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Admiral Dan

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Posts posted by Admiral Dan

  1. Hello everyone, 

    Im just curious, is there any RO developer here who is not coming from IT background/studies but has changed their career to developer ? perhaps can share a tips. 😅😅

  2. On 11/10/2022 at 12:00 AM, mrfizi said:

    Yup. Sendiri punya. Tapi tak buka untuk umum. Custom itu ini ikut sedap mata dan hati. hahaha.. Mungkin kalau dah puas hati baru fikirkan untuk buka pada umum.

    Serious la ? Ok2, downloading now. nak try explore.😁

    On 11/13/2022 at 1:10 PM, Freddie Aziz said:

    akaun baru, masih di sini.. haha akaun lama lupa

    betul lama ni tak online. 😅

    On 11/13/2022 at 10:33 PM, Slammer said:

    hidup, masih aktif sampai sekarang

    sama. tapi jarang online. 😂

    On 11/20/2022 at 10:15 AM, Akbare said:

    thx buat konstribusinya hahhaa, aktifin thread indo dong biar rame

    ramai sahaja yang aktif, tapi jarang nampak post di forum.

    On 1/15/2023 at 11:20 PM, mrfizi said:

    Yang aktifnya ramai. Tetapi kurang di forum. Mungkin lebih pada discord server. ?

    Betul. Sebab discord lagi senang nak communicate and user friendly la katakan.

    On 1/17/2023 at 2:35 PM, Akbare said:

    Yup sekrng masanya discord hahaha

    Mari la add di discord, ID: resenny

    On 2/27/2023 at 4:51 PM, hendra814 said:

    aktif, tapi hanya beberapa jam perharinya untuk memantau update.

    Sama woo. jarang dah nak online rA ni. Sebulan or dua bulan sekali baru login. huhuhu

    On 2/28/2023 at 5:36 PM, Dracula said:

    Nak kata aktif tak juga, on off juga lah. Ada masa jenguk rA forum dulu. Sibuk dengan real life. Banyak juga yang tertinggal.

    Ye betul. Dengan kerjanya lagi. hahaha ni baru cam ada masa sikit, tu yang ingat nak catch up balk

    On 3/13/2023 at 12:45 PM, Checkmate said:

    Haloo Haloo... 2023 masih lagi ad jgk time2 on on.. untuk tengok update terbaru dunia RO... dengar cerita 4th job da... last 3rd job pun da bnyk mechanics bertukar drpd 2nd job... (Mindset still kat 2nd job) 

    Hallu. Ye betul sekarang dah ade 4th job. Tapi tak banyak server ada 4th job. some kekalkan cara classic which sampai 2nd job. 

    On 7/4/2023 at 2:12 AM, yodaGG said:

    invite discord bang kalau bole
    yodsgg  / yoda#9855

    Request sent. hahaha

  3. On 7/22/2022 at 8:22 AM, crowmaster said:

    Lebih sedekadsetahun tak masuk web ni. Tiba2 tergerak hati nak masuk?


    Siapa yg masih aktif sekarang?

    yahoo, still lagi active, tapi on off la jugak. 


    On 8/4/2022 at 4:14 PM, mrfizi said:

    Saya aktif. Tapi On Off On Off juga. Mungkin akan kembali aktif. Server sentiasa online walaupun tidak release. ?


    @Akbare masih aktif dengan perkembangan renewal. hehe

    Wuish, server sendiri ke? dah lama tak main ro, sampai tak tahu nak main yang mana, and tak pernah main yg MY sendiri punye. huhuhuhu?

  4. On 7/27/2021 at 11:21 PM, mrfizi said:

    Ramai sebenarnya yang tahu. @Akbare pun masih membuat service. Cuma nak contact tu kadang-kadang susah nak jumpa. Tapi boleh cuba PM. Saya nak buat service tak boleh sebab saya sendiri busy dengan server sendiri.. ?

    itu la tu.. ssh gak nak carik contact org kite yg buat service. huhuhu tapi takpela.. dah ade..?


    Wuish, ade buat server sndiri gak ke.. hahaha kk meh sini cuba try main ?

  5. 22 hours ago, mrfizi said:

    Boleh cari, tapi kena cari direct contact. Kadang kala di forum tidak aktif, tetapi aktif di facebook.

