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Posts posted by worn

  1. 6 minutos atrás, Rynbef disse:

    @desgastadoAqui, duas versões, a primeira com uma alteração e a segunda com uma depuração experimental estendida. Experimente o primeiro e depois o segundo.

    getItemByMapFunction v9.txt 4,51 kB  ·  0 downloads


    getItemByMapFunction v8 - Experimentell - Extended Debugging.txt 5,4 kB  ·  0 downloads


    Rynbef ~




    getItemByMapFunction v8 - Experimentell - Extended Debugging.txt5,4 kB · 0 downloads

    passa por discórdia 

  2. 40 minutes ago, Rynbef said:

    Pode ser parecido com:

        setarray . @ maps $ [0], "prontera", "prontera", "prontera";

        serarray . @ items [0], 501,4012,512;

        setarray . @ item _amounts [0], 100,1,5;

        setarray . @ item _chance [0], 1000,500,800;


    Mas o jogador receberá apenas um item. Se você definir os itens para 100%, ele obterá sempre o primeiro listado. É uma boa ideia mudar. Farei isso em breve se tudo funcionar ainda.


    Rynbef ~


    51 minutes ago, Rynbef said:

    Eu mudei uma declaração if. Espero que essa seja a solução final. Você pode adicionar o mesmo mapa quantas vezes quiser. 

      Revelar conteúdos ocultos
    rAthena Script
    Author: @Rynbef
    Create Date: 2021-19-12
    Last Updated: 2022-01-01
            *changed OnNPCLoadEvent to OnNPCKillEvent
            *added check if killed enemie is player
            *removed space on callfunc after OnNPCKillEvent
            *fixed if statement syntax error
            *fixed if statement getarraysize of integer to getarraysize of specified getarg
            *removed callfunc OnInit
            *added console debugging can be disabled or enabled
            *changed variable types
            *fixed cant get item cause of wrong if statement
            *fixed for loop used array size instead random chance from argument getarg(3)
            *fixed player can't get item if random chance was equals to specified item chance
            *added argument amount to debug message
            *added map notification if player get lucky but not on a listed map. This can disabled or enabled seperat at OnInit below. Debugging needs to be enabled
            *added notification if everything works fine. Can be disabled or enabled on bottom of OnInit. Debugging needs to disabled
            #fixed wrong array output in for loop from getarg(0)[.i] to getelementofarray(getarg(0),.i)
            #changed .retval and .i vsriables to scope variables .@retval and .@i
    Feature planned:
        #Player get zeny if he get lucky
        #Player get zeny only if items disabled
        #Player get zeny or item if both enabled
        Give a specified item getarg(1) of amount getarg(2) on specified map getarg(0) with a percentage of getarg(3) (0.1 to 100 percent) to a player
        All arrays needs to have the same sizes
        It's importent to set all 3 arguments to callfunc
        Dont name this as yours
        Dont sell this script
        Dont upload this script on download-/s section or share it otherwise for pay
        Modifications are included from this terms
        Otherwise feel free to edit
        Don't hestiate to contact me at the forum as pm if u've any error,question,suggestion or want a modification
    -   script  GetItemByMap    -1,{
        set .@retval,callfunc("F_GetItemByMap",.@maps$,.@items,.@item_amounts,.@item_chance);
        if(.@retval == 1)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Works fine! Player get item.";
        else if(.@retval == 2)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Works fine! Player is unlucky and get no item.";
        else if(.@retval == 3 && .@debugmap)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Player isn't on a listed map. Current map: "+strcharinfo(3);
        else if(.@retval == 4 && .@debugworking)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Everything works fine!";
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Causes in errors. Debug logs on top!";
        setarray .@maps$[0],"prontera","alberta","izlude";
        serarray .@items[0],501,4012,512;
        setarray .@item_amounts[0],100,1,5;
        setarray .@item_chance[0],1000,500,800;//Chance begins by 0.1 percentage. 1 = 0.1 and 1000 = 100 percent
        set .@debug,1;//0 = disable debugging,1 = enable
        set .@debugmap,1;//0 = disable map notification,1 = enable
        set .@debugworking,1;//0 = disable notification if everything works fine,1 = enable
    function    script    F_GetItemByMap    {
    if(getargcount() != 4 || getarraysize(getarg(0)) != getarraysize(getarg(1)) || getarraysize(getarg(0)) != getarraysize(getarg(2)) || getarraysize(getarg(0)) != getarraysize(getarg(3))){
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: An error is occurupted";
            debugmes "[Function arguments]: Function arguments are empty or to short. Arguments: "+getargcount();
            debugmes "[Array sizes]: Maps:"+getarraysize(getarg(0))+" - Items:"+getarraysize(getarg(1))+" - Amounts:"+getarraysize(getarg(2))+" - Chances:"+getarraysize(getarg(3));
            debugmes "[Function arguments]: Maps:"+getarg(0)+" - Items:"+getarg(1)+" - Amounts:"+getarg(2)+" - Chances:"+getarg(3);
        return 0;
    } else {
        for(.@i = 0; .@i<getarraysize(getarg(0)); .@i++){
            if(rand(1,1000) < getelementofarray(getarg(3),.@i))
                return 2;
            if(strcharinfo(3) == getelementofarray(getarg(0),.@i)){
                getitem getelementofarray(getarg(1),.@i),getelementofarray(getarg(2),.@i);
                return 1;
            } else {
                return 3;
        return 4;
        set .@debug,1;//0 = disable debugging,1 = enable

