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Everything posted by Cyrix

  1. rentitem <ItemID>,<Time>; 14039,F_Hockey_Mask_Box,Hockey Mask Box,18,20,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ rentitem 5314,604800; },{},{} 1 day = 86400 1 month = 86400 x 30 = 2592000 14039,F_Hockey_Mask_Box,Hockey Mask Box,18,20,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ rentitem 5314,2592000; },{},{}
  2. try: http://www.eathena.ws/board/lofiversion/index.php/t272695.html
  3. I'm using: insert works fine, but I close the sale, and the database continues with the recorded data. how to remove recorded data when I close the store? in "vending_closevending" Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "DELETE FROM `xxxx` WHERE `char_id`='%d'", sd->vender_id); dont work Thanks.
  4. Bug???!! 17166 - ASPD... (That was 20 minutes ago.)
  5. i use vertrigo server php.ini extension=php_gd2.dll ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. My flux dont show guild emblems... help me to fix this... thanks.
  7. here, http://rathena.org/board/topic/77615-help-how-to-set-this-woe-controller/
  8. I need a function that does lose 100 HP continuously for a period X like: bHPLossRate,100,6000 ex.: sc_start(bl, bHPLossRate,100,6000...) thx
  9. I need help... --------------------------------------------------------- http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/12436/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Original script dont add SP rate + 5% and SP recovery Rate + 20% 12436,Vitata_500,Vitata 500,0,10,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_VITATA_500,500000,0; itemheal 0,200; },{},{} And this, dont work. 12436,Vitata_500,Vitata 500,0,10,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ bonus bMaxSPrate,5; bonus bSPrecovRate,20; sc_start SC_VITATA_500,500000,0; itemheal 0,200; },{},{} Thx.
  10. @Hurican Essa linha que eu mostrei acima, importei usando phpmyadm só para ver se o NPC iria ler. A função de leitura tá certinho o problema é que não salva... quando alguém quebra ou quando é morto dentro do castelo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this line is only for test, and works fine... i import using phpmyadm. INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`breaks`) VALUES ('123456','test',1); i need help w/ script thx
  11. I'm using this script to save woe ranking. But it does not save in the database. I used this line for testing, and the NPC reads correctly. INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`breaks`) VALUES ('123456','test',1); Please help me to find the error. thanks. Script: prontera,164,165,3 script Top Emperium 413,{ setarray $woemap$[0],"prtg_cas01","arug_cas03"; //ponha aqui os castelos que estão habilitados na sua WoE P_Ini: // == Configurações == set @name$,"^FF4500[Top Emperium]^000000"; set @PG2$,"^FF4500[Top Emperium]^000000"; set @PG3$,"^40E0D0ServerName^000000"; set @PG4$,"RagBrasil"; set @PlRank,10; set @GdRank,10; set @V$,strcharinfo(0); set @CID,getcharid(0); set @GID,getcharid(2); mes @name$; mes "Olá ^00BFFF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000."; mes "Selecione a ^FF0000opção^000000 desejada:"; next; menu "Woe Ranking",-,"Meu Status",charst,"Sair",EXIT; woerank: set @breakswoe,0; set @charnamewoe$,""; set @guildnamewoe$,""; set @kills,0; set @deaths,0; next; mes @PG2$; mes "Selecione a ^FF0000opção^000000 desejada:"; next; menu "Top "+@PlRank+" EmpBreak",B10,"Top "+@GdRank+" Guild",BT100,"Sair",EXIT; B10: query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`name`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woeplayerrank` ORDER BY `breaks` DESC, `kills` DESC LIMIT "+@PlRank+"",@breakswoe,@charnamewoe$,@kills,@deaths; next; mes "[^FF4500Top "+@PlRank+" EmpBreak^000000]"; for(set @i,0; @i<=@PlRank; set @i,@i+1){ if(@charnamewoe$[@i]==""){ mes @i+1 +": ---"; }else{ mes "^0000FF"+ (@i+1) +"^000000º: "+@charnamewoe$[@i]+" quebrou ^FF0000"+@breakswoe[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFx^000000, ^FF0000"+@kills[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFMatou^000000 e ^FF0000"+@deaths[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFMortes^000000."; }} mes "^525252_____________^000000"; mes "^525252TOP "+@PlRank+" Breakers^000000 "+@PG3$+"."; next; goto P_Ini; BT100: query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`gname`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woerank` ORDER