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Everything posted by Kurofly

  1. It's not easy to explain but I would like to make kind of an interactive place where NPCs could spawn according to items. If I had the possibility to create a NPC using a command, I wouldn't have to make a lot of them in advance knowing that most of them will be inactive. I expected that answer but I just wanted to make sure ^^
  2. Hello there! I'd like to know wether it would be possible to use kind of a createnpc command. Someting like 'createnpc <map name>,<x>,<y>,<facing>%TAB%script%TAB%<NPC Name>%TAB%<sprite id>,{<code>}' I have no idea wether this is possible or not, maybe i should have posted this in the support section. Sorry if that's the case. Thanks in advance
  3. que_qaru02,272,317,4 warp SpecialWarp 2,2,arug_cas01,281,93; - script WarpEnabler -1,{ OnInit: if (gettime(3) < 17 || gettime(3) >= 19) disablenpc "SpecialWarp"; end; OnClock1700: enablenpc "SpecialWarp" ; announce "It's 17'! You can now enter Clone Wars dungeon.",0; end; OnClock1900: disablenpc "SpecialWarp" ; announce "Too bad it's 19'... The Clone Wars dungeon is closed.",0; end; OnAgitStart: disablenpc "SpecialWarp" ; announce "A woe started and so the Clone Wars dungeon was closed.",0; end; OnAgitEnd: if (gettime(3) >= 17 && gettime(3) < 19) { enablenpc "SpecialWarp" ; announce "Woe ended and so the Clone Wars dungeon is opened untill 19'.",0; } end; } I'm not quite sure I understood what you wanted so I made this one juste in case. This one will only erase de warp the moment it lasted 2 hours so that the time passed in woe doesn't count que_qaru02,272,317,4 warp SpecialWarp 2,2,arug_cas01,281,93; - script WarpEnabler -1,{ OnInit: if (gettime(3) >= 17 && gettime(3) < 19) { initnpctimer; setnpctimer ((18-gettime(3))*3600000 + (59-gettime(2))*60000 + (60-gettime(1))*1000); } else disablenpc "SpecialWarp"; end; OnClock1700: enablenpc "SpecialWarp" ; announce "It's 17'! You can now enter Clone Wars dungeon.",0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer7200000: stopnpctimer; disablenpc "SpecialWarp" ; announce "The Clone Wars dungeon lasted 2 hours and so was closed.",0; end; OnAgitStart: disablenpc "SpecialWarp" ; announce "A woe started and so the Clone Wars dungeon was closed.",0; stopnpctimer; end; OnAgitEnd: if (getnpctimer(0) < 7200000) {enablenpc "SpecialWarp" ; startnpctimer "SpecialWarp" ; announce "Woe ended and so the Clone Wars dungeon is opened for "+(getnpctimer(0)/3600000)+" hours "+((getnpctimer(0)/60000)%60)+" minutes.",0;} end; }
  4. yep sure, just need a few details: - where do you want your warp to be and where do you want it to warp people? - do you want to make annoncements? if yes what do you want to annonce? - if a woe is set from 17' to 18' , do you want the warp to last till 20' so that the warp is still enabled for 2 hours?
  5. Kurofly

    npc @mainpoint

    ahh I thought you wanted to display the save point. Why don't you use the @load command?