    Download file below

    getItemByMapFunction v7.txt 4,33 kB · 1 download


    Rynbef ~

    Look, using the script, no error appears, but when killing monsters on the map, it still doesn't drop anything, nothing just happens,

  3. On 1/2/2022 at 9:37 AM, Rynbef said:

    Você ativou a depuração? O que o console depura?@desgastado


    Rynbef ~

    it doesn't show anything, the script in the debugger, it's just not dropping the item, and the drop is 100%


    On 1/2/2022 at 7:48 AM, sader1992 said:

    o que eu quis dizer são as outras variáveis também, se a variável é usada apenas dentro do npc, você deve usar a variável npc, também você pode ter problemas ao editar o npc e recarregar apenas esse npc porque $ @ é global

    a função retornará se alguma das chances falhar, (setarray $ @ item_chance [0], 1,1,1000;) [tente obter o terceiro item do terceiro mapa com esta chance]

    também não há necessidade da função se ela for chamada apenas uma vez.

    com outros erros no script, você pode verificar se testar o script (raramente testo meus scripts ao responder a uma postagem, então é xD compreensível)


    as mensagens de depuração são demais, mas essa é minha opinião

    com otimização este é o resultado


    este script otimizado não suporta a entrada do mesmo mapa duas vezes, você pode editá-lo para fazer isso se quiser


    if I want to repeat the map 2x to drop 2 different items how would it look?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Rynbef said:

    Eu editei alguns segundos atrás. Talvez funcione agora. Esqueci de adicionar todos os arrays ao callfunc.



    Rynbef ~

    well the script ran without errors, but the drop is not working

  5. 4 minutes ago, Rynbef said:

    @desgastadoLamento, mas não consigo testar o script porque estou apenas com o meu telemóvel. Se ainda não funcionar, desisto. Eu só quero ajudar.

      Revelar conteúdos ocultos

    Baixe o arquivo abaixo



    Rynbef ~

    ou helped a lot friend, a lot I know you can't test, but you created a base for the other to help me, I'm saying that I can't run your script, just the simplified @sader script

  6. Just now, Rynbef said:

    @sader1992I now understand what u mean. I've improved it now. The function is if someone whould call it another way.


