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Everything posted by Quazy

  1. hello can i ask what is the db bonus script for increase drop rate? for example: Item: Poring Hat Bonus: int +1 and Increase drop rate by 5% can i know what is the db bonus script for drop rate? thank you in advance
  2. hi guys i need some help i got this error in my map server im using EinherjarRO script and i got this error in image below! i hope you can help me thanks! //===== EinherjarRO Scripts ================================== //= Daily Prize, OnPCLoginEvent //===== By: ================================================== //= Stolao //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.59 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= A reward system for players who play more frequently //===== Comments: ============================================ //= Maybe Make .MinWait an array mins,days,weeks,months,years; //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= For Older See Forums //= 1.51 Changed set .@g formula and move lower into script //= 1.52 Replace all disbottom -> message //= 1.53 Changed Format to Include minuets instead of just hours //= 1.54 Made Time till next rewards display dynamic //= 1.55 Changed a forgotten .PointType$ -> getd(.@TT[1]) //= 1.56 changed .@XT -> .@XT$ //= 1.57 Added Atoi where nessisary //= 1.58 Fixed a swapped .@x and .@x+1 //= 1.59 Serveral Edit Undocumented to fix //===== Contact Info: ======================================== //= [Stolao] //= Email: [email protected] //============================================================ - script LOGIN -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: OnLoginCmnd: OnPCLoginEvent: if(.Rest){ set @login, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24 * 60) + (gettime(8) * 24 * 60) + (gettime(3) * 60) + gettime(2); query_sql("SELECT REPLACE (`last_ip`,'.','_') FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3),@ip$); if((getd("$G_LIP_"+@ip$)+(60*60*24)) <= @c) setd("$G_LIP_"+@ip$,@c); if(@login > #LastDailyReward + .MaxWait ){ set #logintimer, 0; set @login, 0; } set .@rest, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24 * 60) + (gettime(8) * 24 * 60) + (gettime(3) * 60) + .Rest; message strcharinfo(0),"[ Daily Rewards ]: to collect reward you must remain logged in for "+ ( @login - .@rest ) +" Minuets"; } set .@i, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24 * 60) + (gettime(8) * 24 * 60) + (gettime(3) * 60) + gettime(2); if(.@i - .Rest >= (#LastDailyReward + .MinWait)){ sleep2 100 + ( .Rest * 60000 ) - ( .@i - #logintimer ); if(.@i < #LastDailyReward + .MaxWait){ set #DRewardCon, #DRewardCon + 1; } else { set #DRewardCon, 0; } set .@g, (#DRewardCon > getarraysize(.Rewards$)) ? (getarraysize(.Rewards$)-1) : #DRewardCon; explode(.@XT$,.Rewards$[.@g],"|"); for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.@XT$); set .@x,.@x + 1){ set .@TT[.@x], atoi(.@XT$[.@x]); } if(.Mode & 1 && .@TT[4]){ //[Note]: I need to figure out a checkweight for all items tired atm lol, for now ill leave it missing for(set .@x,4; .@x < getarraysize(.@TT); set .@x,.@x + 2){ getitem .@TT[.@x], .@TT[.@x+1]; message strcharinfo(0),"[ Daily Rewards ]: Recived "+ .@TT[.@x+1] +" "+ getitemname(.@TT[.@x]); } } if(.Mode & 2){ if(.@TT[0]){ set zeny,zeny + .@TT[0]; message strcharinfo(0),"[ Daily Rewards ]: Recived "+ .@TT[0] +"z"; } if(.@TT[1]){ setd getd(.Points$[0]),getd(.Points$[0]) + .@TT[1]; message strcharinfo(0),"[ Daily Rewards ]: Recived "+ .@TT[1] +" "+.Points$[1]; } } if(.Mode & 4 && (.@TT[3] || .@TT[4])) getexp .@TT[3], .@TT[4]; if(.Mode & 8){ for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.BuffInfo); set .@x,.@x + 4){ if(#DRewardCon % .BuffInfo[.@x + 1] == 0) sc_start .BuffInfo[.@x], .BuffInfo[.@x + 2] * 60000, .BuffInfo[.@x + 3]; } } message strcharinfo(0),"[ Daily Rewards ]: You have collected your daily reward, for "+#DRewardCon+" day"+((#DRewardCon > 1)?"s":"")+" in a row."; cutin .Pic$[.@g],4; set #LastDailyReward, .@i; set #logintimer, 0; set @login, 0; } else { set .@days,(#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)/60/24; set .@hours,((#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)/60)%24; set .@mins,(#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)%60; message strcharinfo(0),"[ Daily Rewards ]: You have "+ ((.@days) ? .@days +":Days " : "") +""+ ((.@hours) ? .@hours +":Hours " : "") +""+ ((.@mins) ? .@mins +":Minutes " : "") +"till your next reward"; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@login){ set .@i, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24 * 60) + (gettime(8) * 24 * 60) + (gettime(3) * 60) + gettime(2); set #logintimer, .