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Files posted by Mercurial

  1. Free

    GRF Sharper [Update Jan 26, 2012]

    Hello everyone this is my GRF Explorer tool,

    So why another GRF Tool you ask? well here are the reasons

    The current ones are old
    The current ones are un-maintained (not all of them)
    The current ones are written in C X_X;
    I want to make my own

    So what are the features gonna be?

    GRF Merge
    Fast GRF Filter and Search
    Open Multiple GRFs in another tab
    Transfer files between tabs
    Live preview of files in the grf ( even sprite , map , acts )
    On the spot editing of grf files (no need to extract, edit , put it back, just double click edit and save )
    Open sourced
    Well documented
    Its C#! So faster development speed( I made the UI 2 hours ago )
    It works on Linux , Mac and Windows

    Notes: It only supports 0x200 GRF version and the DES Decryption algorithm is still broken ( that means its not able to extract some files in data.grf yet , coming soon)

    Ok let me tell you the truth! This is a part of an effort called "Managed Athena Project or mAthena"

    the goal is to port the existing eAthena software and the Open-Ragnarok
    https://gitorious.org/open-ragnarok/ into managed C#/.NET/Mono Code

    This is just the beginning , I am not expecting to do this by myself. That is the reason I am posting this. To let everyone know about the project. And if your a skilled but totally bored programmer and want to build your own stuff for RO. then this is our chance

    I honestly dont think it will replace our beloved eAthena project, but this will be an alternative and hopefully a competition for eA in the future


    ROInt Project -
    https://gitorious.or...bs/master/grf.c(GRF Engine)

    KeyWorld for explaining to me the GRF File structure, DES Encryption and everything else

    scriptor has forked it on git hub and added the support for the following file formats. (SPR, PAL, TGA)
    @GreenBox for adding "file save support"

    don't forget to rate it 5 starts if you like it

    Git Hub:

    What are you waiting for? fork it now!



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