BY `breaks` DESC, `kills` DESC LIMIT "+@GdRank+"",@breakswoe,@guildnamewoe$,@kills,@deaths; next; mes "[^FF0000TOP "+@GdRank+" Clãs^000000]"; for(set @i,0; @i<=@GdRank; set @i,@i+1){ if(@guildnamewoe$[@i]==""){ mes @i+1 +": ---"; }else{ mes "Posição: ^0000FF"+ (@i+1) +"^000000º: "+@guildnamewoe$[@i]+" com ^FF0000"+@breakswoe[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFvezes^000000, ^FF0000"+@kills[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFMatou^000000 e ^FF0000"+@deaths[@i]+"^000000 ^0000FFMortes^000000."; }} mes "^525252_____________^000000"; mes "^525252TOP "+@GdRank+" Clãs^000000 "+@PG3$+"."; next; goto P_Ini; EXIT: mes @name$; mes "Bom jogo."; close; //=============================== charst: query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@woepoints,@killswoe,@deathswoe; query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`kills`,`deaths` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID+"",@woeguild,@gkillswoe,@gdeathswoe; next; mes @name$; mes "^0000FF[ O jogador "+strcharinfo(0)+"]^000000"; mes "^525252Clã:^000000 ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(2)+"^000000."; mes "^525252Quebrou a emperium^000000 ^FF0000"+@woepoints+"^000000 x"; mes "^525252O clã quebrou a emperium^000000 ^FF0000"+@woeguild+"^000000 x"; mes "^525252Você matou^000000 ^FF0000"+@killswoe+"^000000 Players."; mes "^525252Você morreu^000000 ^FF0000"+@deathswoe+"^000000 x"; mes "^525252O clã matou^000000 ^FF0000"+@gkillswoe+"^000000 Players."; mes "^525252O clã morreu^000000 ^FF0000"+@gdeathswoe+"^000000 x"; next; goto P_Ini; //=============================== } function script WoE_Rank { set @CID,getcharid(0);set @name$,"";set @bpoints,0;set @GID,getcharid(2);set @gname$,"";set @gbpoints,0; query_sql "SELECT `breaks`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@bpoints,@name$; query_sql "SELECT `gname`,`breaks` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID+"",@gname$,@gbpoints; if ( @name$ == "" && @gname$ == "" ) { query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`breaks`) VALUES ('"+@CID+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"',1)"; query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`breaks`) VALUES ('"+@GID+"','"+getguildname(@GID)+"',1)"; return; } if ( @name$ == "" ) { query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`breaks`) VALUES ('"+@CID+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"',1)";query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` SET `breaks` = `breaks` +1 WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID+""; return; } if ( @gname$ == "" ) { query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`breaks`) VALUES ('"+@GID+"','"+getguildname(@GID)+"',1)";query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` SET `breaks` = `breaks` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+""; return; } query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` SET `breaks` = `breaks` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+""; query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` SET `breaks` = `breaks` +1 WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID+""; set @bpoints,@bpoints+1; set @gbpoints,@gbpoints+1; return; } - script WoePlayerLadder -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; for(set @i,0; @i<=getarraysize($woemap$); set @i,@i+1){ if(@map$==$woemap$[@i] && agitcheck()){ //comparando se o mapa encontrado é um castelo da WoE, mas só se a WoE estiver ativada set @CID,getcharid(0);set @name$,"";set @ppoints,0;set @GID,getcharid(2);set @gname$,"";set @gpoints,0; query_sql "SELECT `kills`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@ppoints,@name$; query_sql "SELECT `kills`,`gname` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID+"",@gpoints,@gname$; if ( @name$ == "" && @gname$ == "" ) { query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`kills`) VALUES ("+@CID+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',1)"; query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`kills`) VALUES ("+@GID+",'"+getguildname(@GID)+"',1)"; goto cont; } if ( @name$ == "" ) { query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`kills`) VALUES ('"+@CID+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"',1)"; query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` SET `kills` = `kills` +1 WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID+""; goto cont; } if ( @gname$ == "" ) { query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`kills`) VALUES ('"+@GID+"','"+getguildname(@GID)+"',1)"; query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` SET `kills` = `kills` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+""; goto cont; } query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` SET `kills` = `kills` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+""; query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` SET `kills` = `kills` +1 WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID+""; cont: attachrid killedrid; set @CID,getcharid(0);set @name$,"";set @ppoints,0;set @GID,getcharid(2);set @gname$,"";set @gpoints,0; query_sql "SELECT `deaths`,`name` FROM `woeplayerrank` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@ppoints,@name$; query_sql "SELECT `deaths`,`gname` FROM `woerank` WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID+"",@gpoints,@gname$; if ( @name$ == "" && @gname$ == "" ) { query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`deaths`) VALUES ("+@CID+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',1)"; query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`deaths`) VALUES ("+@GID+",'"+getguildname(@GID)+"',1)"; end; } if ( @name$ == "" ) { query_sql "INSERT INTO `woeplayerrank` (`char_id`,`name`,`deaths`) VALUES ('"+@CID+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"',1)"; query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` SET `deaths` = `deaths` + 1 WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID+""; end; } if ( @gname$ == "" ) { query_sql "INSERT INTO `woerank` (`guild_id`,`gname`,`deaths`) VALUES ('"+@GID+"','"+getguildname(@GID)+"',1)"; query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` SET `deaths` = `deaths` + 1 WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+""; end; } query_sql "UPDATE `woeplayerrank` SET `deaths` = `deaths` + 1 WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+""; query_sql "UPDATE `woerank` SET `deaths` = `deaths` + 1 WHERE `guild_id`="+@GID+""; end; }} end; }
  12. I can use the skills or not? Axe Boomerang - Axe Tornado w/ MADO Gear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?t=32980 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mechanic General Skills - Axe Training: Influences damage while using the MADO gear. Also increases damage and hit rate of maces. - Research Fire/Earth: Now affects you while using the MADO gear. - Axe Boomerang: Now usable while using the MADO gear. SP cost decreased. The damage now is increased according to the weapon weight and the user's base level. - Power Swing: Now usable while using the MADO gear. SP cost decreased. The damage is now increased according to the users STR, DEX, and base level. - Axe Tornado: Now usable while using the MADO gear. HP and SP cost decreased. When using Axe Tornado, deals increased damage if you are endowed with wind element. The damage is now increased by the users VIT and base level. - FAW Silver Sniper/Magic Decoy: Now usable while using the MADO gear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Zephyr : Creates a barrier of wind around the summoner. In this barrier, it increases evasion and blocks ranged attacks. Also has a small chance to completely block phsyical and magic damage. But: Zephyr blocks all atacks (100%), including area spells. Zephyr = GTB + Safety wall + Pneuma? someone please confirm for me, that it is correct. thx Images:
  14. Anyone have a patch to fix the damage the ice pick thx...
  15. Cyrix

    3rd quest NPC

    send me the link to donwload? thx
  16. I need these scripts to download, anyone have? http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=250411 thx.
  17. When I use a potion, my character does not move, and recovering HP instantly when attacked. Please verify, because it is impossible to die .. thank you Solved. Thx http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-6889-hp-increase-potion-large-medium-small-id-12424-12423-12422/
  18. http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-7046-flying-side-kick-low-damage/
  19. NPC dont show catalog. How to fix? - last revision (rathena)- client 20120410 1 - http://i.imgur.com/wGEBa.jpg 2 - http://i.imgur.com/8G6k9.jpg Thx.
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