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Everything posted by Jesky

  1. I already tried that before asked here, both team won't warp to the arena.
  2. Excuse me, but where can i change the minimal player needed to start the game?
  3. My god, you even make me this complete script... Well, I'm so grateful Annie~ Hope this script can help other people who is on a project making mining script too. Request solved.
  4. lol, glad to speak in indonesia and can explain my request better.. Woah, i already tested this script and it's work great like what i wanted! It's okay, this script is more than enough Annie, i'm so happy at last there is an answer, you've help me very much. Thank you so much!! I never imagined a script can do something like this, you're so awesome Annie But one last question, is there a way if i wanted to make this mob spawn anywhere with at last about 50 mobs on a map? or i have to duplicate the script?
  5. sorry for asking so fast.. but, there is a solution for my request?
  6. Hi, i'm using rathena svn 17600, but my server is running eathena mode (99/70 no third job), but i love to add renewal npc like 4_f_shalosh.. my rdata do not support, so when i disguise to 10041 (shalosh) my server will crash.. but finally i found the npc sprite itself. i follow your guide.. but when i disguise to 10041, i just disguise to poring.. what's wrong? hope someone can help me.. *ps: the 4_f_shalosh sprite i merge to my server.grf so all my player can enjoy the npc sprite too if their rdata.grf do not support. (sorry for bad english before)
  7. Terima kasih untuk tanggapannya Annie, saya tidak menyangka kamu dari Malaysia.. Ya tepat sekali, mob dengan 5 HP saja dan tidak bergerak (immobile/plant mode), jika player menyerang mob tersebut dan tidak membunuh mob tersebut, maka dia akan mati (@nuke). Namun jika dia membunuh mob tersebut maka dia akan tetap hidup. Berapa pun sisa HP mob yang diserang, jika dia tidak membunuhnya maka dia akan mati. sebagai contoh agar lebih jelas, player hanya menyerang mob sebesar 1 damage (Mob tersebut memiliki 4 HP tersisa) dan player tidak melanjutkan untuk membunuh mob tersebut, maka dia akan mati.. dan walaupun jika player menyerang mob tersebut sebesar 4 damage (mob memiliki 1 HP tersisa), namun tidak dibunuh, dia tetap akan mati. saya sedang dalam project membuat sistem mining, ini adalah script goddameit yang saya modif sedikit.. jika memungkinkan, saya ingin menambahkan script request ini kedalam script ini.. function script Minner_Main { if( getarg(0) == 2 ) { undisguise; if( strcharinfo(3) == "cave" ) end; } else if( strcharinfo(3) == "cave" && getequipid(4) == 6010 && getequipid(1) == 5009 ) { if( getarg(0) == 0 ) disguise 1169; else if( getarg(0) == 1 ) { set .@r, rand(1000); if( .@r >= 500 && .@r < 1000 ) getitem 757,1; if( .@r >= 0 && .@r < 500 ) getitem 756,1; if( .@r >= 50 && .@r < 100 ) getitem 6242,1; specialeffect2 100; }else ; return; } else ; return; } - script PickBroken -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if( killedrid==1907 ){ if(getequipid(4)==6010){ dispbottom "[System] Kerusakan Pick kamu adalah sebesar "+break_percentage+"%"; break_percentage++; } } if( break_percentage >=76 ){ dispbottom "[System] Pick kamu telah mengalami kerusakan sebesar 75%!"; dispbottom "[System] Harap perbaiki Pick kamu terlebih dahulu sebelum rusak sepenuhnya."; } if( break_percentage >=101 ){ emotion e_omg,1; specialeffect2 155; dispbottom "[System] Pick kamu telah hancur!"; unequip EQI_HAND_R; delitem 6010,1; break_percentage = 0; } end; }
  8. Hi, i already search in eathena and rathena then i'm not found anything. What i search is a script which work like: when a player attack a monster with 1 damage to that mob (the mob itself has 5 hp), then i want this player to die if he/she do not kill the mob, but attack the mob only for 4 damage (remain 1 hp and left the mob). Can someone help me? *sorry for bad english, hope u understand what i said.
  9. Hi Annie, i found your great script in eathena, http://www.eathena.ws/board/lofiversion/index.php/t272411.html This script is so amazing. But, can i request for some modification? I want this script to have a features like: changelook 4,471; when afk then changelook 4,upper; when the player not in afk anymore. thank you very much.. [edited:] can i ask for another feature like @afk command in this script.. so when player not afk but he/she just want to idle, they can use command @afk to turn off this script only for he/she.
  10. Hi, i like this script, i try it but when i get into the waiting room, it's do nothing.. what's wrong? i already change the set for person to join game to 2 (using dual login to try this script working or not) but both of my char just doing nothing... can someone help me please? *sry for bad english
  11. Please explain your request with more detail of the script itself like what this script do, how, when this script trigger, etc that needed by this script to work
  12. Thanks Annie, yeah i guess so... i just try to made my own RWC script because i do not find the complete RWC script anywhere in rathena.. so i try to build the script from my limited scripting knowledge... but, one of the fact is.. for the RWC battle system, i use ur custom_bg script lol.. i'm sorry if i'm not asking for your permissions first, my plan is i will credit when i finish the script. at last, i give up when the script itself about 80%..