@i - @login + #logintimer; set @login, 0; } return; end; OnInit: waitingroom ">->Daily Rewards",0; //Basic Settings // 1: Item | 2: Points | 4: Exp // 8: Gain Buffs Every X Consecutive Days logged in // (a bit value, e.g. 3 = Items & Points from Multi) set .Mode,1 + 2 + 4 + 8; //To Enable @ Command '@loginreward' unslash next lines // * Needs extra commands for typos bindatcmd("daily" ,"LOGIN::OnLoginCmnd",0,99); //Enable Delay if @afk or @autotrade are available to players // remove // to enable certain command checks //bindatcmd("at" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //bindatcmd("autotrade" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //bindatcmd("AT" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //bindatcmd("Autotrade" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //bindatcmd("afk" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //bindatcmd("AFK" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //Minimum Minuets Between Collecting Daily Reward // Day: 22*60 - 24*60 // Week: 10080 set .MinWait,24*60; //Minuets Before Lose Consecutive Daily Reward // Day: 48*60 - 50*60 // Week: 20160 set .MaxWait,3000; //Number of mins after logging before collecting prize set .Rest,60; //Point Type // [0] Points earned // [1] Point name in mes setarray .Points$,"#KAFRAPOINTS","K-Points"; // Consecutive Days Buff // Each buff contains 4 variables (32 Total Max) // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 1 // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 2 // ...; // // Example: 188,7,45,3 // -Every 7th consecutive day logged in Player gains +3 Str for 45 mins // // Type is 188, which references which SC_ to use, SC_INCSTR in this example // -For a full list of SC_ visit the db/const.txt // Days is days buff is applied, in this example 7, so every 7th day, 14,21,28.... // Duration is buff duration is Minuits, in this example 45 mins // Rate is buff strength, in this example player gains 3 Str //setarray .BuffInfo ,260,2,360,1 // Life Insurance for 360 Mins Every 2nd Day //,198,3,120,10 // +10% Hp for 120 Mins Every 3th Day //,196,5,120,25 // +25 Flee for 120 Mins Every 5th Day //,257,7,240,50; // +50% Exp for 240 Mins Every 7th Day // Daily Prize items (max 128 days): // "<Zeny>|<Points>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<amount-1>|<itemID-2>|<amount-2>...etc", // Day 1 // "<Zeny>|<Points>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<amount-1>|<itemID-2>|<amount-2>...etc" // Day 2 // ...; // Total length of any days string must be 255 or shorter // * If players login longer than the last set // day, they will keep getting the last prize. setarray .Rewards$, "0|0|0|0|14232|1", // Day 1: 5 Free Ticket for Kafra Storage "0|0|0|0|6090|2", // Day 2: 5 Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation "0|0|0|0|7227|15", // Day 3: 1 Battle Manual "0|0|0|0|12766|1", // Day 4: 1 JOB Battle Manual "0|0|0|0|12210|1", // Day 5: 1 Bubble Gum "0|0|0|0|12211|3", // Day 6: 3 Kafra Card "0|0|0|0|601|1", // Day 7: ######### 1 Random Box ########## "0|0|0|0|11503|50", // Day 8: 50 Siege White Potions "0|0|0|0|11504|20", // Day 9: 20 Siege Blue Potions "0|0|0|0|12411|1", // Day 10: 1 HE Battle Manual "0|0|0|0|12016|5", // Day 11: 5 Speed Potion "0|0|0|0|12216|10", // Day 12: 10 LV10 Agil Scroll "0|0|0|0|12215|10", // Day 13: 10 LV10 Blessing Scroll "0|0|0|0|601|1", // Day 14: ######### 1 Random Box ########## "0|0|0|0|12622|1", // Day 15: 1 Boarding Halter "0|0|0|0|12214|2", // Day 16: 2 Convex Mirror "0|0|0|0|12103|1", // Day 17: 1 Bloody Branch "0|0|0|0|6910|1", // Day 18: 1 Enriched Oridecon "0|0|0|0|6911|1", // Day 19: 1 Enriched Eluminium "0|0|0|0|14003|3", // Day 20: 3 Elite Siege Supply Box "0|0|0|0|601|1", // Day 21: ######### 1 Random Box ########## "0|0|0|0|6286|1", // Day 22: 1 Gym Pass "0|0|0|0|12535|1", // Day 23: 1 Yggdrasil Berry "0|0|0|0|12817|3", // Day 24: 3 Old Card Album "0|0|0|0|6833|10", // Day 25: 10 Token of Ziegfried "0|0|0|0|12261|2", // Day 26: 2 Miracle Medicine "0|0|0|0|601|1", // Day 27: ######### 1 IGames Hat ########## "0|0|0|0|601|1"; // Day 28: ######### 1 Random Box ########## setarray .Pic$, "Daily_01", //pic with day1 highlighted "Daily_02", //pic with day2 highlighted "Daily_03", //pic with day3 highlighted "Daily_04", //pic with day4 highlighted "Daily_05", //pic with day5 highlighted "Daily_06", //pic with day6 highlighted "Daily_07", //pic with day7 highlighted "Daily_08", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_09", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_10", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_11", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_12", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_13", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_14", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_15", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_16", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_17", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_18", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_19", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_20", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_21", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_22", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_23", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_24", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_25", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_26", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_27", //pic with day8 highlighted "Daily_28"; //pic with day8 highlighted end; }
  3. no click to download.. waiting for approval! thanks emistry~!