  6. Kurofly

    npc @mainpoint

    oops - script At_mainpoint -1{ OnInit: bindatcmd "mainpoint",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMainpoint"; end; OnMainpoint: dispbottom "You current save is : "+getsavepoint(0)+" , "+getsavepoint(1)+" , "+getsavepoint(2); } just forgot to put a ';' at the end of dispbottom
  7. Kurofly

    npc @mainpoint

    - script At_mainpoint -1{ OnInit: bindatcmd "mainpoint",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMainpoint"; end; OnMainpoint: dispbottom "You current save is : "+getsavepoint(0)+" , "+getsavepoint(1)+" , "+getsavepoint(2) } pretty simple
  8. No problem noturn, I've been wanting to do something of that kind for a while now and the fact that you asked for it motivated me so that's a good thing. When you have time please test it and report any bug you find, i had a lot of troubles doing it so I guess it may still have bugs. Have a good time with it
  9. He'll be asked if he has the two possible items: if (countitem(7179)>=1 && countitem(674)>=4500) { mes "[Forger]"; mes "Which item do you want to use?"; set @num , select("Mithril coin:Proof of donation"); }
  10. Hey there, I'm back again I managed to get the hardest part over with some days ago and I'm now working on the details. So it's almost done and you will probably have it tomorrow or tuesday in worst case. Here is the log: //= 1.0 first version : // -player creates his shop by using the '@shop' command // -possibility to add a cost to the shop creation and a tax to the items sold, PLEASE REFER TO THE "ADDING SHOPS" PART IF YOU WANT TO ADD SHOPS // -if you are the owner of a shop and buy an item in it, you won't have to pay the tax // -player can manage his shop by clicking on it or using the '@shopadd' , '@shopdel' , '@shopcancel' commands // -any owner of any shop can log in and out at any moment, he'll always get his money and items in case he sold something and/or his shop was deleted // //= things to do: // -modify '@shopadd' in case player already sells this item and either it's an equip or or consummable // -modify '@shopdel' in case player wants to delete equips // -adding '@shopmod <item id> <new price>' command and a few screenshots: *here the shop displays 100z but I fixed the problem already* Ok it's done ! shop.txt shop.txt gave you my previous save sry^^ I got rid of the non-essentials commands so you only have to remember the '@shop' command. If you don't have a shop the '@shop' command will create you one and if you already own a shop this command will make you able to manage it. Don't forget to edit this part: - script ShopManager -1,{ function GetShop ; function CheckOwner ; function CheckNumber ; function SetShop ; function AddToShop ; function CheckShopBound ; function GiveItemsBack; OnInit: //===========================player setuo========================= .ShopAmount = 10; //amount of shops availables .TimeDelay = 24; //amount of time a shop will last (in hours) .Cost = 1000; //Cost to create a shop .Tax = 10; //tax deducted from sales (in percent) //=======================end of player setup====================== Currently there are 10 shops but if you want to add more, please refer to this part : /*=============================================ADDING SHOPS================================================================== *if you want to add more shops, please refer to this part:* 1)copy paste this >> - shop Subshop<NUMBER OF YOUR SHOP> -1,512:-1 2)copy paste this V V (you can place the shop wherever you want since it'll be warped on player location) <SHOP LOCATION>,<X>,<Y>,4 script Shop#<NUMBER OF YOUR SHOP> 464,{ @BuyingShopSpec = 1; callshop "Subshop"+strnpcinfo(2),1; end; OnBuyItem: callfunc "BuyItem",getcharid(3,strcharinfo(0)),strnpcinfo(2); end; OnInit: npcshopattach "Subshop"+strnpcinfo(2); disablenpc strnpcinfo(3) ; setd "$Shop"+strnpcinfo(2)+"enable" , 0; end; OnEnable: enablenpc strnpcinfo(3) ; setd "$Shop"+strnpcinfo(2)+"enable" , 1; unitwarp getnpcid(0) , .map$ , .x , .y; waitingroom .shopname$,0; end; } 3)edit the '.ShopAmount' var in the player setup >> .Shopamount = <AMOUNT OF SHOPS> ===========================================END OF ADDING SHOPS=============================================================*/ Hope you'll enjoy shop.txt
