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Potato Chips

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Potato Chips last won the day on November 5 2014

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    Potato Potato Potato

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Poring (1/15)



  1. I have this wing that will make Champions OP. can some give me the right code that everyone can wear except champions?
  2. how to put that in your folder? I tried uploading it via rar but it didnt work
  3. /* CREATE TABLE `ragnarok_logs`.`sout_market_log` ( `id` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `message` VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `time` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = MyISAM DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; */ - script sout_atcommand -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "shout",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnCommand"; end; OnCommand: if ( !getstrlen(.@atcmd_parameters$) ) { message strcharinfo(0), "Please, enter a message (usage: @shout <message>)."; end; } if ( @sout_delay + 1800 > gettimetick(2) ) { message strcharinfo(0), "There is a 30 min delay of using this command again"; end; } @sout_delay = gettimetick(2); .@message$ = implode( .@atcmd_parameters$," " ); announce "[Recruiting] "+ strcharinfo(0) +" : "+ .@message$, bc_area, 0x99FFFF; query_logsql( "INSERT INTO `sout_market_log` ( `name`, `message` ) VALUES ( '"+escape_sql(strcharinfo(0))+"', '"+escape_sql( getstrlen(.@message$)>150?substr(.@message$,0,149):.@message$ )+"' );" ); end; } Thank you so much skorm, this is very helpful. Commend. Thanks again.
  4. I'm using pre-re I have max 255 str but still my damage is 1. but to some weak monsters like poring,fabre my damage is 1k. can someone help me?
  5. 5110,Baby_Pacifier,Baby Pacifier,4,20,,50,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1,,0,0,191,{},{ changebase roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_BABY); },{ changebase Class; } Did that but its not working
  6. SQL table load in phpmyadmin NPC save in NPC folder. Follow the NPC adding guide. do you have a script that goes the same but will use @shout instead of @bst? @bst = Market @shout = shoutout or paging or recruiting I tried duplicating this script then changing the name still whenever I type @shout it will show as @bst.
  7. I forgot the name of this job, from what I can remember is it's que_job. but whenever I type it its an invalid map. can someone help me name this?
  8. how to change this to sniper or WS only? Thanks in advance.
  9. For Example. {},{ changebase roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD); },{ changebase Class; } this will turn me into a 3rd job I tried changing {},{ changebase roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD); },{ changebase Class; } to {},{ changebase roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_BABY); },{ changebase Class; } bit it didn't work. can someone correct me if i got it all wrong?
  10. Hi, I'm looking for a skin color stylist and skin pallete. and I got this link https://rathena.org/board/topic/53413-new-hairstyle-and-cloth-color/ unfortunately it doesn't have a clear answer. Basically, I am requesting for a Stylist with a Skin Color Change Option. Hoping someone can help me. Thank you in advance.
  11. My Server is Pre-re, all monsters are working ok and then when I tried checking my damage on the Emperium, I was surprised that my damage is 1. and I browsed for same problems, followed the guides but still it didnt work. I did change my mob_db for the emperium. Here is my mob_db of EMPERIUM 1288,EMPELIUM,Emperium,Emperium,90,65000,1,0,0,1,60,73,64,50,1,17,80,50,26,20,10,12,0,8,26,0x160,300,1288,288,384,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,01290,SKELETON_GENERAL,Skeleton General,Skeleton General,88,6720,0,1368,1553,1,540,579,100,35,72,34,52,31,84,25,10,12,1,1,29,0x3695,150,2276,576,432,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7068,2550,756,160,508,800,1220,35,1219,80,13035,6000,2274,1,0,0,0,0,4221,1 Attached herewith is the screenshot.
  12. How to add the sprite? I mean how can I change the default sprite of Valkyrie Randgris?
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