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Everything posted by Greed2k12

  1. Firstly. Why does the string appear like this on my 20100730 client. Secondly. Where would I find the location where this messages is being generated form so I can edit it. Thirdly. Thanks.
  2. Here -> https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/npc/custom/battleground/
  3. Greed2k12


    A lot of the things you need help with can be found in the "DOC" Folder in your trunk.
  4. Refer to this link when you want to add item bonuses : https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/doc/item_bonus.txt
  5. That makes no sense, they are both different games.
  6. Looks, Unique, Ima give it a try, thanks alot
  7. Are you trying to make an online server or offline >? If offline use : if online use : You can only use the ip in which you have the server configured on. As you have said, and what the server is thinking... : char_ip: (is it an Online server??) login_ip: (is it an Offline server??) You should either use the offline ip or your online ip Im guessing you are setting an offline server as your connecting to the login but not the character, Notice these : login_ip : this means its connecting to itself for the login server. char_ip: this part is telling it to look somewhere else to get the character server, which to my knowledge it cant. so change everything to and you should be good to go.
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