  11. try this prt_in,53,56,7 script Mithril Refiner +1 to +10::Mithril Refiner1 86,{ function Refine; set @itemid, 674; set @itemquantity, 4500; set @itemid2, 7179; set @itemquantity2, 1; set @maxrefine, 10; mes "[Forger]"; mes "Hi, I can refine any upgradeable equipment of your choice to sure +10. Just pay me ^FF00004,500 Mithril Coins^000000 or ^FF00001 Proof of Donation^000000."; next; mes "Oh and by the way, I can refine your refinable equipment even if it already has a previous upgrade. I can upgrade them whether if its +5, +7 or +9 doesn't matter."; menu "Refine equipment",REFIN,"Nothing at all",QUIT; REFIN: if (countitem(674)<4500 && countitem(7179)<1) goto NOREQ; next; mes "To refine an item you need either :"; mes "^FF0000 "+@itemquantity+" "+getitemname(@itemid)+"^000000"; mes "or :"; mes "^FF0000 "+@itemquantity2+" "+getitemname(@itemid2)+"^000000"; set @headtop$,getequipname(1); set @armor$,getequipname(2); set @handl$,getequipname(3); set @handr$,getequipname(4); set @garment$,getequipname(5); set @shoes$,getequipname(6); set @accl$,getequipname(7); set @accr$,getequipname(8); set @headmid$,getequipname(9); set @headlow$,getequipname(10); menu "[Head - Top] "+@headtop$,HEADTOP, "[Head - Mid] "+@headmid$,HEADMID, "[Head - Low] "+@headlow$,HEADLOW, "[Armor] "+@armor$,ARMOR, "[Garment] "+@garment$,GARMENT, "[Left Hand] "+@handl$,HANDL, "[Right Hand] "+@handr$,HANDR, "[Left Acc] "+@accl$,ACCL, "[Right Acc] "+@accr$,ACCR, "[Shoes] "+@shoes$,SHOES, "Cancel",QUIT; HEADTOP: set @slot, 1; callfunc Refine; HEADMID: set @slot, 9; callfunc Refine; HEADLOW: set @slot, 10; callfunc Refine; ARMOR: set @slot, 2; callfunc Refine; GARMENT: set @slot, 5; callfunc Refine; HANDL: set @slot, 3; callfunc Refine; HANDR: set @slot, 4; callfunc Refine; ACCL: set @slot, 7; callfunc Refine; ACCR: set @slot, 8; callfunc Refine; SHOES: set @slot, 6; callfunc Refine; QUIT: mes "Oh, bye then."; close; LATER: mes "Thanks, have a nice day."; close; CANCEL: mes "Okay, come back another time."; close; MAX: mes "Sorry, but I can't refine this anymore."; close; NOWAY: mes "Oh my, I can't refine this item!!!"; close; NOREQ: next; mes "Sorry, but you don't have the items I need. Get out!"; close; // ---------------Refine Equipment function Refine { if (getequiprefinerycnt(@slot) >= @maxrefine) goto MAX; if (getequipisenableref(@slot) == 0) goto NOWAY; if (countitem(7179)>=1 && countitem(674)>=4500) { mes "[Forger]"; mes "Which item do you want to use?"; set @num , select("Mithril coin:Proof of donation"); } else if (countitem(674)>=4500) set @num , 1; else set @num , 2; menu "Do it!",-,"Cancel",CANCEL; if (@num = 1) { if (countitem(@itemid) < @itemquantity) goto NOREQ; delitem @itemid, @itemquantity; } else { if (countitem(@itemid2) < @itemquantity2) goto NOREQ; delitem @itemid2, @itemquantity2; } set @repeat, (@maxrefine - getequiprefinerycnt(@slot)); while (@repeat > 0) { successrefitem(@slot); set @repeat, @repeat - 1; } goto LATER; } } didin't test but you shouldn't have any problems. If you have both of the items required the forger will ask you which one you want to use, else he'll use the one you have.
  12. Erm... I'm really late morocc,155,99,4 script party_dungeon_warper 96,{ set .@nom$ , "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; mes .@nom$; mes "Hello there, I'm in charge of managing the entrance to "+.dungeon_name$+"."; next; mes .@nom$; mes "I can only give access to a party of ^0000ff"+.min_party_size+" players or more^000000."; mes "Only the ^0000ffparty leader^000000 can ask for the entrance access."; mes ""; mes "^ff0000It costs "+.amount+" "+getitemname(.item)+" to reserve an access.^000000"; next; mes .@nom$; if (.Dungeon) { //someone is in the dungeon mes "A group of "+.PlayerCount+" players has currently access to the dungeon"; mes .AlivePlayerCount+" of them are still alive"; mes "^0000ff"+.WaitingCount+"^000000 group(s) are waiting for the entrance access."; } else mes "No one is currently in the dungeon."; mes ""; mes "What do you want to do?"; getpartymember getcharid(1),1 ; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; for ( set .@i , 0 ; .@i < $@partymembercount ; set .@i , .@i + 1 ) if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) set .@count_online , .@count_online + 1; set .@DungeonReserved , 0; for (set .@i , 0 ; .@i < getarraysize(.PartyIDs) ; set .@i , .@i + 1) if (getcharid(1) == .PartyIDs[.@i]) set .@DungeonReserved , 1; switch(select("Enter the dungeon:Reserve access:Leave")) { next ; mes .