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Mechomorph XD

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Everything posted by Mechomorph XD

  1. Thank a lot for you idea. But your model seem like multi-server with 1 login. My structure need 1 char 1 map but non-local player will got some lag and i wanna to solve this problem. Anacondaqq suggest me to use proxy server connect to login-server to reduce ping/delay but i don't know how and i need more information about it.
  2. Hi all. If i have only item id. it can possible to get the same item? Such as Sword (1101) has 3 items like this 1101,Sword 1102,Sword_ 1103,Sword__ or you guys have the better way to check item id that their have extra slot? In this case, if i put 1101 i will get 1102 because input value have extra slot. Thank you guys.
  3. Could you explain this a little bit? (such as how to setup or the first thing i need to know to do it)
  4. Hi all. I wonder how to setup server environment like this. http://i.imgur.com/KRA3UcT.png If you ask me why, Assume your friend wanna to play my server but they lived in other country and got many pings/delay. Above structure can solve this problem? Each login running in US/EU/SEA and connect to 1 char and map server to reduce pings/delay from there, Is it can be possible? I don't know the word to call it, maybe like gateway, proxy login Please share your idea or suggest me
  5. I saw a svn site to store a lua files each of country ro but I not found that site again i want to download a lua files of tro. anyone help me please thank you :X
  6. wow, i dont know that before thank again for new knowledge
  7. Sorry for language, when use item that item will call Prepare Tool Kit function and follow that I got warning at OnBuyItem event ..
  8. [Warning]: npc_scriptcont: failed npc_checknear test. What caused it? I got it while talking with npc but earlier it work. Help Me Please, Now I'm numb XD
  9. [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected string. [Debug]: Data: number value=1 [Debug]: Function: mes above code had warning
  10. Hello, I have problem again I'm doing function which this function will call from item. 1234,ITEM,...... { callfunc "Hello"; } So that function have menu shop, It's will call shop before select menu already. And problem is I'm add OnBuyItem event in function but Map-Server noticed error. [Error]: npc_event: event not found [FAKE_NPC::OnBuyItem] How to do that? or Who have idea about call npc from item? Thank You. Oh, Forget this some part of my function mes "x"; callshop "x",1; npcshopattach "x"; close; I'll want the player buy item and before that goto on OnBuyItem event.
  11. I want to do a new script command, It's can return value of refinable. Syntax : getcanrefine(item_id), It'll return 1 when that item can refine or 0 when can't But in itemdb.h on item_data structure, no have about refinable variable. How to add it and where?
  12. It's a inventory table. I'm doing NPC convert item to box but problem is if player have similar box (e.g. A's and B's Box) but each creator then player click B's Box which in inventory table B's Box info live bottom A's Box info, In Script sql will query A's Box info instead B's Box How to check it? I dont know about this, Thank You
  13. Hi If player use an item which have many each (because created from alchemist class). How could I do query stack into array? e.g. Player have A's BOX 20 ea and B's BOX 12 ea. I want to stack item id and amount in an array. $@item_id[0] = 1000, $@card[0] = blah blah blah, $@amount[0] = 20 $@item_id[1] = 1000, $@card[0] = blah blah blah, $@amount[1] = 12 How to check it with sql query? Thank You.
  14. If I want to use sc_start command with sc_dancing. (Dancer & Bard Skill) What the val2 to var4 is? (Decrease Casting, Decrease Delay?) Thank You
  15. *sc_start4 <effect type>,<ticks>,<value 1>,<value 2>,<value 3>,<value 4>{,<target ID numbe######}; 'sc_start4' is just like sc_start, however it takes four parameters for the status change instead of one. What these values are depends on the status change in question. For example, elemental armor defense takes the following four values: - val1 is the first element, val2 is the resistance to the element val1. - val3 is the second element, val4 is the resistance to said element. eg: sc_start4 SC_DefEle,60000,Ele_Fire,20,Ele_Water,-15; Please Explain to me, I dont know about value#1 to value#4. In description not explain each value mean. Who could tell me? What the value is? Thank You.
  16. 100,rent1,House Rent,Flag#rent1,1 -<tab>script<tab>Rent::Rent<tab>-1,{ end; OnGuildBreak: announce "Some word",0; end; } rent1,100,100,0<tab>duplicate(Rent)<tab>Flag#rent1<tab>-1 OnInit: setcastledata x,x,x; end; I do all above but script not announce when break guild.
  17. I tried UPDATE SQL already. Just change guild_id of guild_castle table to 0 but not work. else I tried /breakguild, It's work. SetCastleData "mapname",0,0; /* NOT WORK TOO */ Can use script reset the castle? Thank You
  18. Else Choice Request # 1 : Resist Human Upto 20% bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,getrefine()*2; Request # 2 if(isequipped(Item_ID) && isequipped(Item_ID) && isequipped(Item_ID)) { bonus bAllStats,5; }
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