      Reveal hidden contents
    rAthena Script
    Author: @Rynbef
    Create Date: 2021-19-12
    Last Updated: 2022-01-01
            *changed OnNPCLoadEvent to OnNPCKillEvent
            *added check if killed enemie is player
            *removed space on callfunc after OnNPCKillEvent
            *fixed if statement syntax error
            *fixed if statement getarraysize of integer to getarraysize of specified getarg
            *removed callfunc OnInit
            *added console debugging can be disabled or enabled
            *changed variable types
            *fixed cant get item cause of wrong if statement
            *fixed for loop used array size instead random chance from argument getarg(3)
            *fixed player can't get item if random chance was equals to specified item chance
            *added argument amount to debug message
            *added map notification if player get lucky but not on a listed map. This can disabled or enabled seperat at OnInit below. Debugging needs to be enabled
            *added notification if everything works fine. Can be disabled or enabled on bottom of OnInit. Debugging needs to disabled
            #fixed wrong array output in for loop from getarg(0)[.i] to getelementofarray(getarg(0),.i)
            #changed .retval and .i vsriables to scope variables .@retval and .@i
    Feature planned:
        #Player get zeny if he get lucky
        #Player get zeny only if items disabled
        #Player get zeny or item if both enabled
        Give a specified item getarg(1) of amount getarg(2) on specified map getarg(0) with a percentage of getarg(3) (0.1 to 100 percent) to a player
        All arrays needs to have the same sizes
        It's importent to set all 3 arguments to callfunc
        Dont name this as yours
        Dont sell this script
        Dont upload this script on download-/s section or share it otherwise for pay
        Modifications are included from this terms
        Otherwise feel free to edit
        Don't hestiate to contact me at the forum as pm if u've any error,question,suggestion or want a modification
    -   script  GetItemByMap    -1,{
        if(killedrid >= 150000)
        set .@retval,callfunc("F_GetItemByMap",.@maps$,.@items,.@item_amounts);
        if(.@retval == 1)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Works fine! Player get item.";
        else if(.@retval == 2)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Works fine! Player is unlucky and get no item.";
        else if(.@retval == 3 && .@debugmap)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Player isn't on a listed map. Current map: "+strcharinfo(3);
        else if(.@retval == 4 && .@debugworking)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Everything works fine!";
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Causes in errors. Debug logs on top!";
        setarray .@maps$[0],"prontera","alberta","izlude";
        serarray .@items[0],501,4012,512;
        setarray .@item_amounts[0],100,1,5;
        setarray .@item_chance[0],1000,500,800;//Chance begins by 0.1 percentage. 1 = 0.1 and 1000 = 100 percent
        set .@debug,1;//0 = disable debugging,1 = enable
        set .@debugmap,1;//0 = disable map notification,1 = enable
        set .@debugworking,1;//0 = disable notification if everything works fine,1 = enable
    function    script    F_GetItemByMap    {
    if(!getarg(0) || !getarg(1) || !getarg(2) || !getarg(3) || getarraysize(getarg(0)) != getarraysize(getarg(1)) || getarraysize(getarg(0)) != getarraysize(getarg(2)) || getarraysize(getarg(0)) != getarraysize(getarg(3))){
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: An error is occurupted";
            debugmes "[Function arguments]: Function arguments are empty or to short. Arguments: "+getargcount();
            debugmes "[Array sizes]: Maps:"+getarraysize(getarg(0))+" - Items:"+getarraysize(getarg(1))+" - Amounts:"+getarraysize(getarg(2))+" - Chances:"+getarraysize(getarg(3));
            debugmes "[Function arguments]: Maps:"+getarg(0)+" - Items:"+getarg(1)+" - Amounts:"+getarg(2)+" - Chances:"+getarg(3);
        return 0;
    } else {
        for(.@i = 0; .@i<getarraysize(getarg(0)); .@i++){
            if(rand(1,1000) < getelementofarray(getarg(3),.@i))
                return 2;
            if(strcharinfo(3) == getelementofarray(getarg(0),.@i)){
                getitem getelementofarray(getarg(1),.@i),getelementofarray(getarg(2),.@i);
                return 1;
            } else {
                return 3;
        return 4;
        set .@debug,1;//0 = disable debugging,1 = enable

    Download file below

    getItemByMapFunction v5.txt 4.39 kB · 0 downloads



    [Error]: script:op_1: argument is not a number (op=C_LNOT)
    [Debug]: Data: string value=""
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): GetItemByMap (invisible/not on a map)
    [Error]: script:op_1: argument is not a number (op=C_LNOT)
    [Debug]: Data: string value=""
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): GetItemByMap (invisible/not on a map)

  7. 31 minutes ago, sader1992 said:

    o que eu quis dizer são as outras variáveis também, se a variável é usada apenas dentro do npc, você deve usar a variável npc, também você pode ter problemas ao editar o npc e recarregar apenas esse npc porque $ @ é global

    a função retornará se alguma das chances falhar, (setarray $ @ item _chance [0], 1,1,1000;) [tente obter o terceiro item do terceiro mapa com esta chance]

    também não há necessidade da função se ela for chamada apenas uma vez.

    com outros erros no script, você pode verificar se testar o script (raramente testo meus scripts ao responder a uma postagem, então é xD compreensível)


    as mensagens de depuração são demais, mas essa é minha opinião

    com otimização este é o resultado


    este script otimizado não suporta a entrada do mesmo mapa duas vezes, você pode editá-lo para fazer isso se quiser


    Oops this one worked perfectly, can I add as many maps as I want? can you tell if in the future this could give a problem with normal monster drops?