@nom$; case 1: if (!.@DungeonReserved) { //the dugeon isn't reserved yet mes "You didn't reserve access yet."; mes "Please reserve access before entering the dungeon."; close; } else if (.PartyIDs[0] != getcharid(1)) { //dungeon reserved but in the waiting room mes "You are in the waiting list sir, you cannot enter the dungeon yet."; mes "Your position in the waiting list : ^0000ff"+callsub(S_Position,getcharid(1))+"^000000."; mes "You will be informed when you can enter the dungeon."; close; } else if (@dungeon == 1) { //player already died in the dungeon mes "You already died in the dungeon and so cannot enter it again."; close; } else if (@warped == 1) { //player warped out of the dungeon mes "You warped out of the dungeon and so cannot enter it again."; close; } set @warped , 1; set .PlayerCount , .@count_online; set .EnteredPlayers , .EnteredPlayers + 1 ; set .AlivePlayerCount , .AlivePlayerCount + 1; warp .warpzone$,.warpx,.warpy; end; case 2: if (.@DungeonReserved) { //has already reserved access mes "You already reserved access to the dungeon."; mes "Your position in the waiting list : ^0000ff"+callsub (S_Position,getcharid(1))+"^000000."; if (callsub (S_Position,getcharid(1))) mes "You will be informed when you can enter the dungeon."; close; } else if (.@count_online < .min_party_size) { //not enough players online or not in a party mes "You need a party of "+.min_party_size+" players online to reserve the dungeon."; close; } else if (getpartyleader(getcharid(1),1) != getcharid(3)) { //not party leader mes "Only the party leader can reserve access to the dungeon."; close; } else if (getarraysize(.PartyIDs)) { //people already waiting setarray .PartyIDs[getarraysize(.PartyIDs)] , getcharid(1); mes "You successfully reserved the entrance."; mes "Your position in the waiting list : ^0000ff"+callsub (S_Position,getcharid(1))+"^000000."; mes "You will be informed when you can enter the dungeon."; close; } if (countitem(.item) < .amount) { mes "You don't have "+.amount+" "+getitemname(.item)+"."; mes "^ff0000It costs "+.amount+" "+getitemname(.item)+" to reserve an access.^000000"; close; } delitem .item,.amount; set .Dungeon , 1; setarray .PartyIDs[0] , getcharid(1); mes "^ff0000You can now enter the dungeon.^000000"; mes "If none of the party members enter the dungeon before "+.delay+" minutes, the dungeon will be automatically closed."; initnpctimer ; set .TimeDelay , 0; getpartymember getcharid(1), 1; getpartymember getcharid(1), 2; for ( set .@i , 0 ; .@i < $@partymembercount ; set .@i , .@i + 1 ) { if (attachrid($@partymemberaid[.@i])) { set @dungeon , 0 ; set @warped , 0; } } end; case 3: end; } OnTimer300000: set .TimeDelay , 1; if (.AlivePlayerCount == 0) callsub S_NextParty; end; S_Position: for (set .@i , 0 ; .@i < getarraysize(.PartyIDs) ; set .@i , .@i + 1) if (.PartyIDs[.@i] == getarg(0)) set .@j , .@i; return .@j; S_CheckCount: debugmes "checkcount"; if (.AlivePlayerCount == 0 || (.Delay && .AlivePlayerCount == .EnteredPlayers)) callsub S_NextParty; return; S_NextParty: addrid(2,0,.PartyIDs[0]); announce "Everyone is dead, you lost access to the dungeon."; deletearray .PartyIDs[0],1; if (.PartyIDs[0]) { detachrid ; addrid(2,0,.PartyIDs[0]); announce "Your party can now enter the dungeon.",bc_self; announce "Please enter it before a "+.delay+" minutes delay, else you will loose access.",bc_self; initnpctimer; set .TimeDelay , 0; } end; OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); if (.@map$ == .warpzone$) { set @dungeon , 1 ; set .AlivePlayerCount , .AlivePlayerCount - 1 ; warp .exitzone$,.exitx,.exity ; callsub S_CheckCount; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: //if player logs out in the dungeon, he's counted as dead getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); if (.@map$ == .warpzone$) { set @dungeon = 1 ; set .AlivePlayerCount , .AlivePlayerCount - 1 ; callsub S_CheckCount; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: //if player logs in in the dungeon, he's warped out of it getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); if (.