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Everything posted by windston

  1. I have vending only available on one map, would they be a way to add a condition to if(.@i >= (#LastDailyReward + .MinWait)) So the player has to meet those condition but also cannot be on map A or whatever for the script to give out the prize.
  2. I'm trying to add a vendcheck feature to prevent players vending from getting prizes but it only seems to affect normal vendors and not those that are @autotrade, they still seem to get the prize once 2 hours has past. I'm using Stolao's Daily Login Reward 1.48. This is what the script looks like, the changes I made are in red. I added two checks to prevent autotraders from getting the prize but they seem to still get it, anyone have any ideas on what im doing wrong.
  3. How can I make it so the script will not give out rewards to anyone vending, autotrade or not. Also how can you assure only 1 prize is given out per IP address.
  4. Yeah I am using a custom theme, do you know which module files or config file account searching is stored so I can see where the problem is.
  5. Like I mentioned in my post, the only part of the account search function that does work is the account ID search. But if I search for either a username, email, IP, etc that I know 100% exists in the account listing the results just say "No such account. Go back to previous page…". I need to be able to search IP addresses.
  6. Hello, I am using Xantara's FluxCP and when I try to use the account search function by searching either a username, email, IP, etc that I know 100% exists in the account listing the results just say "No such account. Go back to previous page…". The only feature that actually seems to work is search by Account ID. does anyone know what is wrong or how I could fix it, because I really need to be able to use the IP search function.
  7. Hey, I want to make a script that starts every 2 hours or so that will contain a random quest that involves either hunting mobs or collecting items. There should be a time limit of about 1 hour to complete the quest. I want it to be server wide with an announcement such as, "Current Mission: Hunt 10 X, 20 Y, 13 Z and Recieve A" For the rewards I would like there to be an array or something similar to randomly choose from a list of rewards. I already have a hunting mission script from Euphy but I would like a script that was server wide that contains the same requirements/rewards for all players and not randomized per player.
  8. Hello I am using v1.48 of Stolao's Daily Reward script and I was wondering if anyone could help me add a IP check for the daily prize. //===== EinherjarRO Scripts ================================== //= Daily Prize, OnPCLoginEvent //===== By: ================================================== //= Stolao //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.48 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= A reward system for players who play more frequently //===== Comments: ============================================ //= Todo: //= Revamp Exp and Points System, its kinda meh //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.00 Daily Prize //= 1.01 Fixed Typo //= 1.02 Removed unessisary calculation //= 1.03 Added a sleep2 for delayed reward //= 1.04 Added dispbottom //= 1.05 Made Clearer //= 1.06 Made Disbutton Dynamic //= 1.07 Added .RewardQnt for configable Reward Quantity //= 1.08 Fixed Typo //= 1.09 Seperated .ZMulti into .Mode and .ZMulti //= 1.0A Changed zeny formula for .Mode 0 //= 1.0B Changed Variable Names, More detailed exsplanations //= 1.0C Fixed typo again lol //= 1.0D Added in .PointType$, can now configure zeny into any point types //= 1.0E Added LoginCount //= 1.0F Made LoginCount Customisable //= 1.10 Changed Variable Names, More detailed exsplanations //= 1.11 Added Wipe feature //= 1.12 Fixed bug, changed "close;" to "close2;" //= 1.13 Changed .LogCount to bitwise //= 1.14 Changed .wipe to a whisper event, per Euphys Suggestion //= 1.15 Changed Formatting of config, per Euphys Suggestion //= 1.16 Added Login Reward Countdown, on each login //= 1.17 Added .PointName$ //= 1.18 Fixed Typo //= 1.19 Added Checkweight //= 1.1A Changed query_sql for $LOGINCOUNT to set //= 1.1B Fixed bug with #DRewardCon, arraysize compersison (Thanks AnnieRuru) //= 1.1C Added meathod for characters online for attachrid //= 1.1D Actually Fixed the 1.1B Bug //= 1.1F Changed zeny formula to remove .ZMulti from mode 0 //= 1.20 Changed .Reminder to .Welcome //= 1.21 Fixed missing details in Welcome Message //= 1.22 Changed .Mode to be bitwise //= 1.23 Added Item enable disable to .Mode //= 1.24 Changed whisper to allow for player Whispers //= 1.25 Added "time" Whisper Command for players, Thanks arzzae for suggestion //= 1.26 Made Whisper commands configable //= 1.27 Made GmLvl for wipe Configable //= 1.28 Fixed "Points" bitwise //= 1.29 Added Exp to .Mode //= 1.2A Optimized Rewards Script a little //= 1.2B Bug Fix with Display message on reciving rewards //= 1.2C Optimize a little more //= 1.2D Added server xp rate to config //= 1.2F Re-added checkweight //= 1.30 Move Checkweight up higher in script, makes more since //= 1.31 Removed XP Dispbutton //= 1.32 Added Buffer //= 1.33 Made BUffer Toggle-able //= 1.34 Made Buffer Dynamic //= 1.35 Optimized Buffer a little //= 1.36 Made Buffer More Dynamic //= 1.37 Optimized Buffer a little more //= 1.38 Fixed a typo in "seem" was "see" //= 1.39 removed "typo" bindatcmds //= 1.3A Fixed bug with sc_, didnt support names had to switch to ids //= 1.3B Fixed bug in buff bonus (time and rate) //= 1.3C Revamped buffs to take only 1 variable (now can only be 32 buffs) //= 1.3D Made Day(s) dynamic //= 1.3E Removed "Time" reqirement from players to check there Next Login Bonus //= 1.3F Added an Else after checkweight //= 1.40 Fixed typo in .BuffInfo //= 1.41 Reorganized rewards script //= 1.42 changed .