  8. On 1/1/2022 at 9:41 AM, Rynbef said:

    Eu encontrei uma maneira de verificar as imagens. Eu atualizei hoje e adicionei um changelog. 

    NOTA: Você não precisa de loadevent. Agora você pode / deve removê-lo. 

    Só para dizer: escrevi este script com meu smartphone e, portanto, não há como testá-lo.

      Esconder o conteúdo

    Vou anexar um arquivo para download também

    getItemByMapFunction v2.txt 4,07 kB  ·  3 downloads

    Espero que isso te ajude e funcione bem agora.


    Rynbef ~

    agora deu isso



    On 12/31/2021 at 5:41 PM, Skorm said:

    @worn I think a more practical way to do this would be...


    -	script	AllMobDrop	-1,{
    	query_sql("SELECT `ID` FROM `mob_db_re` UNION SELECT `ID` FROM `mob_db2_re`;", .@mob_ids);
    	.@len = getarraysize(.@mob_ids);
    	for(.@a = 0; .@a < .@len; .@a++) {
    		addmonsterdrop .@mob_ids[.@a],501,100; //Red Potion at 1% drop. 


    -	script	AllMobDrop	-1,{
    	bonus_script "bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,501,100;",86400,8,0; //Red Potion at 1% drop for 24 hours.


    in this case it would be for all maps correct? I would like to put on some maps just not all

    example in pay_dun04 I want to drop x item on any monster that is killed on the map native monsters even on the map already in lhz I want another item to drop in all monsters on the map and so on with a percentage at the time of the drop, in addition to gaining the standard mob drops

  9. 14 hours ago, Rynbef said:

    I hope I can help u with my script I've written for u. It's a few time ago after I had an own server. The script isn't tested. 