@map$ == .warpzone$) warp .exitzone$,.exitx,.exity; end; OnInit: //===============================set this up========================================== set .dungeon_name$ , "the Fire dungeon"; set .item , 671; //item required (gold coin) set .amount , 1; //amount required set .min_party_size , 1; //minimum amount of players needed to enter the dungeon set .delay , 5; //delay after wich dungeon is closed if all the players in it are dead (in minutes) set .warpzone$ , "mus_arena01" ; .warpx = 62 ; .warpy = 48; //entrance warp coordinates set .exitzone$ , "mus_arena03" ; .exitx = 116 ; .exity = 193; //exit coordinates //=============================end of user setup====================================== mapwarp .warpzone$,.exitzone$,.exitx,.exity; set .Dungeon , 0 ; set .PlayerCount , 0 ; set .AlivePlayerCount , 0 ; set .WaitingCount , 0; setarray .PartyIDs[0],0; } I'm really sorry to have you waited so long just to replace some '=', I had a crazy week and wanted to get over with another script first. That won't happen anymore! So here it is, as I said, this is definitely not the final product, I just want you to test it and tell me I you find any bug or anything you want to change/improve. I tested it a week ago I and didn't experience any bug but I didn't push it to its limits Don't forget to edit this part //===============================set this up========================================== set .dungeon_name$ , "the Fire dungeon"; set .item , 671; //item required (gold coin) set .amount , 1; //amount required set .min_party_size , 1; //minimum amount of players needed to enter the dungeon set .delay , 5; //delay after wich dungeon is closed if all the players in it are dead (in minutes) set .warpzone$ , "mus_arena01" ; .warpx = 62 ; .warpy = 48; //entrance warp coordinates set .exitzone$ , "mus_arena03" ; .exitx = 116 ; .exity = 193; //exit coordinates //=============================end of user setup======================================
  13. Unfortunately I neither have enough time nor skills to help you into this project, I'm only good at scripting, so I just post to show my support Ragnarok is a pretty old game now and I believe the only reason why people are still playing it is because of all the custom contents people like you put a lot of effort into. It's good to see the awesome comunity of rathena working hard to make us able to enjoy ! Good luck on your project, hope you'll find what/who you need
  14. It would indeed be the best idea but I'm not used to mysql and it wouldn't be more reader-friendly. It's almost done anyway so no need to bother anymore. Ty for your advice, appreciate it
  15. You know, 100,000,000 zeny is quite an amount Don't you want to make it a bit more funky? Adding effect, announces, jokes, or even cutins? Check out these! I think you could make something pretty cool with this: s2_n6.bmp s3_n6.bmp s1_n5.bmp I'm not the original owner of these cutins so I will try to find its owner to ask him if I can make use of them. I had to stop making them a while ago so I will need time get this over if you want me to do it. Tell me if you want to do anything
  16. I think he wanted his script to be able to give mutliple rewards since the total of chances for the 3 items are 120% If it's the case try this: prontera,137,201,4 script Random Girl 725,{ .@npcName$ = "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes .@npcName$; mes "Hello, for 100,000,000 zeny, you have a chance to obtain one of these items :"; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.items); .@i++) { mes "^008000~ " + getitemname(.items[.@i]) + "^000000"; } next; switch(select("Gamble!:Leave")) { case 1: if (Zeny < 100000000) { mes .@npcName$; mes "I'm afraid you don't have enough to gamble."; close; } Zeny -= 100000000; .@rand = rand(1,100); for (.@i = 0 ; .@i < getarraysize(.items) ; .@i++) { if (.@rand <= .percents[.@i]) { getitem .items[.@i],1 ; dispbottom "Congrats! You won 1 "+getitemname(.items[.@i])+" !" ; .@won = 1; } } if (!.@won) dispbottom "You lost !"; mes .@npcName$; mes "There you go!"; break; case 2: break; } close; OnInit: setarray .items,671,676,673; setarray .percents,10,40,70; end; } If you have errors post a screen of your mapserv plz