  4. is it possible to have multiple item prize instead of 1 item prize??
  5. Quazy

    atcomman.c error

    { MAP_ECLAGE, 110, 39 }, // 35=Eclage { MAP_INVEK, 161, 168 }, // 38=Invek { MAP_DARKNESS, 161, 168 }, // 37=Darkness { MAP_GLEMIOR, 109, 362 }, // 0=Glemior { MAP_CELL_ARENA, 161, 168 }, // 39=Cell arena { MAP_CHRYFLD, 161, 168 }, // 40=Chryfld }; this is the part of my atcommand.c
  6. Quazy

    atcomman.c error

    image below. the map name is cell_arena space or _(underscore) gives me error when recompile
  7. hi guys i need some help! so i add some custom map in my server the map name is Dark_Moon map the files is fine but somehow in my atcommand.c in source file when i recompile it stop there i think its because of "_"?
  8. i my problem is when the monster drops custom item i got error. anyone can help me?
  9. i download it in github up
  10. but not working on me sir i tried to use your original script what i edit is just the npc location and the time so i can test it but the problem is the same. it doesnt count how many monster left to advance to round 2 when the player killed all the monster the npc only keep counting how many players left in the devil square
  11. still cant trigger round 2 i think the problem is the script is not counting the monster left. if they killed monster no announcement on how many monster left before the next round
  12. // Made:By Kirlein (Tyirial Script Concept) // // Devil Square based off the mmorpg Muonline // // Have Fun and feel free to leave suggestions // // Leave This intacted // // + Translated by Stillhard aka Dewa // // + Add times for 24 hours of play :P // // + Add a little bit infos for newbie users // // Completely rewrite by ~AnnieRuru~ // // + Tested with rAthena 17101 // // http://rathena.org/board/topic/77632-devil-square/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////// geffen,107,148,5 script Devil Square 100,{ mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "Welcome to the entrance door to ^FF0000Devil Square^000000"; mes "If you failed or die, the door will be closed and you have to wait until it start to open again"; next; if ( select ( "Enter", "Info", "Cancel " ) == 3 ) { mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "See ya"; close; } else if ( @menu == 2 ) { // Info mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "There are 3 level monster you'll encounter"; mes "Each level the enemies will grow stronger"; mes "If you succeded to win all 3 level monster, you'll get the opportunity to open 10 Treasure Box with items, equips, and rare cards inside!!"; close; } else if ( .start != 1 ) { // time mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "Devil Square is now closed"; mes "It'll be open again at:"; mes "00:00 , 02:00 , 04:00 , 06:00"; // display your time here mes "08:00 , 10:00 , 12:00 , 14:00"; mes "16:00 , 18:00 , 20:00 , 22:00"; close; } else if ( baselevel < 70 || zeny < 20000 ) { // requirement mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "Minimum base level to enter is 70"; mes "The registration fee is 20,000z"; close; } else if ( .register_num >= .register_limit ) { // room FULL mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "I'm sorry but the Devil Square is FULL"; mes "Maximum users to enter is "+ .register_limit +" players"; close; } zeny = zeny - 20000; announce strcharinfo(0)+" has entered the Devil Square", bc_npc; percentheal 100,100; warp "ordeal_1-1",183,182; .register_aid[ .register_num ] = getcharid(3); .register_num++; end; OnInit: .register_limit = 10; // maximum amount of players can play in this event .ann_survive = 30000; // the rate at which announce the players that still survive in devil square, in mili-seconds bindatcmd "devilsquare", strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onatcmd", 99,100; end; Onatcmd: if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "on" ) || compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "start" ) ) { if ( .start ) dispbottom "Devil Square Event already started."; else goto L_Start; } else if ( compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "off" ) || compare( .@atcmd_parameters$, "end" ) ) { if ( !.start ) dispbottom "Devil Square Event not yet start."; else goto L_End; } else if ( !.start ) { dispbottom "Devil Square Event is currently not running."; dispbottom "Use "+ .@atcmd_command$ +" on | start to start the event."; dispbottom "Use "+ .@atcmd_command$ +" off | end to end this event"; } else if ( .start == 1 ) dispbottom "Devil Square Event is currently accepting participations."; else dispbottom "Devil Square Event is currently running. Currently on Round "+ .round +" with "+ .mob +" mobs left."; end; L_Start: OnClock0000: // yeah I know about OnMinute ... it just that more people knows better using OnClock OnClock0200: OnClock0400: OnClock0600: OnClock0800: OnClock1000: OnClock1200: OnClock1400: OnClock1539: OnClock1800: OnClock2000: OnClock2200: if ( .start ) end; .start = 1; disablenpc "Exit#DS"; mapannounce "ordeal_1-1","Devil Square is now closed", bc_map; getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1; mapwarp "ordeal_1-1", .