^000000"; mes "Options:"; for ( set @b,0; @b <= getarraysize($survey_option$)-1; set @b,@b+1 ) { mes (@b+1)+". ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@b]+"^000000"; } next; if ( select ( "No, it is not correct.","Yes, it is correct." ) == 2 ) { mes @np$; mes "Your Survey started successfully"; set $vote_id,$vote_id+1; set $survey_running,1; getmapxy(@map$,@x,@y,1); announce "Please see the Survey NPC in "+@map$+" and give us your Vote.",bc_all; close; } } if ( @selected == 0) { mes @np$; mes "Type in the survey leading question."; mes ""; mes "Current:"; if ( $survey_question$ == "" ) { mes "^8A0808NOT SET^000000"; } else { mes "^04B404"+$survey_question$+"^000000"; } next; input $survey_question$; set @question_set$,"^0AE143SET^000000"; } if ( @selected == -1) { mes @np$; mes "Type in the survey title."; mes ""; mes "Current:"; mes "^04B404"+$survey_title$+"^000000"; next; input $survey_title$; } if ( @selected == getarraysize($survey_option$)+1) { mes @np$; mes "Type in a new option."; next; input $survey_option$[@selected-1]; set @selected,@selected+1; } if ( @selected >= 1 ) && ( @selected < getarraysize($survey_option$)+1) { set @selected2, select ( "- Back","- Change","- Delete" ); if ( @selected2 == 2 ) { mes @np$; mes "Type in the new option:"; mes ""; mes "Current:"; mes "^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@selected-1]+"^000000"; next; input $survey_option$[@selected-1]; } if ( @selected2 == 3) { for ( set @a,@selected-1; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$)-1; set @a,@a+1 ) { set $survey_option$[@a],$survey_option$[@a+1]; } set $survey_option$[@a],""; } } } OnInit: waitingroom "Voting Poll",0; end; // GM Settings End } else { // Player view if ( !$survey_running ) { mes @np$; mes "There is no survey currently running."; close; } if ( !getd("##survey_id_"+$vote_id) ) { mes @np$; mes "Please choose an Option for the following Survey:"; next; while (1) { mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; mes ""; mes $survey_question$; set @menu_string$,""; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { set @menu_string$,@menu_string$ +":"+(@a+1)+". ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000"; } next; set @select, select ( @menu_string$ )-2; mes @np$; mes "Are you positive with your choice?"; mes ""; mes "- ^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@select]+"^000000 -"; next; if ( select ( "Nope","Yeah" ) == 2 ) { set getd("##survey_id_"+($vote_id-1)),0; set getd("##survey_id_"+$vote_id),1; set $survey_option_votes[@select],$survey_option_votes[@select]+1; mes @np$; mes "Thank you for your Vote."; next; break; } } } if ( getd("##survey_id_"+$vote_id) ) { mes "- ^8A0808"+$survey_title$+"^000000 -"; mes $survey_question$; mes ""; for ( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize($survey_option$); set @a,@a+1 ) { mes "^0404B4"+$survey_option$[@a]+"^000000 - ^8A0808"+$survey_option_votes[@a]+"^000000 Vote/s"; } close; } } }// Ending bracket
  2. awesomazingxed's post in Item Exchanger ( Menu Error ) was marked as the answer   
    Finally it works! Thanks Stolao 
    turbo_room,106,117,4 script Currency Exchanger 860,{ menu "Skulls to PODs",-,"PODs to Skulls",CS_2,"^ff0000Leave^000000",M_EXIT; if( countitem(7420) < 1000 ) mes "You didnt have 1000 "+getitemname( 7420 ); else{ set .@Amount,( countitem(7420) / 1000 ); delitem 7420,( .@Amount * 1000 ); getitem 7179,.@Amount; mes "Done...you gained "+.@Amount+" "+getitemname(7179); } close; CS_2: if( countitem(7179) < 1 ) mes "You didnt have 1 "+getitemname( 7179 ); else{ set .@Amount,( countitem(7420) / 1000 ); delitem 7179,( .@Amount * 1 ); getitem 7420,1000; mes "Done...you gained 1000 "+getitemname(7179); } close; M_EXIT: mes "^ff0000@awesomazingxed^000000 ( Admin )"; mes callfunc("F_Bye"); close; OnInit: end; }
  3. awesomazingxed's post in Zenny Giver Basic Script was marked as the answer   
    Thanks Luciar! It works! 
    turbo_room,94,105,4 script Zenny Giver#BG8 804,{ mes "^0055AA[ Banker ]^000000"; mes "Who wants to be a Millionaire?"; mes "For sure you are!"; next; Zeny += 5000000; mes "Here you go!"; mes "5 million zeny for you, darling"; close; OnInit: waitingroom "Zenny Giver",0; end; }
  4. awesomazingxed's post in Item drops whenever a player was killed was marked as the answer   
    It works! Thanks a lot Skorm! 
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