  13. sorry i forgot ur second request.. here, you can use this on your script to put all items and equipments in your inventory to storage atcommand "@storeall"; i've made this script for my server once, i will share to you because your request is exactly same with this. hope this script will help you with your project. prontera,169,229,3 script Claus Severine#1 628,{ OnInit: { waitingroom "RWC Organizer",0; } // Set this to the minimum GM level allowed to access the GM CP. if (getgmlevel() > 80) goto L_gm; L_insert: cutin "bu_du1",2; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "Hello ^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000."; mes "My name is ^0000FFClaus Severine^000000, but you can just call me Claus."; next; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "I'm the one who gather all the"; mes "great guild around"; mes "the ^0000FFRune Midgard^000000"; mes "to invite them to join"; mes "^0000FFRWC (Ragnarok World Championship)^000000."; next; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "^FF0000This is an exclusive event^000000. Only the chosen and strong guild can participate."; next; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "To participate in this event,"; mes "you must ^0000FFRegister^000000 first."; mes "Then, party up with your guild member at total 7 members of the party."; next; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "..therefore, i've already give"; mes "the ^0000FFInvitation Code^000000 to the party leader or guild leader."; mes "Use it to go to the event place with your party."; next; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "If you still not have the ^0000FFInvitation Code^000000,"; mes "go ask your party or guild leader"; mes "for the code."; next; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "...yeah ...uhmm"; mes "..there's another rules about"; mes "^0000FFRWC (Ragnarok World Championship)^000000."; mes "But you can ask ^FF0000Lloyd Elliot^000000 on the event place for more information."; next; cutin "bu_du2",2; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "...So, did you have the"; mes "^0000FFInvitation Code^000000?"; mes "If so, please give me your ^0000FFInvitation Code^000000, then i"; mes "will take you to the event place."; next; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "Go on, give me your ^0000FFInvitation Code^000000."; input @text$; if (@text$ == $password$) goto L_win; if (@text$ != $password$) goto L_error; L_error: next; cutin "bu_du3",2; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "Sorry, that's incorrect"; mes "^FF0000Invitation Code^000000."; mes "Please leave now, you do not have the requirement."; next; warp "prontera" ,156,191; cutin "bu_du3",255; close; L_win: next; cutin "bu_du2",2; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "Alright! Welcome to the event, one of the greatest guild on Rune Midgard."; mes "We're all have already waiting for you to join the event."; next; cutin "bu_du1",2; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "I will take you to the event place now, but ^FF0000this place is not open to the public^000000, in accordance with our rules, you must behave in an orderly fashion once inside."; next; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "^FF0000In the interest of protecting the rules of RWC, i will disarm your equipment once you enter^000000"; next; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "^FF0000You can found your equipment and other items on your storage once you've back here^000000"; nude; atcommand "@storeall"; dispbottom "All of your items and equipments has been stored on your own storage!"; next; announce "Claus Severine: " + strcharinfo(0) + " has joined Ragnarok World Championship Event!",0; warp "new_2-2" ,100,93; cutin "bu_du1",255; close; L_gm: cutin "bu_du1",2; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "Hello GM ^0000FF" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000, what would you like to do?"; mes "Current ^0000FFInvitation Code^000000 are ^008000"+$password$+"^000000."; while (1) { switch(select("Warp to ^0000FFLobby^000000.:Set new ^0000FFInvitation Code^000000.:^FF0000Nothing^000000.")) { case 1: next; cutin "bu_du2",2; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "Alright, i will warp you to ^0000FFLobby^000000 now."; next; warp "new_2-2" ,100,93; end; case 2: next; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "Okay, give me the new ^0000FFInvitation Code^000000 that you want."; input $password$; next; cutin "bu_du2",2; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "Alright, i already accept the ^0000FFInvitation Code^000000 to be ^008000"+$password$+"^000000."; next; cutin "bu_du2",255; end; case 3: next; mes "^0000FFClaus Severine^000000"; mes "[^FF0000RWC Event Manager^000000]"; mes "Okay, see you again!"; cutin "bu_du1",255; close; } } }
  14. you can use nude; on your script to strip all their equipment to their inventory.