@map$, .@x, .@y; killmonsterall "ordeal_1-1"; announce "Devil Square is OPENED NOW!! 2 Minutes until it starts..!!", bc_all; sleep 30000; announce "Devil Square will begin in 1 minutes..!!", bc_all; sleep 30000; announce "Devil Square will begin in 1 minutes..!!", bc_all; sleep 30000; announce "Devil Square will begin in 1 minutes..!!", bc_all; sleep 10000; announce "Devil Square will begin in 1 minutes..!!", bc_all; sleep 10000; announce "Devil Square is STARTED NOW !!", bc_all; if ( !.register_num ) goto L_End; .start = 2; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnSurvive"; .round = 1; .mob = 27; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] JUGGERNAUT",2399,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] TOAD",1089,15,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] MEW",2393,5,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] THANATOS",1708,2,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] HIGH WIZARD",1645,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] SANTA PORING",1062,3,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead"; end; Ondevildead: .mob--; if ( .mob == 25 || .mob == 5 ) announce "Devil Square : "+ .mob +" mobs to enter the 2nd round", bc_map; else if ( .mob == 0 ) { announce "Devil Square will enter to 2nd round", bc_map; goto Ondevil2; } end; Ondevil2: .round = 2; .mob = 17; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] JUGGERNAUT",2399,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] MUTANT DRAGONOID",1262,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] SANTA PORING",1062,3,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] VALKYRIE RANDGRIS",1751,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] LORD KNIGHT",1646,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] HIGH PRIEST",1649,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead2"; end; Ondevildead2: .mob--; if ( .mob == 25 || .mob == 5 ) announce "Devil Square : "+ .mob +" mobs left to enter the 3rd round", bc_map; else if ( !.mob ) { announce "Devil Square will enter to 3rd round", bc_map; goto Ondevil3; } end; Ondevil3: .round = 3; .mob = 13; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] JUGGERNAUT",2399,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] ENTWEIHEN CROTHEN",1957,3,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] BAKONAWA",2409,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] ASSASSIN CROSS EREMES",1647,2,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] WHITESMITH HARWORD",1648,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",183,182,246,244,"[DS] SANTA PORING",1062,5,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Ondevildead3"; end; Ondevildead3: .mob--; if ( .mob == 25 || .mob == 5 ) announce "Devil Square : "+ .mob +" mobs left to VICTORY", bc_map; else if ( !.mob ) { announce "Devil Square : CONGRATULATION - 10 Treasure Boxs will be yours now", bc_map; goto Ondevil4; } end; Ondevil4: .round = 4; .mob = 15; monster "ordeal_1-1",231,250,"Treasure Box",1324,5,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onboxdead"; monster "ordeal_1-1",234,247,"Treasure Box",1328,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onboxdead"; end; Onboxdead: .mob--; announce "Devil Square : "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has opened the treasure box at Devil Square", bc_all; if ( !.mob ) goto L_End; end; L_End: killmonsterall "ordeal_1-1"; enablenpc "Exit#DS"; deletearray .register_aid; .start = .round = .mob = .register_num = 0; end; OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if ( .start && strcharinfo(3) == "ordeal_1-1" ) { while ( .register_aid[.@i] != getcharid(3) && .@i < .register_num ) .@i++; deletearray .register_aid[.@i], 1; .register_num--; if ( !.register_num ) { announce "All players failed to survive at Devil Square", bc_all; killmonsterall "ordeal_1-1"; goto L_End; } } end; OnSurvive: while ( .start == 2 ) { mapannounce "ordeal_1-1", .register_num +" players is still survive at Devil Square", bc_map; sleep .ann_survive; } end; } ordeal_1-1,246,245,7 script Exit#DS 51,{ mes "[Exit]"; mes "See ya"; next; warp "SavePoint", 0,0 ; close; } ordeal_1-1 mapflag nowarp ordeal_1-1 mapflag nowarpto ordeal_1-1 mapflag noteleport ordeal_1-1 mapflag nosave SavePoint ordeal_1-1 mapflag nomemo ordeal_1-1 mapflag nobranch ordeal_1-1 mapflag nopenalty ordeal_1-1 mapflag noicewall i cant trigger round 2 even if all the monster are killed. 6 players survived please help thanks!