@i -> .@x in Option & 32 (bug report by rakuzas) //= 1.43 Removed Login Count related scripts, as its not really part of rewards system //= 1.44 Made @loginreward do whole script, instead of relogging, //= 1.45 Removed Disable/Enable for whole script (just remove npc) //= 1.46 Changed A few Description, for easier understanding //= 1.47 Move sleep2 up to prevent possible multi rewards bug //= 1.48 Deleted unnecessary line "if( #DRewardCon == 0 ) set #DRewardCon,1;" //===== Contact Ifo: ========================================= //= [Stolao] //= Email: [email protected] //============================================================ - script LOGIN -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: OnLoginCmnd: OnPCLoginEvent: sleep2 1000+.Rest*60000; set .@i,(gettime(7)*365*24)+(gettime(8)*24)+gettime(3); set .@g,getarraysize(.Rewards); if(.@i >= (#LastDailyReward + .MinWait)){ if(.@i < #LastDailyReward + .MaxWait){ set #DRewardCon,#DRewardCon+1; } else { set #DRewardCon,1; } if(#DRewardCon*2 > .@g-1){ set .@p,.Rewards[.@g-2]; set .@q,.Rewards[.@g-1]; } else { set .@p,.Rewards[#DRewardCon*2-2]; set .@q,.Rewards[#DRewardCon*2-1]; } if(.Mode&1&&.@p){ if(!checkweight(.@p,.@q)){ dispbottom "You seem to be oveweight, put some stuff away and relog to claim prize"; end; } else { getitem .@p,.@q; dispbottom ""+.@q+" "+getitemname(.@p)+""; } } if(.Mode&2) set .@A,#DRewardCon*.ZMulti; if(.Mode&8) set .@A,.@A+.@q; if(.Mode&2||.Mode&8){ setd .PointType$,getd(.PointType$)+.@A; dispbottom ""+.@A+" "+.PointType$+""; } if(.Mode&4){ set .@B,#DRewardCon*.XPMulti[0]; set .@C,#DRewardCon*.XPMulti[1]; } if(.Mode&16){ set .@B,.@B+.@q; set .@C,.@C+.@q; } if(.Mode&4||.Mode&16){ getexp .@B,.@C; } if(.Mode&32){ for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.BuffInfo); set .@x,.@x+4){ if(#DRewardCon % .BuffInfo[.@x+1] == 0) sc_start .BuffInfo[.@x], .BuffInfo[.@x+2]*60000, .BuffInfo[.@x+3]; } } dispbottom "You have collected your daily reward, for "+#DRewardCon+" day"+((DRewardCon>1)?"s":"")+" in a row."; set #LastDailyReward,.@i; } else { dispbottom "You have "+(#LastDailyReward + .MinWait-.@i)+" hours till your next reward"; } end; OnInit: // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Daily Reward // ----------------------------------------------------------- //To Enable @ Command '@LoginReward' unslash next lines // * Needs extra commands for typos // bindatcmd("loginreward" ,"LOGIN::OnLoginCmnd",0,99); //Minimum Hours Between Collecting Daily Reward // Day: 22-24 // Week: 168 set .MinWait,22; //Hours Before Lose Consecutive Daily Rewar // Day: 48-50 // Week: 336 set .MaxWait,50; //Number of mins after logging before collecting prize set .Rest,0; //Type of Points/Zeny earned // eg: CASHPOINTS, Zeny, LoginPoints set .PointType$,"Zeny"; //Toggle // 1: Item | 2: "Points" from Multi | 4: Exp from Multi // 8: "Points" from Days with ItemID of 0 |16: Exp from Days with ItemID of 0 // 32: Gain Buffs Every X Consecutive Days logged in // (a bit value, e.g. 3 = Items & Points from Multi) set .Mode,1+2+4+8+16+32; //Consecutive Day Points Multiplier // * If players login longer than the last set day, // they will keep getting a larger Multiplier set .ZMulti,100; //Consecutive Day Exp Multiplier // <Base Exp>,<Job Exp>; // * If players login longer than the last set day, // they will keep getting a larger Multiplier. setarray .XPMulti,10,10; // Consecutive Days Buff // Each buff contains 4 variables (32 Total Max) // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 1 // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 2 // ...; // // Example: 188,7,45,3 // -Every 7th consecutive day logged in Player gains +3 Str for 45 mins // // Type is 188, which references which SC_ to use, SC_INCSTR in this example // -For a full list of SC_ visit the db/const.txt // Days is days buff is applied, in this example 7, so every 7th day, 14,21,28.... // Duration is buff duration is Minuits, in this example 45 mins // Rate is buff strength, in this example player gains 3 Str setarray .BuffInfo ,188,7,45,3 // +3 Str for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,189,7,45,3 // +3 Agi for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,190,7,45,3 // +3 Vit for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,191,7,45,3 // +3 Int for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,192,7,45,3 // +3 Dex for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,193,7,45,3 // +3 Luk for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,194,4,45,25 // +25 Hit for 45 Mins Every 4th Day ,196,4,45,25 // +25 Flee for 45 Mins Every 4th Day ,198,10,60,10 // +10% Hp for 60 Mins Every 10th Day ,199,10,60,10 // +10% Sp for 60 Mins Every 10th Day ,200,13,30,10 // +10% Atk for 30 Mins Every 10th Day ,201,13,30,10 // +10% Matk for 30 Mins Every 10th Day ,257,9,120,50 // +50% Exp for 120 Mins Every 9th Day ,258,9,120,50; // +50% Item Drops for 120 Mins Every 9th Day // Daily Prize items (max 64 days): // <itemID>,<amount>, // Day 1 // <itemID>,<amount>, // Day 2 // ...; // * If players login longer than the last set // day, they will keep getting the last prize. setarray .Rewards[0], 512,1, // Day 1 513,2, // Day 2 514,3, // Day 3 0,1000; // Day 4 end; }