    Saya ade gak carik2 tapi tu la, tak jumpa.  last2.. terpaksa hired org PH utk dirikan projek sndiri.. hurm... kalau kot2 ade kanalan yg dev, scripter or pandai buat spriter and design cam forum ke so on.. share la.. ??

  6. Hi semua,

    Saya baru kembali setelah sekian lama tidak aktif dalam rA??. So now, saya sekarang ni di dalam proses untuk membangunkan server sendiri . Saya tak pasti sama ada saya berada di tempat yang betul untuk membuat pengumuman.? Seperti tajuk yang tertera, saya bercadang untuk mengupah graphic designer sama ada dari Indonesia/Malaysia. Ini memudahkan saya untuk communicate.

    Job Scope:

    1. Forum Design
    2. FB Logo & Banner
    3. Loading Screen (TBC, but I want to know in advance)

    Feel free to leave a PM or comment.

  7. On 3/19/2021 at 1:44 PM, mrfizi said:

    Rasanya ramai dev server dari Malaysia dan Indonesia yang masih aktif. Tak kira yang baru atau yang lama semoga semuanya sihat dan kekal selamat dalam menempuh pandemik Covid-19 ini.

    Betul tu, walaupun saya bukan dev.. tapi secara hakikatnya mmg ramai dev kat my/id tapi itulah. susah nak carik.. sehinggakan saya terpaksa hire dev from PH utk bangunkan server sy yg akan dtg ni. :c

  8. What's up! There's a lot of new stuffs here in rA. Nice to see you back!

    Sup' Haxzor . Thanks . Nice to see you too . What kind of stuffs ? /omg


    Hi and welcome back  /no1


    But wait. Did I know you? Coz your location is from Malaysia. Same country  /oops

    Hi and thanks .

    I don't think we know each other . and Yeah , I'm from Malaysia :D


    Welcome back! Happy Eid Fitri  /no1

    Thanks dude . Happy Eid Fitri to you too :)


    @Yonko=Thanks...i'll try my best to learn.


    we all passed on this, as everybody said, make your own server, you'll need to put a lot of effort, a lot of things will not work at the 1st time, but when you finally make them work, you'll start loving what you are doing and it gives you strength to do what you want to do, that is to be a GM, making games and helping players.


    You can always ask any question if you do not have any clue on how to do something, good luck =)!

    Okay...I'll try my best and i'll ask you if i have some probs :)




    I mean, I want to learn about RO deeper and want to make it as my first experienced even though i don't have any knowledge about scripting and etc. I would love to make event in some games and helps player. That's all.


    Well, That's the hardest part for me because i don't have any knowledge. :(



    My brother and I are on a bit of a hiatus but have been working on our own server. When we started, we had no scripting knowledge and nothing about rAthena really, but since then we've been able to add custom items, quests, and all sorts of fun things. It can be overwhelming to learn from scratch, especially if you are by yourself, as it may take days for someone to reply on rAthena.

    If you only want to be a support/event GM though, you should consider looking through the jobs available Forum to see if any servers are looking for that sort of help.

    Best of luck,
    ~Azura Skyy


    Well...i already did ask them that i wanna be support/event GM but... what they want is EXPERIENCE /sob

    That's why i wanna ask all of you to teach me. /sob

  10. What do you mean by teaching you how to be a GM?

    I mean, I want to learn about RO deeper and want to make it as my first experienced even though i don't have any knowledge about scripting and etc. I would love to make event in some games and helps player. That's all.


    Make your own server

    Well, That's the hardest part for me because i don't have any knowledge. :(

  11. Can you teach me step by step how to create RO ? I already tried google "How to create RO" ...the hardest part (for me) when it comes about MySql...and i don't understand about it....i tried my best but still don't understand....


    Can you guys help me ?? I wanna play my own server...


    P.S: Im 16 years old...and i hv "a little" knowledge about Java and others...

  12. Saya dh lme maen server RO yang laen....jdik...saya teringin sgt untuk buat server sndiri ataupon private server...jdik sye dh puas google "How to create ragnarok online"....but sye xfhm bile smpai part MySql...can you guyz give me link or teach me step by step....



    P.S: I think i don't understand about MySql coz i'm still young >___>



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