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Everything posted by retsaoremo

  1. Thanks for all. I tested some clients and the version is 2014-10-22. I did not know this command. Thanks ?
  2. 2015-11-04 has the new character creation window. I think not.
  3. Please someone knows what is the version of the hexed that have the features like the images? thanks.
  4. what about the 2012-04-10? it's too old?
  5. hi guys please i am comming back to the ragnarok world after few years and i want to know which hexed is good and stable to use for pre-renew and for renew. thank you so much.
  6. I'm waiting for HaShield. Hamony is not up to dated to newest rathena :/
  7. Hi friends. On my server have'nt Maya Purple card. But on PVP some players are using WPE to make this effect. Have a way to REMOVE the intravision effect?
  8. Thanks. Please, explain me this example? // 0x40 - Skill ignores target's flee (magic type always ignores) // 0x80 - Skill ignores target's def cards This case is 8+4 = 12 = 0xC ?
  9. Ok. So it's only sum the values? Example: // 0x80 - Skill ignores target's def cards // 0x10 - Skill ignores elemental adjustments Sum: 0x90 Now: // 0x80 - Skill ignores target's def cards // 0x08 - Skill ignores caster's % damage cards (misc type always ignores) // 0x02 - Has splash area Now sum: 0x90 (It's right?) The same value, but not same effect. How do you explain this, please?
  10. // 06 nk (skill damage properties): // 0x01 - No damage skill // 0x02 - Has splash area // 0x04 - Damage should be split among targets // 0x08 - Skill ignores caster's % damage cards (misc type always ignores) // 0x10 - Skill ignores elemental adjustments // 0x20 - Skill ignores target's defense (misc type always ignores) // 0x40 - Skill ignores target's flee (magic type always ignores) // 0x80 - Skill ignores target's def cards I think that is only sum, but not. How to make this skill: 2261,9:11:13,6,2,-1,0x42,3:2:1,3,1,no,0,0,0,weapon,0,0x0, NC_ARMSCANNON,Arm Cannon ignore DEF too? Explain to me please.
  11. It still happen to me please help me!
  12. The stick happen anytime randomly. The SSH software don't influence.
  13. A random time my map-server bug and i can't loggin. My server is full pvp and have only my custom scripts (no warps, no mobs on maps, etc). Please i need help!!!
  14. I think is not this map because my server is full pvp and all npcs and mobs are unable. Only have custom npcs and woe scripts. I also go to this map and not bug. see my npc/re/scripts_main.conf: But i'll comment the line of this map on maps_athena.conf and I back to talk if it work... @edit I unable the command '@warp' and still happen this bug :/ 2 times today...
  15. I've already reboot the machine today morning, and i got the error too (three times). I restart the server and now has 4 hours that dont show the error... i'm waiting... It is problem with the host or the emulator? I'm changing the host...
  16. Hello my friends, i have one bug with my server on host. My server down a random time... The most times with the player count between 10 ~ 20... I think the map-server is lost the connection, but don't show any error on console. When it down, the players cant loggin (dont pass the character selection), shows that it's (the player) already online. And i have to restart the server, with this steps: ./athena-start stop When i put this command, the map-server dont stop (i can see then with ps -x command), so i have to killall -9 map-server Then i can ./athena-start start But one hour more or lass the server is down again with any erros on console :/ ... Please I help me!!
  17. Don't work :/ the MAX HP is the same.
  18. Olá amigos, Gostaria de saber o motivo do MHP estar errado. Testei um RK com as seguintes condições Rune Knight (4060) Base: 150 Job: 1 vit: 1 Sem habilidades Sem equipamentos Sem buffs MHP = 22.482 E o resultado de 22.482 difere do mostrado em http://irowiki.org/wiki/Max_HP, que é 18.603. O estranho é que o resultado também difere dos dados mostrados em job_basehpsp_db.txt. Portanto não consegui entender como funciona a influência deste arquivo de texto. Se dentro do arquivo diz que a tabela está de acordo com http://irowiki.org/wiki/Max_HP, por que está errado?
  19. Olá amigo, nos scripts os nomes dos itens são mostrados em inglês pois são pegados do item_db.txt. Neste caso você precisa traduzir os itens que são requeridos na quest. Por exemplo: é o nome em negrito que deve ser traduzido. 501,Red_Potion,Poção Vermelha,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ itemheal rand(45,65),0; },{},{} Aconselho a formatar a codificação do arquivo de texto para ANSI, senão os caracteres com ~,ç,´ não serão exibidos in-game. Para isso abra o txt com o Notepad++, vá em 'Formatar', clique em 'Codificação ANSI' e salve o arquivo.
  20. Hello my friends, i see that the max hp of the updated rathena emulator is wrong according to http://irowiki.org/wiki/Max_HP (that link is shown on job_basehpsp_db). A Rune Knight T is with MHP = 22.482, and on iroWiki this class is shown with MHP = 18603 In the test i using a RK level 150, job 1, no skills and no buffs.
  21. Hello guys i want help on max hp calculations. I want max hp equal iRO http://irowiki.org/wiki/Max_HP how you can see is not equal : thanx
  22. Hame so difference in general skills formules of KRO and IRO ?
  23. Oh... So can you help-me to make the MAX HP same IRO ?
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