  15. Hi everyone, i looked around from eathena to rathena and i found this script from a post by Emistry (* i'm sorry if i was wrong.. it because i don't know who made this script, i just give credit to emistry because i found this from his post.) prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ mes "I am Party Match Manager."; mes "Party Leader may create a PVP Match here."; next; switch( select( ( .Created )?"Join Game[ ^FF0000"+.No+"vs"+.No+"^000000 ]":"Create Game", ( ( getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel || getcharid(0) == getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) ) && .Created )?"^FF0000Remove Game^000000":"" )){ Case 1: switch( .Created ){ Case 0: getpartymember getcharid(1),1; if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) || !getcharid(1) ){ mes "Sorry, but only a ^FF0000Party Leader^000000 can register a game here."; }else{ mes "How many Players for each Party Team ?"; mes "Min = 1 Max = "+$@partymembercount; mes "Because you only have "+$@partymembercount+" member right now."; next; input .No,1,$@partymembercount; announce "[ "+.No+"vs"+.No+" Party Match ] created by "+strcharinfo(0)+", you may register to join.",0; set .Team[0],getcharid(1); set .Created,1; } close; Case 1: if( !.Team[1] && getcharid(1) == .Team[0] ){ mes "Please wait for ^FF0000Team 2^000000 to Register."; }else{ if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) || !getcharid(1) ){ mes "Sorry, but only a ^FF0000Party Leader^000000 can register a game here."; close; } getpartymember getcharid(1),1; if( $@partymembercount < .No ){ mes "You didnt have enough of "+.No+" Member for the Game."; mes "You only have "+$@partymembercount+" Member."; }else{ mes "Confirm Registration ?"; if( select("Yes:No") == 1 ){ set .Team[1],getcharid(1); set .Created,2; setarray .Members[0],.No,.No; for( set .@party,0; .@party < 2; set .@party,.@party + 1 ){ getpartymember .Team[.@party],1; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .No; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) warpchar .Map$,0,0,$@partymembercid[.@i]; } end; } } } close; Case 2: mes "^FF0000The Game is in Progress.^000000"; mes "[ A "+.No+" vs "+.No+" Game ]"; mes "Team ^FF0000"+getpartyname( .Team[0] )+"^000000 vs Team ^FF0000"+getpartyname( .Team[1] )+"^000000 ."; close; } close; Case 2: mes "Done, Match will be terminated right away."; mapannounce .Map$,"Match has been Cancelled by a GM.",0; close2; OnReset: deletearray .Team[0],getarraysize( .Team ); deletearray .Members[0],getarraysize( .Members ); if( .Winner ){ getpartymember .Winner,2; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .No; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ getitem 512,100,$@partymemberaid[.@i]; getitem 607,1,$@partymemberaid[.@i]; } set .Winner,0; } sleep2 2000; set .Created,0; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",155,181; end; } close; OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$ && .Created ){ for( set .@i,0; .@i < 2; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) if( getcharid(1) == .Team[.@i] ) set .Members[.@i],.Members[.@i] - 1; if( .Members[0] < 1 ) set .Winner,.Team[1]; else if( .Members[1] < 1 ) set .Winner,.Team[0]; if( .Winner ){ mapannounce .Map$,"Team "+getpartyname( .Winner )+" Win the "+.No+"vs"+.No+" Game.",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReset"; }else{ warp "prontera",155,181; } } end; OnInit: set .GMLevel,80; set .Map$,"pvp_y_1-1"; end; } i love this script so much and its work on my server. but the problems is, i don't found where to change the minimum and maximum member to join the match. I want this script to work only if a party has a minimum 3 members (including the party leader) and for a party with 8 members above can't join the match. Then, the next problem i found is the other party leader can remove the game that made by another party leader. For example: the leader of party "A" create the game, then the leader of party "B" can remove the game. At last, can i request for this script to make a player who died automatically go back to prontera? (Like GvG). Sorry for repeat my words, i just want to explain this as easy as i can and sorry for my bad english too, i hope you guys understand what i said haha.. and, thank you so much for your attention and your help.
  16. Thank you so much sir, i already found the answer, thanks for your help
  17. Hi, i'm new in here, but can someone tell me how to make an image slideshow in SGCP Control Panel? here is the link for example: http://altean-ro.com/ or like this (on slideshow banner panel) http://altean-ro.com/cp/ hope someone can help me
  18. I'm so happy, this script works very well and it's like what i want! Thank you so much miss Annie, you're the best! *again, sorry for my bad english
  19. Hi everyone, this is my 2nd thread on rathena. I already search and found many of this script (GM Online Status), the one i like is sir Emistry script. But can someone modifiy a little to keep the list of GM and show the status if he/she online, offline, or afk? For example, when the npc clicked, it will show the dialogue like this: ============================================ Example-RO GM List: 2 (amount of GM in the server) - Admin [Admin character name] Status: Online/Offline/AFK Last Login: (Example: 10.00am 22/12/2013) - Game Master [GM character name] Status: Online/Offline/AFK Last Login: (Example: 10.00am 22/12/2013) (Show the clock & date here) ex: 11:08am 22 December, 2013 ============================================ Hope someone can help me. Credit to sir Emistry
  20. Wow, thank you so much for the script Annie. I had try it and it's not work like what i want, but i really appreciate what you did, thank you so much Annie. Can i get permission to modify your script? i hope from your script i can get the script i want
  21. Hi guys, i'm a silent reader in rathena, this is my first post at all. I'm sorry for my bad english grammar. I want to know if in my server there's already player who have a MVP Card or not. I can know it from NPC who have a GM Panel. Option for GM Panel can be like "delete that item from that player", "announce there's a player who have already that item", and many utility function. It's no matter if the MVP Card is already inserted on an equip, on storage, on cart, or if the character is offline, the script still can detect it. The NPC will list all of player who have the MVP card also the list of what card he has, When he get that (in date/month/year clock), how much that card he has. Is there anyone already has a similiar script like my request? or can someone help making this for me? I'll really appreciate it. Thank you
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