  9. I am using v1.48 and it doesnt seem to give the notice on login, also nothing happens when I do @loginreward or whisper LOGIN with time. So I might be doing something wrong. Also is there any way to set IP protection, so players can only receive the prize once per day per IP. Overall great script, I really like it.
  10. Is there any way for players to check how much time until their next reward? Either through a auto message on login or through a command.
  11. Would it be possible to add a feature to the hunting mission script that allows players to pay a zeny fee to reset the monsters they need to hunt, and every time they reset it again the cost goes up by 15% or so. Currently players can op-out of a mission but must wait until the cooldown of the quest is done. I want them to be able to reroll their daily missions if the ones given to them are too difficult for their lvl/class/etc,
  12. Ok thank you, would you happen to remember which ports need to be opened?
  13. The website is actually hosted on HostGator but the SQL tables are on Asura, would there still be any port problems if I was only relying on Asura for the SQL? As hostgator had no problems connecting to the old SQL host. I have already done that, that is how my rAthena server is able to work with the new SQL.
  14. I recently moved over to a new host AsuraHosting, so I backup my SQL tables and moved them over to the new SQL. However when I go to change the SQL server ip in the config/servers.php for FluxCP I get this error. Like I said, I am using a identical copy of my old working tables and my new VPS has no problems with the new tables. Only FluxCP. Is there any other place besides config/servers.php that I have to edit for the new IP or does anyone know what is causing this.
  15. Every once in a while the char server will disconnect from the map server and constantly loop with the same error until eventually it reconnects about 10 or so minutes later. During this time, players in game cannot go to the char select screen and players can only log in but not get to char select. I noticed someone in this topic had a similar problem http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-6779-crash-char-server/ I am using r17269 but this problem has been around even before I updated. However when I do what the above topic suggest of The problem still occurs, does anyone have any idea what is causing this. This is seriouslly affecting my server.
  16. Hello, for some reason players can not do the quest/instance for Nidhoggur. I tried to enter through the gate, that doesn't work apparently, after that I teleported to the Nest itself and entered the Boss Chamber, however there's just a little fairy telling me I already killed the MvP and teleports me out back to the gate Does anyone know what is causing this, or does anyone have any Nidhoggur that work 100%. I am running into this problem while using the default ones that come with rAthena.
  17. Bump - Does anyone know what is causing this?
  18. How can I make it so when a player opens a OBB, OPB, etc if they get a equip it is already identified.
  19. I already looked in all of the files I could think of, and I moved the SQL tables not the cp files themselves. The old SQL host would frequently become unstable making the CP not load due to not being able to retrieve the SQL data, so I moved it to a more stable SQL host but need to know where to change the IP.
  20. My SQL server constantly kept crashing so I moved it over to a new one, I need to know how to edit the CP so it only uses the new SQL server. I already edited the servers.php file in the config folder but when the old SQL goes down the CP still goes down, when i looked at the info in servers.php it seems its for account and character data not the tables the CP uses itself like cp_crediits or cp_itemshop so I need to know which file I can edit so the SQL only uses the new IP.
  21. I updated to r17227 a few days ago and the problem still exists, if I update to r17229 will it fix the problem because the previous update didnt help. That's the thing Im not sure what the error is, that is all that appears in the Map server when it happens. And players cannot access the char select screen when it is happening, it will eventually fix itself by reconnecting but takes 5-10mins sometimes.
  22. Here is a screenshot of what is happening Does anyone know why this is happening?
  23. Once a user logins to an account, they can go to the char select screen but if they want to login into a completely different account there is no way for them to get back to the login page. So they have to open up a new window to login into the other account Client version is 2012-04-10 I didnt have this problem when I used to use older clients.
  24. I updated my server to rAthena 17227 but I am getting these errors now in my Map Server
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