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XenaNyx last won the day on March 7 2012

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Community Answers

  1. Already know, just edit some src because server not support for cashshop
  2. not like this, your script it's call buy window but i want call sell window. thanks for answer i think can modify like buy window call itemid from sql. good to know thanks a lot, i will try other way
  3. thanks for help vhan48. i want to do something after sell item with OnSellItem: command but i stack at selling list window, hope someone understand my problem
  4. no, i want to sell my item to npc. i use npc command to open sell window callshop "myshop",2; example i have item 501 502 503 in my inventory (alt+e) -> talk wite npc to callshop open sell window -> in selling list appear item 501 502 503 -> double click item 501 502 503 to sell to npc -> click sell button -> i get zeny my problem in my selling list after i talk with npc want to show item only 502 and 503 not show 501 , possible to check if in my inventory have item 501 not to show in selling list
  5. i have items in my inventory list 501 502 503 and i want to use npc script to show only 502 and 503 in sell list with callshop npc command possible to write like this?
  6. i try to write cashshop log like this npcshopattach "CASH_SEL_1,1; callshop "CASH_SEL_1,1; OnBuyItem: if(getarraysize(@bought_quantity) >= 1){ query_sql ( "INSERT INTO `"+$SQLLOGDB$+"`.`cashshop_log` (`account_id`, `char_id`, `item_id`, `amount`, `cash_balance`, `time`) VALUES ( '"+getcharid(3)+"', '"+getcharid(0)+"', '"+@bought_nameid+"', '"+@bought_quantity+"', '"+#CASHPOINTS+"', 'NOW()');" ); } morroc,159,191,6 duplicate(CashShop) Top#1 910 - cashshop CASH_SEL_1 -,501:-1 when i put shop line to cashshop script at OnBuyItem not work but when i change cashshop to shop at OnBuyItem it's work, this's bug or not?
  7. i add die_point already but i don't know why i have error you code it's work thanks a lot
  8. same error SQL: DB error - Column 'die_point' in field list is ambiguous i think too but i want to know how to write this script
  9. i create my pvp_ranking CREATE TABLE `pvp_ranking` ( `char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `kill_point` int(11) NOT NULL, `die_point` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=150007 ; INSERT INTO `pvp_ranking` VALUES (150006, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `pvp_ranking` VALUES (150000, 1, 15); but i want to show ranking like mes "[ Char Name ] Kill : xx points | Die : xx points | Total Kill - Die"; but i cant select name i try with if ( query_sql( "SELECT `name`, `kill_point` FROM `pvp_ranking` JOIN `char` ON `pvp_ranking`.`char_id` = `char`.`char_id` WHERE `kill_point` ORDER BY `point` DESC LIMIT 10;", .@name$, .@kill_point ) ) it's work but if ( query_sql( "SELECT `name`, `kill_point`-`die_point` FROM `pvp_ranking` JOIN `char` ON `pvp_ranking`.`char_id` = `char`.`char_id` WHERE `kill_point`-`die_point` ORDER BY `kill_point`-`die_point` DESC LIMIT 10;", .@name$, .@point ) ) it doesn't work i have this error (23:36:29) SQL: DB error - Column 'die_point' in field list is ambiguous (23:36:29) Debug: at trunk\src\map\script.c:13703 - SELECT `name`,`kill_point`,`die_point` FROM `pvp_ranking` JOIN `char` ON `pvp_ranking`.`char_id` = `char`.`char_id` WHERE `kill_point`-`die_point` ORDER BY `kill_point`-`die_point` DESC LIMIT 10; (23:36:29) Debug: Source (NPC): rankmaster at morocc (136,111)
  10. classnum support already
  11. Just so you know, Kodama is actually an artist comissioned by the Japanese RO to create artworks for their game, so technically they're just the artist but its property of Gravity, so we can use it as it is released to fans and such. But sharing the website is also helpful, as well as exactly what they cover, such as some artists primarily only do the card images and a little bit of character artworks. Kodama primarily does character works as well as some individual fan works which aren't used by the Japanese RO. yes i know, you mut see his post i don't understand why sunzrxz must insert his credit in his post why he say why he don't share a link to see original pic and why he must say i think if he share link it better share pic and update every week hope you understand what i mean
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