    rAthena Script
    Author: @Rynbef
    Date: 2021-19-12
        Dont forget to set "loadevent" mapflag for each map you will use this function
        Give a specified item (getarg(1)) of amount getarg(2) on specified map getarg(0) with a percentage of getarg(3) (0.1 to 100 percent)
        Dont name this as yours
        Dont sell this script
        Dont upload this script on download-/s section
        Otherwise feel free to edit or contact me as pm
    -   script  GetItemByMap    -1,{
        set .retval,callfunc ("F_GetItemByMap",$#maps$,$#items,$#item_amounts);
        //You can debug if it causes error or not
        if(.retval == 1)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Works fine! Player get item.";
        else if(.retval == 2)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Works fine! Player is unlucky and get no item.";
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Causes in errors. Debug logs below!";
        setarray $#maps$[0],"prontera","alberta","izlude";
        serarray $#items[0],501,4012,512;
        setarray $#item_amounts[0],100,1,5;
        setarray $#item_chance[0],1000,500,800;//Chance begins by 0.1 percentage. 1 = 0.1 and 1000 = 100 percent
    function    script    F_GetItemByMap    {
    if(((!getarg(0) || !getarg(1) || !getarg(2))) || ((getarraysize(getarg(0)) != getarraysize(getarg(1))) ||(getarraysize(getarg(0)) != getarraysize(2)) || (getarraysize(0)) != getarraysize(3))){
        debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: An error is occurupted";
        debugmes "[Function arguments]: Function arguments are empty or to short.";
        debugmes "[Array sizes]: Maps:"+getarraysize(getarg(0))+" - Items:"+getarraysize(getarg(1))+" - Amounts:"+getarraysize(getarg(2))+" - Chances:"+getarg(3);
        debugmes "[Function arguments]: Maps:"+getarg(0)+" - Items:"+getarg(1)+" - Amounts:"+getarg(2)+" - Chances:"+getarg(3);
        return 0;
    } else {
        for(.@i,0; getarraysize(getarg(0); .@i++){
            if(rand(1,1000) <= (getarraysize(getarg(3))-1)){
                debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: The player doesnt get item because hes an unlucky player";
                if(strcharinfo(3) == getarg(0)[.@i])
                    getitem getarg(1)[.@i],getarg(2)[.@i];
                return 1;
            return 2;
        set .retval,callfunc ("F_GetItemByMap",$#maps$,$#items,$#item_amounts);
        //You can debug if it causes error or not
        if(.retval == 1)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Works fine! Player get item."
        else if(.retval == 2)
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Works fine! Player is unlucky and get no item."
            debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: Causes in errors. Debug logs below!"
        setarray $#maps$[0],"prontera","alberta","izlude";
        serarray $#items[0],501,4012,512;
        setarray $#item_amounts[0],100,1,5;
        setarray $#item_chance[0],1000,500,800;//Chance begins by 0.1 percentage. 1 = 0.1 and 1000 = 100 percent
    function    script    F_GetItemByMap    {
    if(((!getarg(0) || !getarg(1) || !getarg(2))) || ((getarraysize(getarg(0)) != getarraysize(getarg(1))) ||(getarraysize(getarg(0)) != getarraysize(2)) || (getarraysize(0)) != getarraysize(3))){
        debugmes "[F_Inarray]: Function arguments are empty or to short.";
        debugmes "[Array sizes]: Maps:"+getarraysize(getarg(0))+" - Items:"+getarraysize(getarg(1))+" - Amounts:"+getarraysize(getarg(2))+" - Chances:"+getarg(3);
        debugmes "[Function arrguments]: Maps:"+getarg(0)+" - Items:"+getarg(1)+" - Amounts:"+getarg(2)+" - Chances:"+getarg(3);
        return 0;
    } else {
        for(.@i,0; getarraysize(getarg(0); .@i++){
            if(rand(1,1000) <= (getarraysize(getarg(3))-1)){
                debugmes "[F_GetItemByMap]: The player doesnt get item because hes an unlucky player";
                if(strcharinfo(3) == getarg(0)[.@i])
                    getitem getarg(1)[.@i],getarg(2)[.@i];
                return 1;
            return 2;




    gave error


  10. Hey guys, I would like to know if there is a way to make all monsters drop a certain item with drop percentage, without putting it in drop one by one in mob_db I would also like to know if you can only put it on certain example maps lhz_dun03 all monsters from lhz drop this item and other maps do not


    I am using hexed 2017 here with Kro plus I would like to know which hexed most updated to use it with the BRO, if I am not mistaken from certain hexed 2015 the use of KRO is required, have some hexed 2015 stable or superior that works with Bro in the Kro?

  12. Hello I was kind of outdated ragnarok and I want a lot of use rAthena eAmod emulator available on github




    as well I wanted to know about the patch see in Brazilian forums here in rathena people talking that needs to add patches to the emulator , could someone explain me what is this?


    How it works? is mandatory to add ?


    else I already used this emulator other times and he always gave the same bug appears negative status


    already posted here but no one managed to solve




    I need to add some patch? someone uses this emulator and the same thing happens ?


  13. 5383,Hunting_Cap,Hunter's Cap,4,20,,250,,3,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,1,1,389,{ if(BaseLevel=1) { bonus bMaxHP,1000; bonus bMaxSP,200; }  bonus bLuk,1; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,10; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,5; },{},{}


    Hmmm could only find this error. If you want to do a comparison you have to do == instead of =.

    more not only say this item, all other times of this bug that appears negative

  14. look is not only an item 1 or whatever (HUNTING HAT) Several items are with this problem, see for yourself the sinx image, it is using normal items without any change and this is occurring.


    olha não é só 1 um item ou seja o (CHAPÈU DE CAÇA) Vários itens estão com esse problema, veja você mesmo a imagem do sinx, ele está usando itens normais sem qualquer tipo de alteração e está ocorrendo isso.

  15. Does this still happen when they have nothing equipped? Any status changes?




    well looks'm just it normal when I use a device such hunting hat

    bem olha só estou com ele normal, quando eu uso um equipamento exemplo Chapéu de caça



    removo o equipamento, e depois coloco ele de novo


    remove the device, and then put it back




    dou @go e volta normal novamente

    dou @go normal and back again

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