  13. it works now! thank you scorm and emistry!
  14. thanks for reply emisty! but still player cant get any items when they killed someone during war of emperium i also tried this one but its not working - script kjbfksjhfkd -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if (killerrid != getcharid(3)) { if (( agitcheck() || agitcheck2() ) && compare(strcharinfo(3),"g_cas")) { getitem 512,3; } } end;
  15. not working.. player still cant get item during woe when they killed someone
  16. hi guys i need a script that during WoE if you kill someone you will get 3x TCG works only during WoE or in payg_cas02 and payg_cas03! i tried to search for this and i found 2 but not working.. i hope you can help me! i will really appreciate it!
  17. up! need help for SP too!
  18. the first comment works sir! thank you very much! i forgot to reload hahaha! btw sir can you make it autopotion detect SP too? because euphys autopotion only detects HP. can you make it for SP too? so champion's asura can spam THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the help!
  19. Quazy

    Card Seller

    this is the script i used on my server. i hope it help you! invek,174,141,5 script Ca Seller 100,{ mes "Welcome to card seller ... meh lazy to say"; next; if ( select ( "Normal Cards", "Mini-boss Cards", "MVP Cards" ) == 1 ) { .@s = select( .alphabet_menu$ ) -1; close2; callshop "card_mob#"+ .alphabet$[.@s], 1; end; } close2; callshop "card_mob#"+( ( @menu == 2 )? "miniboss":"MVP" ), 1; end; OnInit: freeloop 1; .@total = query_sql("select distinct left( name_japanese, 1 ) as aaa from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid where ~mode & 32 and type = 6 group by name_japanese order by aaa", .alphabet$ ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@total; .@i++ ) { .alphabet_menu$ = .alphabet_menu$ + .alphabet$[.@i] +" Cards:"; .@nb = query_sql( "select item_db.id from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid where ~mode & 32 and type = 6 and left( name_japanese, 1 ) = '"+ .alphabet$[.@i] +"' group by name_japanese order by name_japanese limit 128", .@id ); npcshopdelitem "card_mob#"+ .alphabet$[.@i], 501; for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .@nb; .@j++ ) npcshopadditem "card_mob#"+ .alphabet$[.@i], .@id[.@j], 1000000; } .@nb = query_sql( "select item_db.id from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid where mode & 32 and type = 6 and mexp = 0 group by item_db.id order by name_japanese limit 128", .@id ); npcshopdelitem "card_mob#miniboss", 501; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ ) npcshopadditem "card_mob#miniboss", .@id[.@i], 1000000; npcshopdelitem "card_mob#miniboss", 4147; // lol ... ok me lazy already .@nb = query_sql( "select item_db.id from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid where mode & 32 and type = 6 and mexp != 0 group by item_db.id order by name_japanese limit 128", .@id ); npcshopdelitem "card_mob#MVP", 501; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ ) npcshopadditem "card_mob#MVP", .@id[.@i], 1000000; freeloop 0; end; } - shop card_mob#A -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#B -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#C -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#D -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#E -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#F -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#G -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#H -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#I -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#J -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#K -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#L -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#M -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#N -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#O -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#P -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#Q -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#R -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#S -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#T -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#U -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#V -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#W -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#X -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#Y -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#Z -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#miniboss -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#MVP -1,501:1000
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