  17. Don't worry, that's exactly what I did function SetShop { attachrid(getarg(1)); if (getarg(0) == 0) { mes "Sorry but the last shop has been taken during your set up" ; close; } //creates the items in the shop npcshopitem "Subshop"+getarg(0),@sold_nameid[0],@price[0]; delitem @sold_nameid[0],@sold_quantity[0]; for(@i = 1 ; @i < getarraysize(@sold_nameid) ; @i++) { delitem @sold_nameid[@i],@sold_quantity[@i] ; npcshopadditem "Subshop"+getarg(0),@sold_nameid[@i],@price[@i]; } //set the shop and player variables for (@i = 0 ; @i < getarraysize(@sold_nameid) ; @i++) { setarray getd("$Shop"+getarg(0)+"itemid"+getarraysize(getd("$Shop"+getarg(0)+"rid"))+"["+@i+"]") , @sold_nameid[@i]; setarray getd("$Shop"+getarg(0)+"amount"+getarraysize(getd("$Shop"+getarg(0)+"rid"))+"["+@i+"]") , @sold_quantity[@i]; setarray getd("$Shop"+getarg(0)+"price"+getarraysize(getd("$Shop"+getarg(0)+"rid"))+"["+@i+"]") , @price[@i]; setarray getd("$"+strcharinfo(0)+"amount["+@i+"]") , @sold_quantity[@i]; } setarray getvariableofnpc(.shopname$,"Shop#"+getarg(0)) , @shopname$; setd "$Shop"+getarg(0)+"rid["+getarraysize(getd("$Shop"+getarg(0)+"rid"))+"]" , getarg(1); //setarray getvariableofnpc(.itemidcount[getarraysize(getd("$Shop"+getarg(0)+"rid"))],"Shop#"+getarg(0)) , @i+1; getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; set getvariableofnpc(.map$,"Shop#"+getarg(0)) , @map$; set getvariableofnpc(.x,"Shop#"+getarg(0)) , @x; set getvariableofnpc(.y,"Shop#"+getarg(0)) , @y; //enable shop donpcevent "Shop#"+getarg(0)+"::OnEnable"; return; } But of course it's god damn unreadable Too bad though ^^
  18. Ty, appreciate it Of course you can sell equips xD but you can't sell slotted or refined equips because there's no way to dispay it properly in the shop. There will be a defined amount of shops available (as many as you want) and once a player uses '@shop' command, a shop will be given to him. So the shops own to no one, once the time limit is exceeded it becomes free again. You will also have the possibility of making the shop creation paying or/and add a taxe on the items you sell. It's gonna take some more time because I don't have much time to script these days and because of the few details below : -When the scripts are reloaded, every items in every shops go back to their respective owners if some players aren't logged in at this moment, they'll get these items back on relog. -If a shop's owner isn't connected when he sells an item, he'll get his money on relog. -If a player is disconnected on his shop's deletion, he'll get the items he didn't sell on relog and money for the items he sold on relog too. These three things are gonna be a pain to script because I'll need to make use of global array variables using A LOT of getd() funcs so first I need to make sure all of the unused variables are erased and, plus, it makes my eyes bleeding and my brain melt Don't hesitate to give me your opinions/suggestions and to tell me want you want to add in this. Ps: I still need a sprite for the shops because this one actually stinks ^^ More power !
  19. Too bad At least I know for sure it's impossible. TY
  20. I tried something like setarray .array[0][0] , 1; Doesn't work. I'm doing an autoshop which sells items instead of players so that they can play while selling. A shop must be able to keep trace of what its owners sold so that if they log out before the shop closes it can give them back their items and money$$ To do so I need to have an array with all the items sold for each player who didn't login back yet So the best way would have to set an array in another array. I already changed everything using getd instead but this is something I will want to do in the future for sure so that's why I wanted to know. Thank you for your time .
  21. oh damn xd EDIT: I don't have time to do it right now, I'll post it tomorrow
  22. Hello rA world ! I'm working on a script in which it would be very useful to have an array in another array. Is it possible? Thanks in advance
  23. I never edited skills so I don't know exactly But check out this, everything is explained very well
  24. Are you sure you copied the whole script? Because I don't see anything before the left curly '{' You can't have errors on a variable assignation xd. I never used 3ceam so maybe you can't assigne variables by doing .@var = value Try to change change the second line into set .@nom$ , "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; and check if the error is still the same (we never know)
  25. It works for me and I haven't experienced any bug yet. if you can't even click it you must have errors I don't have, probably because you are on 3ceam. Please show me these errors.
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