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Posts posted by Z3R0

  1. New Button Now Appends to EVERY codebox...

    This button says [ Select Text ]

    This button DOES NOT copy to clipboard, however, does instantly select all text within the codebox for you to be able to right click copy or CTRL + C




  2. I have given the code to Brian for "Select All" the reason being is that "copy" apparently is a lot harder than it looks...

    Many people resort to using "Flash" which I do not want to do... I'll have to look into a library feature that may enable this... the ckeditor has it, but I have no earthly idea how to depict it's clipboard usage... I've tried :)

  3. The only thing I do not know, is whether or not you can retrieve the item attribute... I could not find a function for that.. so I left it at 0...

    prt_in,281,138,5        script  Suhnbi#cash     85,{
           mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
           mes "I am the Armsmith";
           mes "I can refine all kinds of weapons,";
           mes "armor and equipment, so let me";
           mes "know what you want to refine.";
           setarray .@position$[1], "Head","Body","Left hand","Right hand","Robe","Shoes","Accessory 1","Accessory 2","Head 2","Head 3";
           set .@menu$,"";
           for( set .@i,1; .@i <= 10; set .@i,.@i+1 )
                   if( getequipisequiped(.@i) )
                           set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]";
                   set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":";
           set .@part,select(.@menu$);
           if( !getequipisequiped(.@part) )
           if( !getequipisenableref(.@part) )
                   mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                   mes "I don't think I can refine this item at all.";
           if( !getequipisidentify(.@part) )
                   mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                   mes "This has not been identified. So, it can't be refined...";
           if( getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) >= 10 )
                   mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                   mes "This item cannot be refined because it has already reached its maximum level...";
           // Make sure you have the neccessary items and Zeny to refine your items
           // Determines chance of failure and verifies that you want to continue.
           switch( getequipweaponlv(.@part) )
                   case 1: callsub S_RefineValidate,1,7620,50,.@part; break;
                   case 2: callsub S_RefineValidate,2,7620,200,.@part; break;
                   case 3: callsub S_RefineValidate,3,7620,5000,.@part; break;
                   case 4: callsub S_RefineValidate,4,7620,20000,.@part; break;
                   default: callsub S_RefineValidate,0,7619,2000,.@part; break;
           if( getequippercentrefinery(.@part) > rand(100) || getequippercentrefinery(.@part) > rand(100) )
                   mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                   mes "Clink! Clank! Clunk!";
                   SuccessRefItem .@part;
                   Emotion e_no1;
                   mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                   mes "Here you are! It's done.";
                   mes "It's been a while since I've made such a fine equipment. You must be happy because it has become stronger!";
    			// [Z3R0] - Added Item Check and Equipment Malfunctions
    				// Armor Check & Safeguard from Deletion, -1 From Refine Count (Retain All Cards)
    					if (.@part <= 2 && .@part >= 5) { // Armor Body Parts (Non Weapons)
    						if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) >= 7) { // Current Refine is 7 or Higher
    							//FailedRefItem .@part;
    							// Do Not know if there is an attribute function to get attribute
    							set .@card[0] = getequipcardid(.@part, 0);
    							set .@card[1] = getequipcardid(.@part, 1);
    							set .@card[2] = getequipcardid(.@part, 2);
    							set .@card[3] = getequipcardid(.@part, 3);
    							getitem2 getequipid(.@part),1,1,getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) - 1,0,.@card[0],.@card[1],.@card[2],.@card[3];
    				// Weapon Check & Safeguard from Deletion, -1 From Deletion, -1 From Refine Count (Retain All Cards)
    					if (.@part <= 4 && .@part >= 3) { // Weapons (Right and Left Hand)
    						if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) >= 8) { // Current Refine is 8 or Higher
    							//FailedRefItem .@part;
    							// Do Not know if there is an attribute function to get attribute
    							set .@card[0] = getequipcardid(.@part, 0);
    							set .@card[1] = getequipcardid(.@part, 1);
    							set .@card[2] = getequipcardid(.@part, 2);
    							set .@card[3] = getequipcardid(.@part, 3);
    							getitem2 getequipid(.@part),1,1,getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) - 1,0,.@card[0],.@card[1],.@card[2],.@card[3];
                   mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                   mes "Clink! Clank! Clunk!";
                   //FailedRefItem .@part;
                   if (rand(5) == 1)
                           Emotion e_cash;
                           Emotion e_omg;
                   mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                   mes "Cough!!!!";
                   mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                   mes "Cough...Cough..";
                   mes "What a shame...";
                   mes "The refining process failed. I had told you earlier this might happen!";
           mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
           if (getarg(0))
                   mes "A level " + getarg(0) + " weapon...";
           mes "To refine this I need one ^ff9999" + getitemname(getarg(1)) + "^000000 and a service fee of " + getarg(2) + " Zeny.";
           mes "Do you wish to continue?";
           if( select("Yes:No") == 1 )
                   if( getequippercentrefinery(getarg(3)) < 100 )
                           mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                           mes "Wow!!";
                           mes "This weapon, probably";
                           mes "looks like it's been refined...";
                           mes "many times...";
                           mes "It may break if";
                           mes "you refine it again.";
                           mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                           mes "But don't worry this is a special case so i will only take the stone if it fails.";
                           mes " ";
                           mes "I think we have a fair trade do you still want to continue?";
                           if( select("Yes:No") == 2 )
                                   mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                                   mes "I completely agree...";
                                   mes "I might be a great refiner, but sometimes even I make mistakes.";
                   if( countitem(getarg(1)) > 0 && Zeny > getarg(2) )
                           delitem getarg(1), 1;
                           set Zeny, Zeny - getarg(2);
                           mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                           mes "You don't seem to have enough Zeny or " + getitemname(getarg(1)) + "...";
                           mes "Go get some more. I'll be here all day if you need me.";
                   mes "[^ff0000Suhnbi^000000]";
                   mes "Yeah... There's no need to rush.";
                   mes "Take your time.";

  4. I will say, proposing was probably the most stressed I have ever been... haha :)

    I took her to the eiffel tower in vegas (the paris area), and made sure they gave us seats directly facing the bellagio fountains... and she ordered desert and instead of bringing it to her right away, they brought her a silver platter (bedded with roses, saying "Will You Marry Me" across the plate with a rose pedal coiled within the ring...

    she bawled like a baby! but it was totally worth it!

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